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Title: Kansas Tribune (Lawrence, Kan. : 1855)

Alternate Title: Kansas Daily Tribune
City: Lawrence, Kansas  Country: United States
Frequency: Weekly
Language: English
Notes: Continued by: Kansas Tribune (Topeka, Kan. : 1855).

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: Kansas Historical Open Content (via  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1855 – 1855
Detailed Dates: Jan 10, 1855 – Oct 24, 1855  

Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM071.8165L435K
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Summary Dates: 1855 – 1855
Detailed Dates: Jan 10, 1855  
Jan 24, 1855  
Feb 21, 1855  
May 23, 1855  
Jun 20, 1855  
Jul 14, 1855  
Sep 15, 1855  
Oct 17, 1855 – Oct 24, 1855  

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