Search Results | Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
Searching for Subject: Personal papers

- Adams, Charles Francis (1857-1893). Diary, 1884-1887
- Amherst, Sir Jeffrey. Papers and Letters, 1759-1764
- Anderson, Richard Clough. Papers, Ohio Manuscripts, 1782-1905, 1912-1914
- Anderson, Robert (1805-71). Letters, 1861
- Applebee, Benjamin. Journal, Letters, and Notes, 1857-1895
- Ardry, Robert G. Diary, 1864-65
- Armour, Philip D. (1832-1901). Correspondence, 1890-1900
- Armstrong, James and Robert. Letters, 1834-1845
- Arnold, Lee Ann. Letter, 1933
- Atherton, Rufus. Letters, 1862-1865
- Atkinson, Jacob. Letter, 1846
- Atwater, Elizabeth Emerson. Record Book, 1847-1876
- Atwood, John. Collection, 1869-1889
- Avery, Phineas Orlando. Diary and Correspondence, 1861-64
- Ayars, James S. Papers, 1863-1864, 1911-1985
- Babb, Thomas (1841-1915). Diaries and Notes, 1905-1912
- Bailey Family. Letters, 1855-1889
- Baird, Samuel John (1817-1893). Correspondence, 1861-63
- Baker-Busey-Dunlap Family. Papers, 1866-1933
- Baldridge, Henry W. Papers, 1875-1897
- Ball, William. Slave Bill Of Sale, 1803
- Bancroft-Bliss Families. Papers, 1861-1865
- Barnes, Jacob H. Correspondence, Bills, Receipts, and Legal Documents, 1850-1898
- Barrett, George. Papers, 1854-1872
- Barrett, Oliver R. Papers, 1933-1952
- Barstow, Wilson. Papers, 1861-1864
- Bartels, Louis. Letter, 1919
- Bartley, Samuel (1828-1909). Correspondence, 1857-90
- Bassett, Mark M., and John G. Reckord Papers, 1863-1865, 1944
- Bates, Erastus Newton (1828-1898). Letters and Other Materials, 1862-1904
- Belote, James L. (1833-63). Letters, 1862-1863
- Belting, Natalia M. Collection, 1954, 1976-1986
- Berdahl, Clarence A. Papers, 1943-1971
- Besaucon, Octave (d. 1905). Papers, 1851-1897
- Birkbeck, Morris (1764-1825). Papers, 1774, 1805-1825
- Blair and Rives. Papers and Letters, 1860-1861
- Bliss, Neziah Wright (1826-1910). Ledger Book, 1854-1862
- Bloxham, Alfred. Letters, 1843-1847
- Boden, John Ridgway. Reminiscence, 1863-1865
- Bonar, Sue. Letter, 1865
- Bostwick, Alanson. Journal, 1839-1841
- Boyd, Horatio Nelson. Diary, 1864
- Boyle, John. Letter, 1848
- Bracken, William. Papers, 1865, 1902
- Brannon, Mildred J., Photographs and Papers, 1988-1990
- Bridge, Sereno. Letters, 1861-62
- Brisbane, Albert. Papers, 1830-1832, 1840-1936
- Bromwell, Henry Pelham Holmes (1823-1903). Letters And Papers, 1862-1866
- Brooks, Francis J. Papers, 1876-1979
- Brown, Bob. Research Collection on Communitarian Colonies, 1919-1942
- Brown, William H. Business Records and Correspondence, 1882-1901
- Browning, Orville Hickman. Papers, 1829-1887, 1920-1935
- Bryant, Arthur (1803-82). Letter, 1830
- Busch, Alvina. Art History Book, 1888
- Campbell, Lewis. "Travels to California" Typescript, 1849-1850
- Cannon, Joseph Gurney. Photo Album and Book, 1898-1909
- Carlton, David Dudley. War Records, Reminiscences, and Photographs, 1861-1865, 1915, 1947, 1974
- Carmichael, James. Manuscript, 1924-1932
- Carr, Mildred E. Journal, 1907-1908
- Carriel, Mary Turner and Henry Frost Papers, 1853-1927
- Carroll, C. M. Receipt, 1866
