New Library Catalog Interface Coming June 1

After June 1, the I-Share joint catalog interface will be based on a system called VuFind. To request items from the University of Illinois Library or other I-Share libraries using VuFind, you must create a user account in the VuFind system.   You will need your 14-digit Library ID to setup a new account; however, once the account has been created, you will login with a user name and password of your own choosing.

Full announcement:

Effective June 1, 2010, the Library’s I-Share Union Catalog — the catalog that enables you to search the collections belonging to the University of Illinois and 74 other academic libraries around the state — will have a new user interface and a new look.  The new joint I-Share catalog interface is based on a system called VuFind.   The URL for the new catalog interface is

Between now and June 1, the traditional catalog interface is still available for searching the joint I-Share catalog.  The new Vufind interface is also available.   You can use either one during this period.  Beginning on June 1, only the new interface will be available, and you will be automatically re-directed to VuFind if you try to connect to the traditional catalog.

The traditional catalog interface for local collections only will continue to be available after June 1.   You will be able to search local collections using either the traditional catalog or VuFind.

To request items from the University of Illinois Library or other I-Share libraries using VuFind, you must create a user account in the VuFind system.   You will need your 14-digit Library ID to setup a new account; however, once the account has been created, you will login with a user name and password of your own choosing.

For Library catalog help, contact the Library directly by:

Chat: U of I Library Live Chat
Phone: 217-333-2290
In Person: visit the Information Desk or a departmental library

Farm, Field and Fireside Agricultural Newspapers Collection

The History, Philosophy and Newspaper Library is pleased to announce the launch of the Farm, Field and Fireside collection.  This freely-available locally developed project contains digitized versions of historically significant U.S. farm newspapers published in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Illinois Digital Magazine and Yearbook Collection

The University of Illinois Library announces the availability of the Illinois Digital Magazine and Yearbook Collection featuring digital versions of UIUC’s yearbook, the Illio for the years of 1970-1989.  Other titles include Arts for America (1894-1900), the Illinois Chemist (1915-1921), and the Illinois Society of Architects Monthly Bulletin (1916-1932).

African Module of World Newspaper Archive Released

The Center for Research Libraries has announced the launch of African Newspapers, as part of the World Newspaper Archive available through Readex. In addition to 30 historical Latin American titles, 13 historical African titles are now included, with more titles slated to be added later this year.

Read CRL’s press release

National Digital Newspaper Program Grant Award

The Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has received a $397,000 two-year grant from the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) for its Illinois Digital Newspaper Project.  The award will support the digitization of 100,000 pages of historically significant Illinois newspapers dating from 1860 to 1922.

NDNP is a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Library of Congress to provide online access to U.S. newspapers.  It is part of the “We the People” program at NEH designed to promote the study and teaching of American history and culture.  The University Library received the grant for Illinois on behalf of a coalition of major cultural heritage institutions in the state, including the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, Illinois State Library, Chicago History Museum, University of Chicago, Newberry Library, and Chicago Public Library.  There are now 22 states participating in the National Digital Newspaper Program.

Continue reading “National Digital Newspaper Program Grant Award”

Audio Recordings of Digital Humanities Scholarship Symposium Now Available

Sponsored by the Council on Library and Information Resources, the University Library, the Illinois Informatics Institute, the Department of History, and the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, the “New Directions in Digital Humanities Scholarship” symposium was held on February 26-27, 2009, in 126 GSLIS. This symposium was designed to explore how information technology is reshaping humanities scholarship. View program and access the audio recordings.

Introducing the ScanPro 1000 Microform Scanners

Viewing and scanning microforms at the library just got easier with the recent addition of two ScanPro 1000 microform scanners.  Both devices feature lightning fast high resolution scanning for all types of microforms including microfilm, microcards, and microfiche.   To further enhance the viewing experience, the scanners are also outfitted with 24 inch wide screen monitors.  Check out our user guide (no longer available) or contact us for more information.