Illinois General Information
Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch
Legal and Regulatory
- LexisNexis State Capital

This site allows you check the status of each state’s bills, laws and regulations as well as various other issues related to state government.
- Illinois Compiled Statutes
This site contains provisions of the Illinois Compiled Statutes from databases that were created for the use of the members and staff of the Illinois General Assembly.
- Illinois Administrative Code
The Joint Committee on Administrative Rules of the Illinois General Assembly has made this unofficial version available on the Internet.
- Illinois Attorney General Opinions
The Opinions of the Illinois Attorney General since 1972.
- Illinois Human Rights Commission Decisions
The Decisions of the Illinois Human Rights Commission from 2001 forward. The Illinois Human Rights Commission is an administrative agency which is responsible for adjudicating claims of discrimination under the Illinois Human Rights Act.
- Illinois Commerce Commission – Chief Clerk’s Office
Search for decisions and documents related to public utilities operating in Illinois.
Statistical Resources
- Illinois Statistics Arranged by Subject and Agency
A guide to statistics published by Illinois state agencies in print and on the Internet, arranged by broad subject area.
- U.S. Census Bureau: Illinois state and county profiles
Contains longitudinal location, Tiger Map, links to Census data, USA Counties general profile and County Business Patterns economic profile. Use menus to select a county or city.
Coming Soon!–This site was cooperatively developed by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and several academic institutions to provide demographic and industry statistics for northern Illinois to businesses and industrial concerns. It is set to be released in early 2015.
- Illinois Vital Statistics
From the Illinois Department of Public Health. Includes population, birth, death, communicable disease, marriage and divorce statistics on the state and county levels.
*This link is currently broken. Check back for further updates.
- Community Profiles (formerly Communities A-Z)
From the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Detailed information on many Illinois counties, towns, and cities, including transportation, utilities, health facilities, employment, educational facilities, and municipal services.
- Rural Data
This page from the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois University currently gives demographic, housing, agricultural, and health data for counties in Illinois. A database of county zoning ordinances is also accessible from this page, as is data about biodiesel and wind energy. Several directories are also available.
- This is a clearinghouse of various data sets. Development of this portal is aimed at increasing access to public data or the data used in the operations of government, and making it accessible to the citizens of Illinois in a conventional method. This portal includes datasets, maps, and charts in such categories as housing, public health, and recreation.
- Illinois Department of Employment Security
IDES operates the state’s unemployment insurance program, the Illinois employment service, job training and other special workforce development programs for the unemployed and underemployed, and matches employer labor needs with the skills of job seekers.
- Find Jobs
Searchable databases of job openings in Illinois and federal government agencies.