Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture and Law

All extant legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world, as well as documents on free African-Americans before 1870. Includes every statute passed by every state and colony, all federal statutes, all reported state and federal cases on slavery, and hundreds of books and pamphlets on the subject. Free to use, but registration required. Part of Hein Online.

Go to Slavery in America and the World now.

History of Mass Tourism, 1850-1980

Brochures, posters, guidebooks, maps, ephemera, periodicals, films, correspondence, scrapbooks, travel journals, photographs, postcards, company records, government documents, and monographs documenting the history of tourism on all continents, and organized around the following themes: Women and Tourism; Children and Families; Road, Rail and Air Travel; Accommodation, Hospitality and Entertainment; Package Tours, Cruises and Organized Travel; Beachfront: Seaside and Coastal Destinations; The Great Outdoors; Urban Tourism; Health and Medical Travel; Historical, Cultural or Religious Tourism; International Relations; and Planning and Business.

Colonial America

When complete, this digital collection will comprise all 1,450 volumes/bundles of British National Archives Record Series CO 5 (Records of the Colonial Office: Board of Trade and Secretaries of State: America and West Indies, Original Correspondence). The collection will be released in modules, with the first two modules currently available: Module 1: Early Settlement, Expansion and Rivalries; and Module 2: Towards Revolution.

Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 1820

A variety of document types organized around the following thematic clusters: Ottoman and post-Ottoman Empires in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1860-2015; French Empire in North Africa, 1935-2005; Italians Consider the International problem of Trafficking in Women, 1928-1936; Indigenous Women and Anti-Imperialist Activism in South Africa, 1929-1960; Anti-Imperialist Activism of Indonesian Women, 1951-1965; Filipino Women and American Empire, 1904-2004; Anti-Imperialist Writings of Cuban Feminists, 1896-1985; Women Medical Missionaries in China, 1894-1991; United States Women in the Panama Canal Zone, 1907-1975; American Women missionaries in India, 1910-1953; African American Women Shape Political Culture in South Africa, 1928-1969; Native Women Oppose Colonialism in Guatemala, 1960-1996; Moravian Missionary Women Interact with Cherokee Women before Removal, 1805-1835; and Women’s Global Networks, 1883-2007.

New South Asian History Archival Resources Added

University of Illinois affiliates now have access to a bundle of digital resource collections from Gale “Archives Unbound,” which should be of interest to University of Illinois history scholars interested in South Asia. Three collections include U.S. government documents: Hindu Conspiracy Cases: Activities of the Indian Independence Movement in the U.S. 1908-1933, India from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department, and India-Pakistan Conflict: Records of the U.S. State Department, February 1963-1966. An additional collection, Indian Army and Colonial Warfare on the Frontiers of India, 1914-1920, includes documents pertaining to the British Military’s experience in India.