![Delailü'l-Hayrat ve Şevarükü'l-Envar. Ebu Abdullah Muhammed b. Süleyman el-Cuzuli (died 1465)](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/delailuel-hayrat-2.jpg)
Table of Contents
- Muhteva bakimindan basvekâlet arsivi / Archive of Basvekalet
- Basbakanlik Arsivi kilavuzu / A guidebook for Prime Ministry Archives
- al-Arshif al-‘Uthmani : fihris shamil li-wathaiq al-dawlah al-‘Uthmaniyah al-mahfuzah bi-Dar al-Wathaiq al-Tabi’ah li-Riasat al-Wuzara bi-Istanbul
- Basbakanlik Osmanli Arsivi rehberi / A Guidebook to Ottoman Archives
Online searching of Ottoman Archives
Other publications
- Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi katalogları rehberi
- Osmanli fermanlari / Ottoman fermans
- Eski harfli Türkçe basma eserler bibliografyasi 1584-1986 / The bibliography of Turkish works printed in non-Latin (Arabic, Armenian and Greek characters) 1584-1986
- Bibliography on manuscript libraries in Turkey and the publications on the manuscripts located in these libraries
- Die arabischen, persischen und türkischen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek zu Uppsala / The Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts in the Library of Uppsala University
- Die arabischen, persischen und türkischen handschriften der Kaiserlich-königlichen hofbibliothik zu Wien; im auftrage der vorgesetzten k. k. Behörde geordnet und beschrieben
Muhteva bakimindan basvekâlet arsivi
Archive of Basvekalet
- Author: Midhat Sertoglu
- Publication Date: 1955
- Publication: Ankara: Turk tarih kurumu basimevi
- Format: Book xv, 90 p.
- Language: Turkish
- Access: UIUC Call number: Oak Street Facility 011.31 SE68M
This guidebook, published by Ankara University “Faculty of Language, History, and Geography”, comprises of information about the records (defterler) in Ottoman Archives.
These records are mainly divided into 3 sections:
- Divan-ı Hümayun ve kalemleri (comprises of the records of Divan-ı Hümayun, the court which was in charge with any political, administrative, economical, military, and other cases.)
- Bab-ı Asafi ve kalemleri (comprises of the records of Bab-ı Asafi, the secondary court which was in charge with the transmitted cases from Divan-ı Hümayun.)
- Bab-ı Defteri ve kalemler (comprises of the records of Bab-ı Defteri, the institution which was in charge with all of the economical situation of the government.)
The guidebook lists all the records with information about record numbers, dates, and their contents.
There are 5 sections:
- Divan-ı Hümayun
- Bab-ı Asafi
- Bab-ı Defteri
- Arsivde halen mevcud olan tasnifler (classifications which are still in archives)
- Arsive ait diger hususlar (other classifications about archives)
![Divan. Turabi Baba, Hacı Ali (died. 25 August 1868)](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/divan.png)
Basbakanlik Arsivi kilavuzu / A guidebook for Prime Ministry Archives
- Author: A. Alâaddin Çetin
- Publication Date: 1979
- Publication:
- Istanbul : Enderun Kitabevi
- Access: UIUC call number: Oak Street Facility 320.9561 C338B
This guidebook, published by Enderun Bookstore, comprises information about the documents on the Ottoman Empire at the Prime Ministry Archives.
- 7 Sections:
- Materials open to researchers and their features
- Defter (record) series open to researchers
- Document groups open to researchers
- Other sections and materials in the archive
- Materials still in classification process and their features
- Other important archives and institutions holding materials on Ottoman Empire in Turkey
- Practical information for the users of the archive
- Bibliography used for this book is included.
- No index.
al-Arshif al-‘Uthmani: fihris shamil li-wathaiq al-dawlah al-‘Uthmaniyah al-mahfuzah bi-Dar al-Wathaiq al-Tabi’ah li-Riasat al-Wuzara bi-Istanbul
- Authors: Necati Aktas; Ismet Binark
- Publication Date: 1986
- Publication: Istanbul : Markaz al-Abhath lil-Tarikh wa-al-Funun wa-al-Thaqafah al-Islamiyah
- Format: Book 521 p. ; 25 cm.
- Language: Arabic
This bibliography, published by “Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA)”, comprises of Ottoman Archives in “Prime Ministry, General Directorate of State Archives”.
