Over 60 newspapers that document a key moment in the history of American westward expansion: the forced allotment of Indian tribal lands in Indian Territory, the abolition of tribal governments, the opening of unreserved lands for American settlement, and the transition of Indian Territory to Oklahoma Territory and then statehood. Many of the collection’s newspapers appear here in digitized form for the first time ever.
Two New Digital Collections on American Popular Culture
The Library has two new new digital collections supporting the study of American popular culture. The first, titled The Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive, will, when complete, include complete runs of 26 American and British consumer and trade magazines, from their inception to the year 2000. Influential trade titles include Variety and Billboard. The second collection, titled American Popular Entertainment, is a project of the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library, and will include entertainment industry newspapers and trade journals published between 1853 and 1929. The collection currently contains the Vaudeville News, the Player, and the New York Clipper, with the Dramatic Mirror soon-to-be-added.
4 New Digitized Historical Newspapers
Now available: New York Tribune, 1923-1962 (supplementing the already existing file covering 1841-1922); Newsday, 1940-1984; the Louisville Courier-Journal, 1830-1922; the Nashville Tennessean, 1812-1922; and the Arizona Republican, 1890-1922.
China: Trade, Politics, and Culture, 1793-1980
Digital collection of English-language documents from London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies, and from the British Library. Includes diaries, journals, correspondence, atlases, travel narratives, missionary periodicals, government documents, scrapbooks, and more.
The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Record Series FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 7 and 82 from the British National Archives.
Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, 1947-1980
Record series DO (Dominions Office) 133, DO 134, FO (Foreign Office) 371, and FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) 37 from the British National Archives.
Foreign Office Files for China, 1949-1980
Complete British Foreign Office Files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, from 1949-1980.
China: Culture and Society
Digital collection of pamphlets from the Charles W. Wason Collection at Cornell University Library. Covers the period 1750-1929.
India, Raj, and Empire
Digital collection of diaries, journals, official papers, letters, sketches, paintings, histories and literary works documenting the British presence in India.
Rock and Roll, Counterculture, Peace and Protest: Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975
Digitized collection of archival material from the Browne Popular Culture Library (Bowling Green State University), the Bancroft Library (University of California, Berkeley), the British National Archives, the University of Sussex Library, and the Rock Source Archive.