Congressional Masterfile I

Congressional Masterfile I

Congressional Masterfile I (CD-ROM). Bethesda, MD: Congressional Information Service, Inc.

This CD-ROM searchable subject index includes the same material as the print indexes published by CIS (the U.S. Serial Set Index 1789-1969, the Congressional Hearings Index 1833-1969, the Unpublished Congressional Hearings Index 1823-1964, and the Congressional Prints Index 1830-1969). Search results can be displayed in short or long format. A short bibliographic reference includes the title of each document, CIS’s reference number (used to access the document on CIS’s microfiche collection), the congress and session numbers, and the document number. If the document is in the Serial Set, there will be a notation to this effect in the short entry. The long entry also gives the serial volume number as well as more detailed information about dates, subject terms, and witnesses for hearings. Please note that many of the hearings and prints are not readily available except as part of CIS’s microfiche sets.

Sample Short Entry:

CIS NO: 1272 H.rp. 104 (Serial-Set)
TITLE: Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; implication of Jefferson Davis and others in crime of treason; letters relating to policy of rebel government towards negroes bearing arms, rebel prisons, etc.

Sample Long Entry (partial):

CIS NO: 48-1 S.Rep. v.2n.283 (Published-Hearing)
TITLE: Dividing Portion of Reservation of Sioux Nation of Indians, in Dakota, into Separate Reservations, and Securing Relinquishment of Indian Title to Remainder
DATE: Aug. 7,8,15,17,21,22,24,25,27,28…1883COLLATION: xlv +404p. Index. foldouts
NOTES: [re. locations of hearings]
COMITTEE: Senate Select Committee to Examine into the Condition of the Sioux and Crow Indians
WITNESSES (and witness notations):
IRON BULL, Mr. (Crow Indian, Crow Agency, Mont, p.3.)
TWO BELLY, Mr. (Crow Indian, Crow Agency, Mont, p.5)