Newspaper Database Search Result

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Title: Camp Ellis News (Camp Ellis, Ill. : 1943)

Alternate Title: 
City: Camp Ellis, Illinois  Country: United States
Frequency: Weekly
Language: English
Subject/Audience: Military

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Online   
Online Collection: Easley Pioneer Museum  [Freely available online.]
Summary Dates: 1944 – 1945
Detailed Dates: Feb 16, 1944 – Aug 24, 1945  

Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM071.3M599
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Notes: Reel 13
Collection: Military Newspapers from the Collection of Walter S. and Esther Dougherty
Summary Dates: 1943 – 1943
Detailed Dates:   June 4, 1943

Format: Print   Call Number: 070.449355C15c
Location: Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
Summary Dates: 1944 – 1945
Detailed Dates: 

Format: Print   Call Number: 070.449355C15c
Location: Newspaper Portfolio. Ask staff at HPNL (246 Main Library) for assistance.
Notes: Many issues missing. Some issues incomplete. Some issues last use only. See catalog record for detailed holdings.
Collection: Portfolio 30
Summary Dates: 1943 – 1945
Detailed Dates: 

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