This Arabic-language guide to Ottoman archives was published for the member countries of IRCICA. Information about the organization of this guide will be added as it becomes available.
Information about the guidebooks for Ottoman Archives is available online at
Catalog searching in IRCICA Library is available online at http://library.ircica.org/.
![Simple Searching](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image003-1.jpg)
![Screenshot of Advanced Searching - 1](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image005-2.jpg)
![Screenshot of Advanced Searching - 2](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image007.jpg)
Basbakanlik Osmanli Arsivi rehberi
A Guidebook to Ottoman Archives
- Authors: Necati Aktas; Necati Gültepe; Mustafa Kaplan; Yusuf Ihsan Genç
- Publication Date: 2000
- Edition: 2. baski. (The first edition was published in 1992)
- Publication: Istanbul: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Arsivleri Genel Müdürlügü
- Format: Book lii, 558 p. ; 24 cm.
- Language: Turkish
- ISBN: 9751925274 9789751925275
- OCLC: 32167247
This guidebook, published by Prime Ministry “General Directorate of State Archives”, gives bibliographic information about Ottoman Archives. It also has explanations about archival materials. The sections are:
- Introduction. Ottoman State Organization (Osmanli Devlet Teskilati), Record Keeping, Ottoman Archives, and Classifications.
- I. Classifications of the records (defter) in Ottoman Archives.
- Information about records, which are the government documents, of “Divan-i Humayun”, Bab-i Asafi, Bab-i Ali, and Defterhane.
- II. Classifications of the documents in Ottoman Archives.
- III. Other materials in Ottoman Archives.
- Information about maps, designs, projects, albums, photographs, and existing newspaper collections.
- IV. General Directorate of the State Archives.
- Information about the regulations for the researchers.
- V. Catalogs.
- Catalog list of documents and records.
- VI. Terminology of the Ottoman Archives and Writing Types.
- Explanatory information about Ottoman archival terminology and writing types.
- Appendixes:
- a) Dynasty years of sultans and grand viziers
- b) Calendars from Kanuni to the collapse of Ottoman Empire
- c) Documents
- Bibliography.
- Index.
This edition is online at: http://www.devletarsivleri.gov.tr/source.cms.docs/devletarsivleri.gov.tr.ce/docs/Yayinlar/29_arsivrehber.pdf
Online searching of Ottoman Archives
Online searching for Republican and Ottoman Archives is available at http://www.devletarsivleri.gov.tr/. The website is in Turkish; English website is in process (2007-07-05). But when going for catalog searching (KATALOG TARAMA), English searching is available.
Screenshot of Access page to Katalog Tarama - Select “English and enter login information
- Username: uiuc_trp
- Password: slavic
Screenshot of Language Selection and Login Screen of Katalog Tarama - Catalog searching…
- by group name:
Screenshot illustrating search by group name in Katalog Tarama - by index name:
Screenshot illustrating search by index name in Katalog Tarama
- by group name:
Publications of General Directorate of State Archives
The publications of the General Directorate of State Archives are also listed at the website in Turkish (click on Yayinlar).
![Screenshot of access menu to publications of the General Directorate of State Archives](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image017.jpg)
Publications listed are:
- General Directorate (GENEL MUDURLUK YAYINLARI)
![Screenshot of listing of Publications of the General Directorate of State Archives](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image018.gif)
All are arranged chronologically by publication date. Some of the publications that are underlined on the list are online as well.
![Partial Screenshot of Entries under General Directorate (GENEL MUDURLUK YAYINLARI)](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image020.jpg)
![Excerpt of entries under Ottoman Archives (OSMANLI ARSIVI DAIRE BASKANLIGI YAYINLARI)](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image022.jpg)
![Excerpt of entries under Republican Archives (CUMHURIYET ARSIVI DAIRE BASKANLIGI YAYINLARI)](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image024.jpg)
![Excerpt of entries under RDocumentations (DOKUMANTASYON DAIRE BASKANLIGI YAYINLARI)](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image026.jpg)
![Umdetü'l-Hisab. Matrakçı Nasûh (Öl.1536)](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/umdetuel-hisab.png)
Other Publications
Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi katalogları rehberi
- Author: Ismet Binark
- Publication Date: 1995
- Publication: Ankara : T.C. Basbakanlık Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü
- Format: Book xxvii, 320 p. ; 24 cm.
