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Title: Boston News-Letter (Boston, Mass. : 1704)
Alternate Title: Weekly News-Letter; Boston Weekly News-Letter; Boston Weekly Newsletter; Boston Newsletter; Boston News-Letter and New-England Chronicle; Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter; Massachusetts Gazette and the Boston Weekly News-Letter
City: Boston, Massachusetts
Country: United States
Frequency: Weekly
Language: English
Notes: As: Boston News-Letter (1704-1726)
Weekly News-Letter (1727-1730)
Boston Weekly News-Letter (1730-1757)
Boston News-Letter (1757-1762)
Boston News-Letter and New-England Chronicle (1762-1763)
Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter (1763-1765)
Massachusetts Gazette (1765-1766)
Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter (1766-1768)
Boston Weekly News-Letter (1768-1769)
Massachusetts Gazette and the Boston Weekly News-Letter (1769-1776).
Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online
Online Collection: America's Historical Newspapers [Access restricted to UIUC affiliates.]Summary Dates: 1704 – 1776
Detailed Dates: Apr 24, 1704 – Feb 29, 1776
Format: Microcard
Call Number: MCARD071.4461B657M
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library.
246 Main LibraryNotes: In box with Boston Weekly Post-Boy
Summary Dates: 1769 – 1769
Detailed Dates: Sep 25, 1769.
Format: Print
Call Number: 071.4461B657bn
Location: Newspaper Storage- Oak St..
Ask staff at HPNL (246 Main Library) for assistance.Notes: Holdings may be incomplete.
Summary Dates: 1704 – 1776
Detailed Dates: Apr. 17, 1704 – Feb. 22, 1776
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