Tarihi Istatistikler Dizisi
Historical Statistics Series
In Historical Statistics Series, published by State Institute of Statistics, there are some population estimates for the Pre-Ottoman period, population of Ottoman vilayets, population estimates of Ottoman city centers and religious distribution of the population, population estimates of some Anatolian cities, religious components of the population and growth of the population according to official statistics. In addition, there are Ottoman foreign trade in the 19th century, industrial census of 1913-1915, selected pages from the original volume of the 1897 Statistical Yearbook, information of mass education from the proclamation of the Tanzimat Edict to the declaration of the Republic. In Series of Official Statistics with Questions; there are explanations to common questions of the users about labor force, employment and unemployment, foreign trade, price indices and inflation, purchasing power parity, agriculture, consumption expenditures, poverty and income distribution, short term business statistics. (TurkStat Data Access and Publication Catalogue 2009, p.16 )
You should know…
- Various subjects in each volume, such as foreign trade, population, agriculture, industry, education, and finance.
- All the volumes are in Turkish, but a summary in English is provided for each volume.
- Contents and the lists of tables are also provided in English.
- On this series, there is a review article that was written by Samime Inceoglu and published in Turkiye Arastirmalari Literatur Dergisi (Turkish Studies Review), volume 1, issue 1, 2003. This review, titled as “Bir Iktisat Tarihi Kaynagi Olarak Istatistikler ve DIE Tarihi Istatistikler Dizisi” , includes a volume “Osmanli Imparatorlugu’nda Ilk Nufus Sayimi 1831” by Enver Ziya Karal that was published in 1997. However, this publication was NOT published as a volume in the Historical Statistics Series. (Verified with Prof. Dr. Sevket Pamuk)
19. yüzyilda Osmanli dis ticareti
Ottoman foreign trade in the 19th century (with a summary in English)
![Cover of 19. yüzyilda Osmanli dis ticareti](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr19.jpg)
- Author: Pamuk, Sevket.
- Publication Date: 1995
- Publication: Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü
- OCLC: 34049577
This volume aims to present the compiled data regarding Ottoman foreign trade in the 19th century. Both published Ottoman statistics and other sources that include the mistakes and errors in these statistics are presented with detailed tables. (Translated from http://web.bilkent.edu.tr/mirrors/www.die.gov.tr/TURKISH/yayink.html#OSMANLI)
Chapters are:
- The Content and Coverage of Ottoman Foreign Trade Statistics
- The Problems and Limitations of Ottoman Foreign Trade Statistics
- A Re-Construction of Ottoman Foreign Trade, 1830-1913
- General Trends in 19 th Century Ottoman Foreign Trade
- Sub-Periods in 19 th Century Ottoman Foreign Trade
- Commodity Composition of Ottoman Foreign Trade
- Country Distribution of Ottoman Foreign Trade.
PDF of contents and front matter
Osmanli Imparatorlugu’nun ve Türkiye’nin nüfusu, 1500-1927
The Population and Ottoman Empire and Turkey, 1500-1927.
![Cover of Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nun ve Türkiye'nin nüfusu, 1500-1927](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr20.jpg)
- Author: Behar, Cem.
- Publication Date: 1996
- Publication: Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü
- OCLC: 35680058
In this volume, various demographic data and estimates are compiled to determine the growth, volume, and evolution of the population of the Ottoman Empire (especially the part that is currently in Turkish Republic frontiers).
There are four chapters included:
- The Sixteenth and Seventeenth: The Beginning of the Ottoman Empire and the Classical Age
- The Nineteenth Century: The Age of the Censuses
- From Empire to Republic
- Istanbul (Istanbul, as the capital city of the Ottoman Empire, the biggest (population-wise) city of the Turkish Republic and a pioneer city for the Islamic countries, was given a special interest in terms of demographic indicators in modernization.)
PDF of contents and front matter
Osmanli dönemi tarim istatistikleri 1909, 1913 ve 1914
Agricultural statistics of Turkey during the Ottoman period 1909, 1913 and 1914.
![Cover of Osmanli dönemi tarim istatistikleri 1909, 1913 ve 1914](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr21.jpg)
- Author: Güran, Tevfik.
- Publication Date: 1997
- Publication: Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü
- OCLC: 37593373
This volume presents for the first time in modern Turkish the detailed results of the Ottoman Agricultural Censuses of 1909, 1913 and 1914 for the areas within the present day borders of Turkey.
