Please note that due to the Ottoman Empire’s restrictions on printed materials before the 18th century, the record of printed materials in Turkey begins around 1728. The sources on this page are limited primarily to those that describe printed materials. A resource page on manuscript materials is in preparation.
![An ancient and rare manuscript composed of 272 leaves made of deer skin from the collection of the Turkish National Library](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/koran-300x170.jpg)
Table of Contents
Eski harfli Türkçe basma eserler bibliografyasi 1584-1986.
The bibliography of Turkish works printed in non-Latin (Arabic, Armenian and Greek characters) 1584-1986 CD.
- Publication: Milli Kütüphane (Turkey); Nüvis Beseri Arastirmalar ve Yayincilik Ltd. Sti. 2001
- OCLC: 49790744
Eski Harfli Basma Türkçe Eserler Bibliyografyasi is prepared by Nüvis Beseri Araþtirmalar ve Yayincilik Ltd. Sti. for National Library of Turkey. The bibliography includes 50,760 bibliographical records for Turkish printed materials published between 1584-1986 in Arabic, Armenian and Greek characters.
The work was compiled in two stages. Apart from previously published bibliographies on the subject a wide range of archives was also examined, primarily from the major library collections such as the National Library of Turkey. The titles of the bibliographic sources and the abbreviations used in these bibliographies can be accessed by clicking the help button.
The search interface, pictured below, is fairly intuitive for the researcher. A user manual is available online. Searches are available in English and Turkish. There is a direct link to records in the Turkish National Library. There are also provisions for various date formats.
![Eski Harfli Basma Türkçe Eserler Bibliyografyasi Search Box](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/eskiharfli2no1.jpg)
Istanbul Universitesi Kütüphanesi Türkçe basmalar alfabe katalogu: memleketimizde ilk Türk matbaasinin kurulusundan yeni harflerin kabulüne kadar (1729-1928)
- Publication: Fehmi Edhem Karatay, 1956
- UIUC: Main Stacks 017.1561 Is71v.1; 017.1561 Is71v.2
This alphabetical catalog, published by Istanbul Technical University, is comprised of Turkish printed materials published between 1729 (the year the first printing house was established in the Ottoman Empire) and 1928 (the year of the language revolution/reform – dil devrimi ). The catalog consists of Turkish and foreign materials housed in Istanbul Technical University Library and books and catalogues about Turkish literature published in Europe.
The catalog is arranged alphabetically by author. Entries with no indication of author are arranged by translator.
The bibliography includes two indexes:
- Title index. Titles are arranged in alphabetical order in Arabic Script
- Subject index. The subjects are arranged alphabetically. These include: anonymous folk tales, periodicals, newspapers, statistics, constitutions, field manuals, annuals, calendars.
Bibliyografya Enstitüsü yay ınları; Turkey. 1952-2002.
- Language: Turkish
- Call Number: 059.43 AN
- UIUC: 1952-1976
- URL:
As with most national bibliographies, this source has evolved from its earliest publication until today. The materials, their arrangement and their access, have all changed over the years. For a table showing these changes see the table at
For those who need to use this source in detail the table will be extremely valuable.
The National Bibliography of Turkey includes all publications issued in Turkey, in Turkish and foreign languages, by Turkish and foreign authors. It was published by the Ministry of Education until 1954. Since 1954, it has been published by the Turkish National Library.
UIUC library has the printed “National Bibliography of Turkey” volumes from 1928 to 1976.
As with most national bibliographies, this source has undergone an evolution from its earliest publication until today.
The National Bibliography of Turkey, for 1928 to 1938, is comprised of 2 volumes:
- Volume I– Resmi Nesriyat (Official Publications)
- contains author and title indexes.
- has 7445 entries.
- Volume II– Hususi Nesriyat (Private Publications)
- contains only an author index.
- has 8618 entries on the subjects listed below:
- 0 – Umumiyat/General
- 1 – Felsefe/Philosophy
- 2 – Dinler/Religions
- 3 – Sosyal ilimler/Social sciences
- 4 – Filoloji/Philology
- 5 – Tatbiki ilimler/Applied sciences
- 6 – Guzel Sanatlar/Fine Arts
- 7 – Edebiyat/Literature
- 8 – Tarih/History
The entries shown above are typical of the information provided in the bibliography. Note that the second entry provides information on an excerpt from a larger publication.
In both volumes, entries are arranged alphabetically by author within each subject section.
Entries without an author are arranged by title.