- Catlin, Jonathan A. Collection, 1860-1883
- Chadwick, Harry W. (b. 1857). Letter, 1918
- Chamberlain, Samuel E. (1829-1908). Manuscript, 1846
- Charles, Fred L. Papers, 1884-1911
- Chase, Sophia May. Letter, 1840
- Chase, George W., Papers, 1841-1861
- Childress, George L. Diaries, 1862-1865
- Chiniquy, Charles. Collection, 1876-1909
- Clabaugh, Charles Wesley. Papers, 1946-1975
- Clark, Jacob (b. 1814). Letter, 1846
- Cleary, Frank A. Papers, 1911-1935
- Clemans, William (1847-1934). Memoirs, 1863-1865
- Clinton, DeWitt (1769-1828). Letters, 1823-1824
- Coale, Benjamin. Record Book, 1845-1858
- Cohen, Sol B. Papers, 1870-1988
- Collins, Elizabeth Witt. Letter, 1850
- Cook Book, Early 20th Century
- Corliss, Carlton J. Papers, 1836-1865, 1928-1945
- Crabbs, Clarence Lincoln. Letters, 1886-1935
- Crain, William, Rev. Correspondence, Financial Records, and Other Materials, 1829-1859
- Crawford, George T., Papers, 1837
- Crippin, Edward W. (d. 1863). Diary, 1861-63
- Croghan, George (d. 1782). Letter, 1768
- Culmann, Karl (1821-81). Travel Account, 1850
- Cunningham, Joseph O. Interview, 1914
- Currie, Mrs H. S., Kaskaskia Sketches, circa 1865
- Curtis, Lathrop W. Letter, 1835
- Curtis, James Burrill. Letters, 1842-1843
- Dalbey, Teresa. Composition Book and Family Biography, 1859-1864
- Darnall, M. D. Letter, 1847
- Dayton, William C. Letters And Papers, 1887-1894
- Deliette, Sieur Pierre. Paper, 1721
- Deming, Minor and Abigail. Correspondence, 1826-1849
- Denison, George Stanton. Letters, 1860-1865
- Dennis, Stephen. Letter, 1850
- Dickerson, Joshua. Letters, 1861-1865
- Downs, William R. Diary And Notes, 1845-65
- Dunaway, William E. Papers, 1862-1865
- Duncan, Joseph. Record Book, 1834-1841
- Durfee, George. Correspondence and Papers, 1861-1901
- Dwight, John Sullivan. Correspondence, 1840-1850
- Eames Family. Letters, 1837-1868
- Earlidge, James. Letter and Document, 1843
- Edwards, Ninian (1775-1833). Papers, 1799-1880
- Eller, Mary E. Pension, 1894, 1917, 1920
- Ellet, Charles, Jr. (1810-1862), 1839-1929
- Elston, Daniel. Papers, 1833-1852
- Ermentrout, Arie Kenney. Genealogy, 1971
- Fansler, Thomas. Memoirs, 1938
- Feighner, Francis L. Document, 1864
- Fell, Jesse W. Papers, 1829-1911
- Feltes, Joseph P. Collection, 1918-1919
- Field, Eleanor. Correspondence, 1837-1839
- Field, Washington H. School Books And Papers, 1828-1833
- First, H. C. Letter, 1918
- Fisher, Walter Lowrie. Autobiography, 1932
- Flanegan Family. Papers, 1832-1893
- Fleming, William. Diary, 1864-65
- Follet, Calvin, and Jane Rounds. Correspondence, 1852-82
- Forbes, Henry C. Papers, 1865-1955
- Forbes, Stephen Alfred. Papers, 1830-1992
- Ford, B. Letter, 1836
- Franklin, Benjamin. Correspondence, 1763-1784
- French, Alvin. Papers, 1856-1864
- Fulton, James Alexander (1822-95). Journal, 1854-55
- Funk, Henry W. Letters, 1862-1900
- Gage, General Thomas. Papers and Correspondence, 1759-1778
- Galloway, Joseph (1731-1803) and Grace Growden (1731-89). Papers, 1756-83
- Gault, James B. Correspondence, 1893-1902
- Gibson, Eva Katharine Clapp (1857-1916). Correspondence, Poems, Stories, Scrapbook of Clippings, 1880-1905
