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Title: Alexandria Daily Gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1808)

Alternate Title: Alexandria Daily Gazette, Commercial and Political; Alexandria Gazette, Commercial and Political; Alexandria Gazette and Daily Advertiser; Phenix Gazette
City: Alexandria, Virginia  Country: United States
Frequency: Daily (except Sun.)
Language: English
Notes: Suspended May 25, 1861-May 12, 1862; and Nov. 1-Dec. 30, 1864.
As: Alexandria Daily Gazette, Commercial & Political (1808-1812)
Alexandria Gazette, Commercial and Political (1812-1817)
Alexandria Gazette & Daily Advertiser (1817-1822)
Alexandria Gazette (1822)
Alexandria Gazette & Advertiser (1822-1824)
Phenix Gazette (1825-1833)
Alexandria Gazette (1834-1974)
Gazette (1974-1978)
Alexandria Gazette (1978-1987).
Issued from the same office during the suppression of the Alexandria Gazette by Union forces: Local news (Alexandria, Va.), Oct. 7, 1861-Feb. 10, 1862. Issues for Jan. 1, 1834-Dec. 31, 1839 also called new ser., v. 10, no. 3516-v. 14, no. 8061. Supplement: Alexandria Gazette Teen Topics, Oct. 31, 1961-May 9, 1962. Supplement: Potomac News (Potomac, Va.), Sept. 2, 1926-Jan. 26, 1928. Suspended May 25, 1861-May 12, 1862; Nov. 1-Dec. 30, 1864.
Triweekly eds.: Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, D.C. : 1825), <1825-1838> ; Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1872), <1872- >.

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: America's Historical Newspapers  [Access restricted to UIUC affiliates.]
Summary Dates: 1808 – 1876
Detailed Dates: Jul 11, 1808 – Dec 31, 1822  
Jan 4, 1825 – Dec 31, 1859  
Jan 1, 1861 – Dec 31, 1863  
Jan 3, 1865 – Dec 31, 1866  
Jan 1, 1868 – Dec 31, 1869  
Jan 2, 1871 – Dec 31, 1872  
Jan 1, 1874 – Dec 31, 1874  
Jan 1, 1876 – Dec 30, 1876  

Format: Online   
Online Collection: Chronicling America (Library of Congress)  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1858 – 1910
Detailed Dates: Jan 1, 1858 – Mar 21, 1922  
Web Link: Freely available online.

Format: Online   
Online Collection: Virginia Chronicle  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1887 – 1910
Detailed Dates: Jan 1, 1858 – Mar 31, 1922  
Web Link: Freely available online.

Format: Print   Call Number: PortfoLio#18
Location: Newspaper Portfolio. Ask staff at HPNL (246 Main Library) for assistance.
Portfolio: 18
Collection: Portfolio 18
Summary Dates: 1817 – 1817
Detailed Dates:   Sep 25, 1817.

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