Online Islamic Bibliography
پایگاه اطلاع رسانی سراسری اسلامی
By visiting this website (, scholars can choose their topics of interest and, after viewing the relevant abstracts, place their orders, which can then be received in print, on CD-ROMs,
or through Islamic Data Bank website offers information in 20 major subjects, including books, articles in series, periodicals, and dissertations, in addition to some free of charge material, in Persian, English, and Arabic.
Here are some numbers in terms of IDB products:
- Books: 55,517
- Articles in Periodicals: 87,237
- Articles in series: 15,987
- Dissertations: 4,637
- Free books: 121
- Total works: 189,460
- Author: 2,487
- Publisher: 14,232
- Libraries:2,036
- Software:106
- Islamic Centers: 412
The first page offers an exclusive search option, with which researchers are able to look for their desired material by book title, periodical, keyword, text, dissertation…….
As mentioned before, the entire data in PARSA is organized under 20 major subjects, which is accessible through the first page. Each subject includes a number of sub-sections, as well as the number of the holdings pertaining to each sub-section, shown on the chart. Clicking on the numbers reveals the annotation for every source, and clicking on sub-section titles takes us to other more detailed topics relevant to the first subject in search. Besides the main subjects, the rest of the information is divided into two sections; one is on the right hand side bar left image), and the other is on the top left hand side of the main page (right image). Data Bank/depositories are another valuable source of information on this website. As shown in the above image (left), there are divided into; Periodicals, Libraries, Software’s, Authors, Publishers, Publications/Institutions, and Islamic articles. Islamic articles database is actually a link to, through which more than 87,000 articles are presented to scholars and researchers. Statistics
- Visitors: 42,264
- Articles: 87,237
- Full text: 14,009
- Main subjects: 20
- Total of subjects: 38,035
In addition to the main subject area, the site has easy access search engine in: articles, series, authors, search within texts, search for annotation, and subject headings. A site map guides users through various sections of the website. Seraj periodicals data bank, is only in Persian language for the time being.