- Giddings, Joshua Reed (1795-1864). Correspondence, 1846-48
- Gilchrist, R. J. B., Letter, 1826
- Godwin, Parke (1816-1904). Papers, 1844-93
- Goodrich, David. Letter, 1838
- Gordon, Lucien Winslow. Letter and Map, 1925
- Graebel Scrapbook Collection, 1840-1893
- Grahn, Wilhelm Julius. Diary and Note, 1870-1873, 1965
- Grant, Elijah P. (1808-1874). Papers, 1843-1848
- Grant, Joel. Letter, 1846
- Grant, Ulysses S. (1822-1885). Papers, 1863-1873
- Graves, James A. Letter, 1844
- Greeley, Horace (1811-1872). Correspondence, 1842-1862
- Greenough, Ogden. Papers, 1858-1864, 1903, 1935-1940
- Grimke, Sarah Moore. Papers, 1856-1861
- Grow, David T. Letters, 1864-1865
- Gulick, Louise Elizabeth. Collection, 1935-1960
- Gulley, Roy Arbi. Diary, 1925-1944
- Hallowell, Robert Christy (b. 1834). Diary and Business Records, 1864-1892
- Hamilton, Charles Smith. Papers, 1842-1886
- Hamilton, Henry (d. 1796). Journal, 1778-1779
- Hamlin, Hannibal (1809-1891). Letters, 1860-1865
- Hammond, Robert, Sr. Correspondence and other materials, 1867-1921
- Hand, Joseph. Papers, 1803-1905
- Hansen, Kathryn G., Collection, 1881-2005
- Harper, James. Letters, 1848
- Haskins, George Henry. Personal and Business Records, 1881-1931
- Hatch, John Porter. Letters, 1861-1863
- Hayes, Samuel J. (1804-1841). Letter, 1837
- Hays, James Wellen (b. 1848). Notebooks, Record Book, Photograph, 1865-1900
- Hays, Norris. Letter, 1844
- Headen, Walter C. Papers, 1849-1934
- Heffelfinger, Andrew W. Papers, 1865, 1928
- Henderson, Hugh. Papers, 1837-1870
- Hereford, Francis. Letters, 1842-1843
- Herndon, William H., and Theodore Parker. Correspondence, 1854-1859
- Herndon, William H., to Mr. Graff. Letter, 1882
- Hewerdine, Thomas Sloan. Family Record and Historical Sketch, 1870-1939
- Hewett, Edwin Crawford. Correspondence, 1861-1864
- Heywood, Thomas (1820-68). Journal and Advertisement, 1856-65
- Hiller, C. H. Letter, 1918
- Hinch, Benjamin P. Correspondence, 1850-1858
- Hinman, O. Batson Papers, 1898-1899
- Hinrichs, Gustavus D. (1836-1923). Papers, 1842-1917
- Hinsey, Clarence. Letters, 1898-1899
- Hoch, John. Diary, 1862-1865
- Hodgson, Olga Soderstrom. "Life of Reuben Soderstrom"
- Hook, Cornelius S., Jr. Correspondence, 1850-1865
- Horner, Harlan Hoyt, and Henrietta Calhoun Horner. Papers, 1865-1968
- Houghton, Rhesa C. (b. 1843). Letters, 1862-71
- House Family. Correspondence, 1842-57
- Hubbell, Philo P., Militia Commission, 1820
- Humiston, Linus (b. 1825). Letters, 1848-1850
- Hurd, Jay Montgomery (b. 1809). Memoirs, 1809-1874
- Hurlbut, Stephen Augustus (1815-82). Papers, 1871
- Huston, Luther. Account Book, 1845-61
- Hutchins, Thomas (1730-89). Papers, 1750-89
- Hutchinson, Phebe Jane Morrison (1854-1931). Memoir, 1930
- Icarian Community. Marriage Record, 1853
- Ingersoll, Henrietta Crosby. Correspondence, 1862-1865
- Inman, Hiram. Letter, 1845
- Irvin, Benjamin Franklin. Correspondence, 1862
- Jackson, James. Land Records, 1822
- Jameson, Robert Edwin. Letters, 1860-1862
- Jenison, Edward H. Papers, 1943-1945
- Jennings, John. Journal, 1766-1768