- Language: Turkish
- ISBN: 9751912474 9789751912473
- OCLC: 34914624
This guidebook, published by General Directorate of Ottoman Archives, comprises of information about the catalogs and records (defterler) in Ottoman Archives. Preface gives information about what classifications had been done before this guidebook for the Ottoman Archives. There are annotations of these records and catalogs as well as charts explaining each document’s
- volume number (fon/cilt nu),
- classification code (Tasnif kodu),
- classification name (Tasnif adi),
- years in Mohammedan and Gregorian calendar (ihtiva ettigi yillar),
- explanations (Aciklamalar), and
- number of pages (Sayfa adedi).
Catalogs and records are arranged alphabetically by title. Combined index by title and subject is alphabetically arranged.
There is an appendix on
- a) the codes (abbreviations) used for Ottoman Archives.
- b) a table of all the sultans and grand viziers and their administration years (from the foundation to the corruption)
- c) the publications by General Directorate of State Archives, Ottoman Archives Unit, Republican Archives Unit, Documentation Unit (within each section, they are arranged chronologically)
Osmanli fermanlari
Ottoman fermans
- Authors: Ismet Binark; Necati Aktas
- Publication Date: 1994
- ISBN: 9751905850 9789751905857
- OCLC: 33290005
This bibliography, published by The General Directorate of the State Archives, comprises of selected manuscripts from Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives, which carry great historical and artistic value. These selected manuscripts about Ottoman Empire (1281-1922) are listed chronologically. In the bibliography, the earliest selected manuscript was written in 1575, and the last one was written in 1848. The information below is listed for each entry:
- Period
- Date
- Type of Script
- Size
- Imperial Cipher (Tugra) and Illumination
- Arrangement and Issuing
- Subject
- Repository
No index at the end, but there is a Glossary for some Ottoman words and a bibliography.
Eski harfli Türkçe basma eserler bibliografyasi 1584-1986
The bibliography of Turkish works printed in non-Latin (Arabic, Armenian and Greek characters) 1584-1986.
- Author: Milli Kütüphane
- Publication Date: 2001
- Publication: Turkey: Nüvis Beseri Arastirmalar ve Yayincilik Ltd. Sti.
- Access: ILL- UCLA
- OCLC: 49790744
Eski Harfli Basma Türkçe Eserler Bibliyografyasi is prepared by Nüvis Beseri Araþtirmalar ve Yayincilik Ltd. Sti. for National Library of Turkey. The bibliography covers 50,760 bibliographical records of the 37,359 Turkish printed materials published between 1584-1986 in Arabic, Armenian and Greek characters.
This work is prepared in two parts:
- Bibliographical works published on this subject;
- The archives of main libraries in Turkey are scanned ie: National Library of Turkey, Bayezid State Library, and Nation Library.
Searching through the CD
Search available in English and Turkish.
The entries should be made with Turkish characters.
![Screenshot of basic search functionality](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image028.jpg)
![Screenshot of basic search functionality in Turkish](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image030.jpg)
Authors, printing places and printing houses are listed in the search box.
User’s manual link on top.
![Screenshot showing user's manual](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image038.jpg)
Turkish National Library link directs to its webpage.
![Screenshot showing link to Turkish National Library website](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/clip_image040.jpg)
Bibliography on manuscript libraries in Turkey and the publications on the manuscripts located in these libraries.
- Authors: Nimet Bayraktar; Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu; Mihin Lugal
- Publication Date: 1995
- Publication: Istanbul: Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture
- Format: Book xxix p., 337 p. : col. ill. ; 25 cm.
- Language: Turkish
- OCLC: 34287664
This bibliography, published by Research Centre for Islamic History Art and Culture (IRCICA), comprises of manuscripts in Turkish libraries. This work focuses on the publications dated until the end of 1990. However, as an exception to this limitation, the available information on some catalogues of manuscripts in the related sections of this book is added.
There are 3 sections:
- Libraries of Manuscript Works, and the Bibliography on them. A guide to the libraries, where Islamic manuscripts are located, lists the libraries under study according to their location in the present administrative units of Turkey such as provinces and counties, which are arranged alphabetically.
- Bibliography on Libraries. Lists 136 books and articles and books located more than one library, in alphabetical order of the names of the authors.
