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Title: Anarkhicheskii vestnik (Berlin, Germany : 1923)

Alternate Title: 
City: Berlin,   Country: Germany
Frequency: Monthly
Language: Russian
Subject/Audience: Anarchist
Notes: Published in Germany, in Russian.
"Organ ob'edinennykh anarkhistskikh organizatsii."

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Microfiche   Call Number: MFICHE335.8305ANV
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Summary Dates: 1923 – 1924
Detailed Dates:

Format: Print   Call Number: 335.8305ANV
Location: Main Stacks. Access on 2nd Floor Main Library
Summary Dates: 1928 – 1928
Detailed Dates:

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