- Jervis, Kate. Letter, 1891
- Jewett, George O. Letters, 1863-1865
- Johnson, John Lee. Papers, 1964-2009
- Johnson, William S. Letter, 1864 and 1897
- Johnston, Harriet Lane (1830-1903). Letters, 1861-1864
- Jones, Tighlman Howard. Papers, 1861-1864
- Jordan, Elijah. Papers, 1899-1962
- Joyes, Thomas. Diary and Notes, 1816-1817
- Keasling, Emmor L. Papers, 1918
- Kellogg, Achsah and P. H. Letters, 1844, 1846
- King, Margaret A. Correspondence, 1864
- Kinnear, A. V. Diaries, 1849-51
- Kinzie and Forsyth. Indenture of Jeffrey Nash, 1804
- Kirby, Emmett. Papers, 1923-96
- Knight, Charles. Correspondence, 1798-1826
- Knott, William Ernest. Papers, 1881-1896
- Lamaster, Hugh L. family. Letters, 1858-1867
- Lamon, Ward Hill. Memorandum Book, 1870
- Lander, Edward P., Diary, 1863-64
- Landrum, Hawkins. Letter, 1841?
- Lang Family. Correspondence, Letters, 1940-41
- Larson, Laurence M., Papers, 1917-43
- Lavis, Peter. Letters, 1854-56
- Lawrence, William and Hattie. Correspondence, 1854-1880
- Leal, Clark. Letter, Jan. 8, 1837 [1838]
- Lienesch, George Washington. Collection of Political Ephemera and Other Materials, circa 1880-1893
- Lincoln Administration. Papers, 1841-1865, 1881
- Lincoln, Abraham. Letter to John E. Rosette, 1857
- Lincoln, Robert Todd. Correspondence on Diverse Topics, 1863-1918
- Lindsey, Martha M. Journal, 1837-1890
- Linton, G. A. Letters, 1881
- Lippincott, Thomas, and George Churchill. Papers, 1860-1865
- Littell, John B. Memoirs, 1911-1914
- Little, Henry G. Papers, 1836-1900
- Lodge, Henry Cabot. Letter, 1922
- Lodge, William E. Collection, 1856-1918
- Logan, John Alexander. Letter, 1880
- Long, Stephen Harriman. Financial Records, 1852-1862
- Lorimer, William. Papers, 1893-1953
- Love, Samuel Sharon. Diary, Account Book, Land Warrant, Certificate, 1850-74
- Lovejoy, Owen. Letter, 1860
- MacDonald, Donald. Diaries, 1824-26
- Maclure, William, and Marie D. Fretageot. Correspondence, 1820-33
- Madison, James. Letter, 1796
- Maltby, Charles. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1878-1879
- Mangan, Fr. Martin. Papers, 1930s-2010
- Marsh, Cutting. Papers, 1834
- Martin, Thusenelda Gross. Papers, 1889-1978
- Mason, Walter A. Collection, 1898-1918
- Mason, William Ernest. Letter, 1911
- Mather, Thomas. Letters, 1820, 1826
- May, Edwin. Papers, 1862-1924
- McCollum, Dannel Angus. Papers, 1919-2016
- McCormick, Cyrus. Papers, 1868-1884
- McGlynn, Edward. Letters, 1861-65
- McKinley, William Brown. Papers, 1904-2000
- McLain, Michael C. Contract, 1868
- McLean County, Ill., Martin Township School District No. 4. Papers, 1869-92
- Menard, Pierre. Papers, 1741-1910
- Merras, Elizabeth. Letter, 1861
- Messinger, John (1771-1846). Papers, 1799-1846, 1860, 1936
- Mills, Abel. Papers, 1836-1919
- Milner, Duncan Chambers (1841-1928). Papers, circa 1780 and 1850-1959
- Mitchell, William (d. 1849). Letter, 1840
- Moore, Harlan E. Collection, 1931-2004
- Morgan, George. Papers, 1766-1826, 1907-1957
- Morgan, Thomas J., and Elizabeth Chambers. Papers, 1878-1912
- Morris, Emma. Letters, 1900
- Morris, Johnson. Statement, July 5, 1892