- Bibliography of Publications about the Manuscript Works located in the Libraries of Turkey. Lists 1390 publications about the works located in the collections of these libraries in alphabetical order of the names of authors
6 indexes:
- Index of the Names of Authors, Translators, Compilers, etc.
- Index of Personal Names
- Index of the titles of Articles and Books
- Titles of Works and Supplementary words in the title
- Index of the names of Institutions
- Index of Place Names
Die arabischen, persischen und türkischen Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek zu Uppsala
The Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts in the Library of Uppsala University.
- Author: K V Zetterstéen
- Publication Date: 1930-
- Publication: Uppsala [Almgvist & Wiksells]
- Format: Book v. 27 cm.
- Language: German
- OCLC: 473550977
This bibliography, published by Library of Uppsala University, comprises of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish manuscripts. Turkish manuscripts, listed p. 321-412, are arranged in 2 main sections:
- A. Ottoman (Osmanisch).
- Linguistics (Sprachwissenschaft)
- Theology and Jurisprudence (Theologie und Jurisprudenz)
- Sufism (Sufismus)
- History (Geschichte)
- Recreational literature (Unterhaltungsliteratur)
- Poetry (Poesie)
- Poetic, Stylistic, Letters (Poetik, Stilistik, Briefe)
- Manuscripts with various contents (Handschriften vermischen Inhalte)
- B. Osttürkisch.
- Theology (Theologie)
- Confidential science? (Geheimwissenschaften)
- Recreational literature (Unterhaltungsliteratur)
- Poetry (Poesie)
- Manuscripts with various contents (Handschriften vermischen Inhalte)
There are 643 entries of manuscripts.
There are 6 indexes at the end:
- Concordance of old and new numbers (Konkordanz der alten und der neuen Nummern)
- Title index (Titel)
- Author index (Verfasser)
- Editor index (Schreiber)
- Other people (Sonstige Personennamen)
- Chronological index of the manuscript dates (Chronologisches Verzeichnis der datierten Handschriften)
No database online.
Die arabischen, persischen und türkischen handschriften der Kaiserlich-königlichen hofbibliothik zu Wien; im auftrage der vorgesetzten k. k. Behörde geordnet und beschrieben.
- Author: Gustav Flügel
- Publication Date: 1865-1867
- Publication: Wien, K.K. Hof- und staatsdruckerei
- Format: Book 3 v.
- Language: German
This bibliography, published by Georg Olms Verlag, is in 3 volumes and comprises of the Arabic, Persian, and Turkish manuscripts in (from…to…) Kaiserlich-Königlichen Royal Library. The second volume of this medieval bibliography can be found online:
- In German: http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de/hs/kataloge/HSK0778.htm
- In English: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.manuscripta-mediaevalia.de/hs/kataloge/HSK0778.htm&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DFL%25C3%259CGEL,%2BGustav:%2BDie%2Barabischen,%2Bpersischen%2Bund%2Bt%25C3%25BCrkischen%2B%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
Some information about the books on Turkish manuscripts online: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.ksbm.oeaw.ac.at/wienonb/kat.htm&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=7&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DFL%25C3%259CGEL,%2BGustav:%2BDie%2Barabischen,%2Bpersischen%2Bund%2Bt%25C3%25BCrkischen%2B%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
In each volume, there are several sections on different subjects. The manuscripts are arranged by country within each section.
- First Volume
- Encyclopedias
- Bibliographies
- Graphics
- Lexicography
- Grammar
- Dialogistic
- Metric, Rhyme doctrine, poetic
- Rhetoric
- Stylistic
- Gnomic
- Fine literature
- Poetry
- Second Volume
- Romans and Stories
- Universal history
- Special history
- Biography
- Geography, Regional Geography, Ethnology and Travel Writings and Statistics
- Turkish counting books
- War science and weaponry
- Arithmetic
- Astronomy, Astrology, Study of Calendars
- Nature science
- Medicine
- Veterinary Science
- Mythology and folklore Kabbala studies, and alchemy
- Music
- Logic, Philosophy, and metaphysics
- Third Volume
- Christian Theology
- Druze studies
- Koran
- Koran reading art and Koran criticism
- Exegesis of Koran
- Traditions doctrine
- Belief doctrine and theological collection
- Blessing books
- Law
- Ethics
- Mysticism
- Collected – or so called Mixed Works
- Appendix
Two indexes are at the end:
- by script
- by author