News Sources

Newspaper archives

News resources can be very helpful and provide a good basis for your understanding of global issues. We frequently forget that these reports are written from a particular point of view.

Access World News
Offers news from around the world in English from 1977 – present. Sources include articles from Newspapers, newswires, transcripts, online news, blogs, journals, college and university newspapers, videos and newsletters.

America’s Historical Newspapers
A newsbank that allows users to pick an era of American history to search from the early colonial era of 1690 – 1729 through to the post-Vietnam era of 1976 – 1980.

British Library Newspapers
British newspapers from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

Ethnic NewsWatch
Includes full text publications for 200 newspapers and journals of the ethnic, minority, and native press from 1959 – present.

Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS)
Provides information on emerging markets through financial news articles, company profiles, industry analysis, microeconomic statistics, financial statements, equity quotes and market-specific information.

Library PressDisplay
Provides news articles from around the world that are searchable and browsable.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Includes full text of major historical newspapers, with strong coverage of the late 19th and early-mid 20th centuries. Every issue of each title includes the complete paper, cover-to-cover, with full-page and article images in easily downloadable PDF format.

Russian Central Newspapers / Russian Regional Newspapers
Newspapers from the Russian region.

UIUC Library Newspaper Database
Links to online archives of newspapers from around the World and the US, which mostly start in the 19th or 20th centuries. This site cannot search full texts.

World Newspaper Archive
Identifies articles from hundreds of Newspapers from around the United States and the World.

Recommended titles – New York Times, The Washington Post (before 1977 | 1977 onwards), The Christian Science Monitor

Current news


Academic Search Ultimate
Searches a large number of resources, many with full-text. Some of the titles you will find here include U.S. News and World Report, Time, Newsweek, New Republic, National Review, Commentary, Nation, and the Economist.

Online Journals List
Looking for a specific journal or magazine? Search its title in this list, which includes all the journals, magazines, and newspaper you can access through the University Library’s online collections.

Opinion journals

Identifies content on political, social, public policy issues from a variety of published information sources, including opinion journals.

Online Journals List
Looking for a specific journal or magazine? Search its title in this list, which includes all the journals, magazines, and newspaper you can access through the University Library’s online collections.