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Title: Kriegs-Zeitung Heeresgruppe Scholtz
Alternate Title: Kriegs Zeitung Heeresgruppe Scholtz; Kriegszeitung Heeresgruppe Scholtz
City: Skopje,
Country: Macedonia
Language: German
Subject/Audience: Military
Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online
Online Collection: First World War [Access restricted to UIUC affiliates.]Summary Dates: 1917 – 1918
Detailed Dates: 1917:7:19, 8:24-11:6, 10-1918:1:21, 27-2:9, 13-3:21, 25-4:7, 11-6:9, 13-21, 25-7:9, 13-8:12,.
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