Earth Day: Assessing Our World, Protecting Our Home



Earth Day Network-This site provides Earth Day celebration ideas.

EPA Earth Day-Read about EPA Earth Day activities around the country.

Earth Day 1970 and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Learn about the background and impetus of Earth Day, grassroots activism around earth day, earth day and the formation of NOAA, and the impact of earth day,

Ten Things You Can Do to Make a Difference in Your Watershed Become involved in protecting your watershed  For more information, see the EPA Office of Water’s page on community action and water reference tools.

Green Government is designed to increase awareness and promote efforts in Illinois to reduce waste, use alternative fuels, improve energy efficiency, and generally use products and procedures that are environmentally sustainable and economically efficient.  Linked on this page are executive orders, reports, sustainability manuals, and recycling initiatives. Check out what is happening around Illinois for Earth Month.



Explore our Environmental Information page for governmental data sources on environmental issues.  The page includes state, federal, and international resources.

Another useful Documents Library page (linked off of our main environment page) is our page on international environmental information.  The page includes links to organizations, statistics, reports, directories, and more.

Landsat program A program from USGS and NASA, see satellite images of earth since 1972.

Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation (BISON) From the USGS, a tool to find species in the United States and its territories.

TOXNET From the National Institutes of Health and the National Library of Medicine, check out these databases about toxicology, household products, toxins releases, and more.

The Illinois EPA Bureau of the Air includes on their air information site several useful features, including an Illinois Air quality index and reportsair fact sheets, and vehicle emission testing resources.

Illinois EPA Databases Search environmental databases, including those for cleanup and regulatory information.

Illinois State Geological Survey:  The home site includes research, publications, educational resources, and data.

Illinois Natural History Survey provides access to publications, collections, and other natural resources agencies.

Illinois State Water Survey:  A division of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, is the Water Survey.  Their home page includes links to a publications list, and their library.

Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (formerly The Waste Management and Research Center) page includes publications, research, as well as a documents list, and compilation of current projects, and a library.

The Prairie Research Institute Library serves the Illinois State Geological Survey, the Illinois Natural History Survey, the Illinois State Water Survey, and the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.