- Morrison, Ella Horine (d. 1904). Letters, 1891
- Mowder, Louisa. Album, 1857-1903
- Mozley, Henry Richard. Letters, 1862-1863, 1867
- Munroe, Thomas (1807-1891). Papers, 1832-1894
- Needham, Patrick R. Letters, 1864-1865
- Neef, Francis Joseph Nicholas (1770-1854). Papers, 1799-1849
- Neill, Edward Duffield (1823-1893). Correspondence, 1848
- Nettleton, Daniel M. Papers, 1861-1864
- Newlin, William Henry (b. 1842). Reminiscence, 1907
- Obenchain, Francis G. Papers, 1902-1904, 1923
- O'Harrow, John. Letter, 1837
- Orme, William W. and David Davis Papers, 1852-1894
- Orvis, Marianne Dwight (1816-1901). Letters, 1843-47
- Osman, William. Letters, Letterbook, and Diary, 1826-1946, 1993-1994, 2003
- Owen, Richard. Papers, 1836-1888
- Owen, Robert Dale. Papers, 1831-1873
- Owen, Robert. Papers, 1815-1858
- Parker, Aletta L. Letter, Dec. 3, 1917
- Parmalee, Rexford Clark. Wedding Service, 1935
- Pease, Theodore Calvin. Papers, 1903-1948
- Pepper, William A. (b. 1831). Papers, 1862-1865
- Perkins, Frederick Wainwright. Papers, 1882-1934
- Petrie, John. Letters, 1838
- Phillips, J. W. Records, 1863-1876
- Phillips, John Van Cleve. Papers, 1855-1890, 1926
- Piatt, James A. Papers, 1815-1842, 1856, 1872-1873
- Pierson, Charles. Diaries, 1857-1864
- Pike, Robert, Jr. Letter, 1846
- Pinkerton Family. Letters and Papers, 1922-1969
- Pond, Faytima A. Student Album on Illinois Places, 1926
- Prickett, John A. (1822-97). Papers, 1846-51
- Raikes, Nellie. Letters, 1940-1941
- Randall, James G. Papers, 1891-2000
- Randall, Ruth Painter. Papers, 1954-1965
- Raum, John. Letters, 1832-1856
- Reed, Benjamin Franklin. Papers, 1861-1863
- Reed, Joseph F. Letters, 1829-1843
- Reeves, Montraville. Papers, 1863
- Rice, Edwin (1820-1883). Diaries, 1859-1865
- Ripley, George (1802-1880). Papers, 1837-1880
- Robinson, Sidney Z. (1834-1893). Letters, 1862-1865
- Rogers, Joseph Blackburn. Papers, 1898-1976
- Rosswurm, Steve. Staley Workers Solidarity Collection, 1993-1995
- Rothschild, Alonzo. Papers, 1880-1919
- Rutherford, Cyrus. Papers, 1875-1909, 1941-1945
- Rutherford, Hiram. Papers, 1815-1898
- Satterlee, Jerome B. Correspondence, 1861-1865
- Sayer, Martha. Exercise Book, 1796
- Schilling, George (1850-1936). Interview, undated
- Scott, Matthew Thompson (1828-1891). Papers, 1852-1861
- Scripps, William Arminger (1772-1851). Diary Extracts, 1833
- Seaberg, Hal. Travelogues and Correspondence, 1939-1942
- Seaman, Louis Livingston. Collection, 1869-1932
- Sewell, Arthur E. Baseball Scrapbook and Photographs, 1909-1915
- Shaffstall, Adam. Letters, 1862-1863
- Shattuck, Noah. Records, 1814-1856
- Shively, Solomon. Diary and Ephemera, 1864
- Shubert, Esther Marian. Lincoln Bibliography, 1938
- Simonin, Amedee H. (b. 1822). Papers, 1855-1856, 1868
- Sitherwood, Frances Grimes. Scrapbook, Certificates, References, 1884-1937
- Smith, John M. (1885-1971). Interview, 1969
- Smith, Robert (1802-1867). Papers, 1836, 1842
- Sprague, Paul E. Papers, 1971-1982
- Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Scrapbook, 1854-1856
- Starkey, Wilbur F. Peru, Ill., History and Photographs, 1935-1958