- There are five chapters included:
- Agriculture in 20 th century Turkey.
- Agricultural Censuses in Ottoman during the Ottoman Period.
- The Agricultural Census of 1909, The Area Covered by the Census 1909.
- The Agricultural Census of 1913, The Area Covered by the Census 1913.
The Agricultural Census of 1914, The Area Covered by the Census 1914.
Chapters I and II of this volume provide a summary of the results of these censuses and compare them with the basic trends of agricultural development in Turkey during the twentieth century.
Chapters III, IV, and V present detailed results of the Ottoman Censuses of 1909, 1913, an 1914 respectively.
PDF of contents and front matter
Osmanli sanayii, 1913, 1915 yillari sanayi istatistiki
Ottoman industry industrial census of 1913, 1915
![Cover of Osmanli sanayii, 1913, 1915 yillari sanayi istatistiki](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr22.jpg)
- Author: Ökçün, Gündüz A.
- Publication Date: 1997
- Publication: Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü
- OCLC: 37593503
The Ottoman Ministry of Commerce and Agriculture conducted and Industrial Census for the years 1913 and 1915 which covered the province of Istanbul as well as the cities of Izmir, Manisa, Bursa, Izmit, Karamursel, Bandirma and Usak. This Ottoman Industrial Census volume first published in 1917 was later edited by A. Gunduz Okcun and published in modern Turkish in 1970. The present volume is the most current edition of this publication by Okcun, added to the series.
This volume presents statistical data of the Industrial Census in eight groups:
- Food Industry
- Soil Products Industry
- Leather Industry
- Wood Industry
- Textile Industry
- Paper Products Industry
- Chemical Industry
- Metal Goods Industry
PDF of contents and front matter
Osmanli Devleti’nin ilk istatistik yilligi, 1897
The first statistical yearbook of the Ottoman Empire
![Cover of Osmanli Devleti'nin ilk istatistik yilligi, 1897](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr23.jpg)
- Author: Güran, Tevfik
- Publication Date: 1997
- PublicationAnkara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü
- OCLC: 37888418
This fifth volume of the Historical Statistics Series the transliterated edition of the first and only general statistical yearbook of the Ottoman Empire prepared exactly one century ago, for the fiscal year 1313/1897 by the General Statistics Administration of the Ministry of Commerce and Public Works.
The present volume presents statistics on a broad range of areas in 28 chapters. In most cases, the data are presented by years and provinces. A large part of the statistical series presented in the volume is for the fiscal year 1313 which began on March 13, 1897 and ended on March 12, 1898.
Chapter titles as follows: Administrative Division, Population, Institutions of Social Assistance, Health, Justice, Education, Libraries and Antiques, Military Education, Other Institutions of Education, Agriculture, State Revenues and Expenditures, Mining, Forests and Forestry, Public Finance and Debts, Foreign Trade, Tax Duties Administration, Money and Medals, Various Revenues, Salt and Salt Mines, Silk and Silk Production, Public Debt Administration, Agricultural Bank and Security Fund, Tobacco Administration, Industry, Finance, Utilities: Gas and Water, Sea and Land Transportation, and Communication.
PDF of contents and front matter
Tanzimat’tan Cumhuriyet’e modernlesme sürecinde egitim istatistikleri, 1839-1924
Education statistics in modernization from the Tanzimat to the Republic, 1839-1924
![Cover of Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e modernlesme sürecinde egitim istatistikleri, 1839-1924](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr24.jpg)
- Author: Alkan, Mehmet Ö.
- Publication Date: 2000
- Publication: Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü
- OCLC: 46517386
This volume presents the education statistics in modernization from 1839 (the Tanzimat Edict) to 1924 (the Turkish Republic). At the beginning of the volume a brief history of the corresponding time period is given in order to explain the data related to education. This study consists of six chapters:
- Education Statistics for the years 1854, 1863, 1873, 1883.
- Education Statistics for the years 1894-1895.
- Education Statistics in the Yearbooks Education for the years 1901 and 1903.
- Statistics of Education for the Schools Years 1905-1908.
- Statistics of Education for the years 1913-1914.
- Statistics of Education for the years 1923-1924.
