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Title: Southwest News-Herald (Chicago, Ill. : 1957)
Alternate Title: Southwest News Herald
City: Chicago Lawn (Chicago), Illinois
Country: United States
Frequency: Weekly
Language: English
Notes: Formed by the union of: Scottsdale-Crestline Star (Chicago, Ill. : 1957), and: Ashburn-Wrightwood Post (Chicago, Ill. : 1957), and: Chicago Lawn Herald (Chicago, Ill. : 1957), and: Marquette Manor Mirror (Chicago, Ill. : 1957), and: West Lawn Leader (Chicago, Ill. : 1957), and: Gage Park Beacon (Chicago, Ill. : 1957), and: West Elsdon Register (Chicago, Ill. : 1957), and: Clearing Observer (Chicago, Ill. : 1957), and: Garfield Ridge Review (Chicago, Ill. : 1957).
Continues the numbering of: Scottsdale-Crestline Star (Chicago, Ill. : 1957).
Available in the following formats/locations:
Format: Microfilm
Call Number: FILM071.731C434sw
Location: History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library.
246 Main LibraryNotes: Preservation microfilmed by UIUC Library as part of the United States Newspaper Program.
Collection: USNP Microfilm
Summary Dates: 1957 – 1999
Detailed Dates: Scattered issues wanting. 1957:11:7-1999:12:23,
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