- Sterling, George. Letter on Ambrose Bierce and Mark Twain, 1919
- Stevens, John J. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and early Logan County, Ill., 1926
- Stewart, Harvey William. Letters, 1864-1876
- Stoutenbugh, David. Letter, 1849
- Sutton, Ann McKinney. Certificates, 1869-1871
- Sweringen, Charles Towar. Letter, 1846
- Taft, Lorado. Letters, 1913-1923
- Tanner, Sara Jane. Journal and photographs, 1874
- Tate, Robert Nicholson (1804-1886). Autobiography and Diary, 1804-1871
- Tawney, Marietta Busey. Papers, 1927-1949
- Taylor, John Young. Album of a Traveling Salesman in Illinois, 1913
- Teague, W. F. Letter, 1893
- Thomas, Charles G. Letter, c. 1849
- Thomas, Hezekiah R. Diary, Muster Roll, 1862-1863
- Thomas, John R. Letter, 1865
- Thomas, Samuel Kinney. Papers, 1846-1847
- Thomas, William (1802-1889). Reminiscences, 1877
- Thompson, Charles M. Collection, 1831-1920
- Thomson-Wise Collection. Ledgers, Photographs, 1858-1947
- Throop, George Addison (1810-1849). Letters, 1843-1845
- Thumb, George W. Diary, 1862-1864
- Tillson, John, Jr. (1796-1853). Letter, 1827
- Tinkham, Charles Johnston (1825-1891). Notebook, Receipts, 1856, 1865
- Todd, David, and Charlotte Farnsworth. Letters, 1846-1874
- Torrey, Daniel. Papers, 1832-1869
- Toy, Thomas D. Papers, 1864-1926
- Turner, Fred H. Wood Block Prints, 1946-1974
- Turner, Jonathan Baldwin. Papers, 1823-1924
- Underwood, Robert C. Papers, 1937-1984
- Underwood-Ferguson Collection. Correspondence, 1918
- Urbana Association of Commerce. Records, 1914-1935
- Usher, John P. (1816-1889). Letter, 1865
- Van Sellar, Henry and Sallie Pattison. Correspondence, 1860-1892
- Victor, Paul F., Sr. Papers, 1918-2015
- Volk, Leonard and Douglas. Collection, 1872-1953
- Wade, Douglas E. Papers, 1925-1991
- Walker, Helen. Scrapbook, 1878-1889
- Walker, John Hunter. Papers, 1910-1955
- Walton, Thomas William. Survey of Home Missions in Illinois, c.1914
- Warner, Edward B. (1826-1890). Papers, 1858-1869
- Watson, William Walcott "Buck." Papers, 1875-1930
- Watson, James G. Letters, 1861-1864
- Webb, William W. Letters, 1853
- Webber, William T. Papers, 1830-1837
- Webber, Thomson R. Papers, 1828-1881
- Weiss, Remigens. Essays, ca. 1840s
- Wells, Joseph B. (d. 1856). Letter, 1841
- Wentworth, John. Letter, 1800
- Wesson, Silas Dexter. Collection, 1861-1865
- Wheeler, Christopher A. Diaries, 1870-1878
- Wiggin, James Henry (1836-1900). Diary, 1865
- Wild, Frederick S., Papers and Correspondence, 1878-1905
- Wiley, Benjamin Ladd. Diary, 1847
- Williams, Wesley. Letters, 1839-1870
- Williams, Delores. Papers, circa 1930s
- Williams-Woodbury Papers, 1819-1937
- Willson, William. Legal Pleading, 1842
- Wilson, Wilbur M., Papers, 1898-1961
- Winter, A. E. Letter, 1847
- Withrow, James Edgar. Diary, 1863-1864
- Wood, Harlington, Jr. Papers, 1910-2004
- Wright, J. C. Letter, 1820
- Yerkes, Hiram. Papers, 1862-1865
- York Family. Correspondence and Ephemera, 1855-1955
- Zech, Ralph W. Papers, 1960-1979
- Ziegler, Grace M. Collection, 1953-1974
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