PDF of contents and front matter
Osmanli devletinde bilgi ve istatistik
Data and statistics in the Ottoman Empire
![Cover of Osmanli devletinde bilgi ve istatistik](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr25.jpg)
- Authors: Inalcik, Halil and Pamuk, Sevket
- Publication Date: 2000
- Publication: Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü
- OCLC: 46760564
This un-numbered volume brings together recent studies on Ottoman data collection, book-keeping and statistics gathering form the 16 th through the 19 th centuries up to World War I. The individual chapters of this volume are arranged in chronological order. Hence, the first four contributions listed below focus on data collection and book-keeping in earlier era through the 18 th century while the rest examine the modern statistical efforts of the 19 th and early 20 th centuries:
Chapters as follows:
- Halil Inalcik, “Did the Ottomans use statistical methodology?”
- Mehmet Oz, “Quantitative data in the Ottoman tahrir (census) records”
- Oktay Ozel, ” Avariz and cizye records”
- Sevket Pamuk, “Data on consumer prices and wages in Ottoman cities”
- Cem Behar, “Ottoman population statistics and modernization after 1831”
- Zafer Toprak, “Quantification in the Ottoman state or the birth of modern statistics”
- Sevket Pamuk, “Nineteenth century Ottoman foreign trade statistics”
- Mehmet Alkan, “Education and education statistics in the Ottoman Empire, 1839-1914”
- Selcuk Aksin Somel, “The Istanbul Cnesus dated 1301 Rumi (1885 A.D.)”
- Tevfik Guran, “The first Ottoman statistical yearbook dated 1897”
- Tevfik Guran, “Nineteenth century temettuat (revenue) censuses”
PDF of contents and front matter
Istanbul ve Diger Kentlerde 500 Yillik Fiyatlar ve Ucretler, 1469-1998
500 Years of Prices and Wages in Istanbul and Other Cities, 1469-1998
![Cover of Osmanli mali istatistikleri bütçeler, 1841-1918](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr27.jpg)
- Author: Pamuk, Sevket
- Publication Date: 2000
- Publication: Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Devlet Istatistik Enstitüsü
- OCLC: 46760555
Utilizing a large volume of archival documents, this volume establishes for the first time, the long-trends in consumer prices and wages of skilled and unskilled construction workers in Istanbul and more generally around the Eastern Mediterannean from the second half of the fifteenth century until World War I. The study consists of 6 chapters:
- Consumer Prices in Istanbul, 1469-1998 tr26
- More Detailed Information About the Consumer Price Indices for Istanbul
- Prices in Other Cities, 1489-1998
- Wages in Istanbul, 1489-1922
- Wages in Other Cities, 1489-1996
- Comparisions with European Cities and Countries, 1450-1992
PDF of contents and front matter
Bibliographic Sources
![Cover of Naselenieto na Turtsiia Bulgariia priez XVIII i XIX vekovete; bibliografisko-statistichni izsliedvaniia](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr28.jpg)
Naselenieto na Turtsiia Bulgariia priez XVIII i XIX vekovete; bibliografisko-statistichni izsliedvaniia
La population de la Turquie et de la Bulgarie au XVIIIe et XIXe s.; recherches bibliographico-statistiques
The Population of Turkey and Bulgaria in the 18 th and 19 th centuries: Bibliographico-statistical studies
- OCLC: 84480576
This 5-volume catalog by Nikola Mikhov (1877-1962) was published by Tsarska pridvorna pechatnitsa in Sofia in 1915-1968. Each volume contains indexes of personal names and geographic and ethnographic terms. The primary focus of each volume is on works in a particular language or group of languages. The first three volumes,for example, consist mainly of citations to French and German sources, while volume IV focuses more heavily on English-language sources. Volume V consists entirely of Russian-language sources. A sixth volume, intended to index additional Russian-language sources, was never published. Mikhov compiled his bibliographies based on the collections of Bulgarian and Western European libraries, including the Bulgarian National Library, the National Library of France, the British Library, and major German libraries.
Many of the entries are annotated and some of the annotations include long passages reproduced from the original sources. Entries are organized alphabetically by main entry. Both books and articles are indexed. The total number of entries in all five volumes is slightly more than 3000.
The first volume was also published as issue 3 of Kniga IV of Sbornik na Bulgarskata Akademiia na Naukitie: Klon Istoriko-Filologichen i Filosofsko-Obshchestven (1915).
