Digital images of the Chicago Defender’s backfiles (1905-1975) are now available to UIUC affiliates via ProQuest’s Historical Newspapers. Browse by issue or search across the full-text in this rich resource.
Retrospective Readers’ Guide Now Available!
The Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature online backfile uniquely provides access to popular magazine literature from 1890-1982.
Jewish Studies News: UIUC Library Acquires Olin Film Archive
With gratitude for the generosity of the family of Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker Chuck Olin, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library is happy to announce the significant gift of the Olin Film Archive.
Increased Access to Electronic Newspapers
The UIUC Newspaper Database, a searchable online inventory of newspapers available at UIUC, is now featuring increased access to our rich online newspaper holdings. More than 300 domestic and international titles from Press Display (recent news source) are now included, and more updates are on the way.
UPDATE: Current newspapers no longer discoverable through the UIUC Newspaper Database.
Educator Access to National Leadership Grant Collections: IMLS Digital Libraries Fellow Final Report
I. Research Problem
How can the DCC project make the content in the IMLS National Leadership Grant collections more accessible to teachers of K-12 students?