History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library

Newspaper Database

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Title: Życie Warszawy

Alternate Title: Zycie Warszawy
City: Warsaw,   Country: Poland
Frequency: Daily (except Sun.)
Language: Polish

Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Microfilm   Call Number: FILM057.85ZY
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library. 246 Main Library
Summary Dates: 1946 – 1978
Detailed Dates:

Format: Print   Call Number: 057.85ZY
Location: International and Area Studies Library. Ask staff at IAS (321 Main Library) for assistance
Summary Dates: 2001 – 2002
Detailed Dates:   (2002:May:2 - June:13) (2002:Mar.:30 - May:1) (2002:Mar.:1 - 29) (2002:Feb.) (2002:Jan.:2 - 31) (2001:Dec.:1 - 2002:Jan.:1) (2001:Nov.:2 - 30) (2001:Oct.:1 - Nov.:1) (2001:Sep.) (2001:Aug.) (2001:June:30 - July:31) (2001:June:1 - 29) (2001:Apr.:30 - May:31) (2001:Mar.:31 - Apr.:29) (2001:Mar.:1 - 30) (2001:Feb.) (2001:Jan.)

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