![Cover of Osmanlı yıllıkları (salnameler ve nevsaller): bibliyografya ve bazı Istanbul kütüphanelerine göre bir katalog denemesi](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr29.jpg)
Osmanlı yıllıkları (salnameler ve nevsaller): bibliyografya ve bazı Istanbul kütüphanelerine göre bir katalog denemesi
Ottoman Yearbooks (Annuals and Almanacs) A Bibliography and Union Catalogue with Reference to Some Istanbul Libraries
- OCLC: 180548627
“Union catalogue and bibliographic work about state and provincial yearbooks (Salnames) published by the Ottoman State between the years 1847-1918. It gives general and specific information about a wide geographical area, where there are presently more than 20 states. Preface, explanations and annotations in English, Arabic and Turkish.” (http://www.ircica.org)
Icon and more?
Osmanlı Salnameleri ve Nevsalleri Bibliyografyası ve Toplu Katalogu
![Cover of Osmanlı Salnameleri ve Nevsalleri Bibliyografyası ve Toplu Katalogu](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr30.jpg)
A Bibliography and Union Catalogue of Ottoman Yearbooks
- OCLC: 45479878
This 2-volume union catalog by Hasan Duman, published by Enformasyon ve Dokumentasyon Hizmetleri Vakfi in Ankara in 2000, is the most recent and comprehensive source on Ottoman yearbooks, which contain hugely important information relating to this period’s history, geography, administrative structures, institutions, individual lives, science, economics, military and navy, education, culture, and other such areas. Furthermore, this catalog deals with the Ottoman yearbooks published from 1847-1922, which were the most famous and get more attention due to their publication in such a critical period of time for Ottoman Empire history. The first volume includes entries (approximately 730) with their locations, whereas second volume includes examples from selected salnames.
(With some translations from: http://www.edhvakfi.org.tr/nevsal.htm)
PDF of contents and front matter
Aylik Istatistik Bulteni
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics
![Cover of Aylik Istatistik Bulteni](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr31.jpg)
Access: UIUC Call no.: Main Stacks 315.6 T847i
Monthly Bulletin of Statistics has been published by State Institute of Statistics since 1952. In Turkish and in English. It has merged with “Turkish Economy: Statistics and Analysis” into one publication in 1989, subjects are re-organized in 1995, and changed the title as “Economic Indicators” in 2004.
The latest volume is available online. “Economic Indicators” contains statistical information and analyses constituting main economic indicators of Turkish economy. The publication published quarterly in Turkish and English aims at to enlighten the main economic trend through economic indicators on conjectural movements and variations.
The publication presented for the first time in the second quarter of 2004, covers annual data of the last five years and, monthly and quarterly data of last three years.The selected subjects from “Economic Indicators” are national accounts, industry, building construction, agriculture, expectations, foreign trade, prices, labor, income-expenditure, borrowing, budget, money-banking, tourism, and transportation. It covers annual indicators of the last five years and, monthly and quarterly indicators of last three years. The publication is supported with a brief explanation on analyses, graphs and related indicators in order to enable the transformation of statistics into information to facilitate the comprehension.
You should know…
- Contents and organization may vary since the 1952 volume.
Turkiye istatistik yilligi
Statistical Yearbook of Turkey
![Cover of Turkiye istatistik yilligi](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr33.jpg)
- Format: Microfiche
- Access: UIUC Call no.: Main Stacks Q. 314.96 T84I
Statistical Yearbook of Turkey is also available in Microfiche at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library.
These are compiled in the series of CIS National Statistical Compendiums.
Holdings are incomplete from 1975-2004.
TUIK Veriye Erisim ve Yayin Katalogu
TurkStat Data Access and Publication Catalogue
![Cover of TUIK Veriye Erisim ve Yayin Katalogu](/ias/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2016/12/tr34.jpg)
- Languages: English and Turkish
TurkStat Data Access and Publication Catalogue includes annual National Data Release Calendar of the News Bulletins, Historical Statistical Series and information about periodicity, format and price, period covered and content of publications published since 2000.
This publication varied in title, subjects and contents over time. Earlier titles include Yayin Katalogu, Publications and Electronic Services Catalogue.
The latest volume is available online at TURKSTAT website in full-text.
PDF of Front matter from Publications and Electronic Services Catalogue
PDF of contents and front matter of TUIK Veriye Erisim ve Yayin Katalogu