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Title: Ideas
Alternate Title: City: La Plata,
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Subject/Audience: Anarchist
Subject/Audience: Labor
Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Microfilm
Call Number: FILM331.098L3492
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library.
246 Main LibraryNotes: Reel 28
Collection: Latin American Anarchist and Labour Periodicals, 1880-1940
Summary Dates: 1909 – 1932
Detailed Dates: 1(1909):no.3; Epoca 2: 4(1921/22):no.57,64,67,69; 2(1922/23):no.81-85,87-90,92-95,97-100,102; 6(1923/24):no.103-105,107-124; 7(1924/25): no.125-132,136-148; 8(1925/26):no.149-150,152-166; 9(1926):no,167-172; 10(1927/28):no.173-189,191-194; 11(1929):no.196-197; Epoca 3: (1929):no.198-200; (1930):no.201-207; (1931):8/1; Epoca 4: (1932):no.1-10
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