The Newspaper and Its Disjecta Membra


“If scrapbooks can be distilled to one overarching interpretive theme, it is that of rupture.”

“What could be more emblematic of the fractured narratives of modernity than scrapbooks?”

“[An] excess of fragments that burst the bindings and bulge the pages.”

“How then do we read these fragments as cultural artifacts?”1

Newspaper clippings were frequently pasted into scrapbooks, and sometimes, as in the case of the scrapbook shown here, compose the entirety of the scrapbook’s contents: Continue reading “The Newspaper and Its Disjecta Membra”

Migration to New Worlds: The Century of Immigration, 1800-1924

Records documenting the emigration of people from Europe and Asia to the United States, Canada, and Australasia. Document types include letters, diaries, scrapbooks, artwork, photographs, maps, oral histories, pamphlets, ship logbooks, realia, legal papers, and government documents, including all 195 volumes of the British National Archives Record Series CO 384 (War and Colonial Department and Colonial Office: Emigration Original Correspondence).