![Sample Record in Bibliyografya Enstitüsü](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/sampleentry1928no3.jpg)
Türkiye bibliyografyasi 1939-1948
- UIUC Main Stacks Call Number: 015.56 T8473
The National Bibliography of Turkey, for 1939 to 1948, is comprised of 3 volumes:
- Volume I
- 0 – Umumiyat/General
- 1 – Felsefe/Philosophy
- 2 – Dinler/Religions
- 3 – Sosyal ilimler/Social sciences
- 4 – Filoloji/Philology
- Volume II
- 5 – Nazari ilimler/Theoretical sciences
- 6 – Tatbiki ilimler/Applied sciences
- 7 – Guzel Sanatlar/Fine Arts
- 8 – Edebiyat/Literature
- 9 – Tarih, Cografya, Biyografya/History, Geography, Biography, -risaleler/Brochures, -yabanci dillerde yayinlar/publications in foreign languages
- Volume III – Indexes
- – by authors, translators
- – by corporate authors
- – by title
- – by periodicals (newspapers, journals, annuals, almanacs, and calendars)
- – by maps, atlases, plans
In general, the bibliography is arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification rules.
However, some changes were made to the Dewey classifications to accommodate works on Turkish philology and Turkish literature. Entries are arranged chronologically/alphabetically within each subject section.
Indexes are arranged alphabetically. Titles starting with numbers are arranged alphabetically.
![Example Entry in Türkiye bibliyografyasi](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/turkdeweyno4.jpg)
Türkiye bibliyoğrafyası / Türkiye Cumuriyeti Kültür Bakanlığı, Basma Yazı ve Resimleri Derleme Direktörlüğü 1939-1976
- UIUC Main Stacks Call Number: 015.56 T847
Titles starting with numbers are listed alphabetically in Turkish. Off-prints are included.
The following entry is for an extract from a larger work. There are many such entries included in the bibliography.
The example is extracted from Turkiye Bibliyografyasi, Subat 1944 (Bibliography of Turkey, February 1944).
Beginning in 1953, the periodicals have been listed in subject sections and also in a separate index. Earlier, they were listed in a “general” section and in their subject sections. The inclusion of the separate periodical index after 1953 greatly facilitated the identification of periodicals.
Starting in 1959, the Dewey Decimal System has been described in the preface as the cataloguing system used by the National Library.
![Example entry in Türkiye Cumuriyeti Kültür Bakanlığı](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/excerptno6.jpg)
From 1976
The University of Illinois lacks the printed volumes issued after 1976. However, there was no gap in the continuing publication of the bibliography.
The catalog continues to be issued and is now available in electronic form. The National Biblography has been produced in CD format monthly since 2003. An annual compilation and index are also being issued. The CD allows for both English and Turkish language searching.
There are a number of search options available and the interface is really self-explanatory. There are five access points in the bibliography: title, author, publisher, series and subject. Search results can be displayed in a number of different formats.
![CD ROM Main Menu](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/turkishbibcd2004no5.jpg)
Searching in the Turkish National Library OPAC
The online catalog site is still under construction though it is quite searchable at most times. At present, descriptive information of the contents of the catalog is not available. In 2003 the OPAC contained over 650,000 records from the collection of over 1,026,689 items. There is a separate catalog at the website for the library’s extensive manuscript collection.
A number of databases are available from the library’s main page including a database of articles, another for manuscripts and still another for ebooks (the latter for affiliated users only)
To access the OPAC click “Online Taramalar.”
There are several catalogs available at this site:
- Katalog Tarama – General catalog of books and periodicals
- Makale Tarama – Article citations (1995-)
- Turkiye Yazmalari Katalogu – Turkish manuscript catalog
- Ebrary Elektronik Kitap – Ebooks (affiliated users only)
![Turklish National Library OPAC Banner](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/natbibbannerno10.jpg)
![Turklish National Library OPAC Catalog Selection Menu](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/turkcatoptionno11.jpg)
Katalog Tarama (catalog search)
Both the English and Turkish interfaces offer a variety of search options. However, there are some differences between the two that should be noted.
Initially the user is given a choice of languages for the interface as well as a choice of languge for the records.
The English interface is clear and very simple to navigate. The “Multi-base Search” allows the user to look for materials at selected institutions outside of Turkey.
The search options in Turkish and English vary. Both languages allow for Basic and Advanced Searches. These two options include: title words, exact title, author, subject, publisher, ISSN/ISBN, call number, or system number. Searches can be limited to date, language, format or location. The table below shows the most important distinctions between the English and Turkish interfaces.
Search Options | English | Turkish |
Basic/Advanced Search Indexes | Yes | Yes |
Multi-Field Search | Yes | Yes |
Multi-Base Search | Yes | Yes |
Common Command Language | Yes | No |
Alphabetical Search | No | Yes |
Material Search | No | Yes |
Alfabetik Arama (alphabetical search) [Under construction as of 2007-07-07]
Searching can be limited with various indexesincluding:
- Baslik Baslangici (by title)
- Yazar Baslangici (by author)
- Konu Baslangici (by subject)
- Çocuk Konulari (children’s literature)
- Dizi Baslangici (by serial title)
- Yayinci Baslangici (by publisher)
- Yeni Kayitlar (new entered records)
Search hints are included at the bottom of the page.
Birlik katalogu (alphabetical search of the Union Catalog)
The Union Catalog search can be extremely useful for those planning research trips to Turkey.
It should be noted that their web catalog, as of July 2007, was still being developed and undergoing a number of changes.