Guide to Global Studies Research

Databases by Topic

  • EIU Country Intelligence
    Provides users with reports and analysis about political, business and economic issues by country, category and subject including risk ratings, licensing and trading information for the new economies, plus G-8 and regional forecasts. Users also have access to the Business Middle East online newsletter.
  • Nexis Uni
    Identifies full text publications for users wanting to search news, US and international law, company profiles and SEC filings, countries or public figures or a combination of these.
  • ProQuest Statistical Insight
    Identifies statistical information and reports. Users can search and browse summaries, abstracts, tables, PDFs and other editions of reports.
General Global Studies
    Identifies publications, research and content across disciplines.
  • OECD iLibrary
    Allows users to either search or brows for information in books, papers, statistics, fact books or glossaries on global studies topics.
Global Cultures
  • American Bibliography of Slavic and Eastern European Studies
    Offers indexed journals, books, dissertations, online resources and selected government publications on East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union. Subject areas include anthropology, culture & the arts, economics, education, and geography. The literature was originally published in the U.S. and Canada from 1939-present.
  • eHRAF World Cultures
    Identifies information describing cultural practices worldwide.
Global Health
  • CABI Global Health and CAB Abstracts
    Identifies scientific resources within the applied health sciences fields including biomedical life sciences, public health, health promotion, public health emergencies, epidemiology and biostatistics, environmental and occupational health, nutrition and food sciences, infectious diseases and parasitology, tropical and international health, diagnosis and therapy of disease and health systems.
Historical Information
  • Historical Abstracts
    Covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present in over 40 languages with publications starting in 1955. Historical Abstracts started a project in 2006 to extend coverage through the late 1800s.
  • Adam Matthew Archival Resources
    From Global Commodities to Archives from the British Foreign Office, these primary sources resources offer excellent primary source materials.
Islamic Studies
  • Index Islamicus
    Identifies publications in European languages covering all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world, including history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages, and literature. Index Islamicus includes content published by Western orientalists, social scientists and Muslims from 1906 – present.
  • Oxford Islamic Studies Online
    Identifies primary and secondary sources through searching or browsing on Islamic topics. Oxford Islamic Studies Online also provides timelines and learning resources.
Law, Military and National Security
  • Digital National Security Archives
    Identifies declassified US government documents through searching or browsing.
  • HeinOnline
    Database of US law, regulations, foreign relations, international law, treaties and law reports from subscribed government and university library collections.
  • Military and Government Collection
    Identifies publications, research and content on military, security and governance issues worldwide from 1901 – present.
  • Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
    LLBA identifies publications including books, book reviews, book chapters, journal articles, working papers and dissertations on all aspects of language studies such as phonetics, applied linguistics, learning disabilities and morphology.
Political Sciences and Public Affairs
  • CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online)
    Includes comprehensive information on international affairs and policy studies from sources such as books, journals, policy briefs, the working papers of university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences.
  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
    Identifies citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science, international relations, law, and public administration and policy from 1976 – present.
  • CQ Researcher
    Provides award-winning in-depth coverage of the most important issues of the day.
  • ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research)
    Identifies social science research data with in social and political science disciplines including criminal justice, public health, education, psychology and racial and ethnic minorities. Allows users to search or browse for information.
  • International Political Science Abstracts
    Identifies articles on political science issues such as government theory, political processes and national and area studies.
  • PAIS (Public Affairs Information Services)
    Identifies articles, books, websites, statistics, yearbooks, directories, conference proceedings, pamphlets, reports, government documents, and microfiches on political, social, public policy issues from 1915 – present.
    Database of research on geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography, geomechanics, alternative energy sources, pollution, waste management and nature conservation.
  • Web of Science
    Includes Science Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Web of Science identifies articles, reviews, proceeding papers, editorial reviews, news items and many other content formats on subjects with in the sciences including but not limited to environmental sciences, engineering, food sciences, life sciences and geography.
Social Sciences
  • International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
    Provides comprehensive international coverage in 100 languages and countries identifying journal articles, books, reviews and selected chapters from 1951- present.
  • Social Sciences Citation Index
    Includes journal articles and cited references in anthropology, political science, history, public health, industrial relations, social issues, information science, library science, social work, law, sociology, linguistics, substance abuse, philosophy, urban studies, psychology, women’s studies, and psychiatry.
  • SocIndex
    Identifies full text publications, research and content on social issues worldwide from 1880 – present.
  • Sociological Abstracts
    Identifies abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers in sociology and in the social and behavioral sciences from 1963 – present.
Women's Studies
  • Women’s Studies International
    Identifies articles, books, chapters, conference papers, gray literature and media on women’s studies and feminism world wide from 1864 – present.

Encyclopedias, Handbooks, and Reference Sources

Encyclopedias (in print and online)

  • Encyclopedia of Global Warming (Online Collection)
    Dutch, Steven I., eds. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2010.
    This Encyclopedia provides 540 entries on global warming topics such as abrupt climate change, amazon deforestation, ecosystems, global monitoring, the little ice age, reefs, and sustainable development.
  • Encyclopedia of Global Change (Online Collection)
    Goudie, Andrew, eds. Oxford ; Oxford University Press.
    This encyclopedia includes 300 articles on topics such as tsunamis, ocean pollution, mining regulation and permafrost melting. Categories covered in the encyclopedia include altered ecosystems, food and water supply, climate change, politics and global change, populations, biographies, institutions and policies and case studies.
  • Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Science (Online Collection)
    Kemp, Karen K., eds. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, c2008.
    The Encyclopedia Science contains entries from best-known GIScience scholars and scholarly experts from related GIScience disciplines.
  • Encyclopedia of Latin America (Print Collection)
    Leonard, Thomas M., eds. New York : Facts On File, c2010.
    This encyclopedia is a four-volume set discussing the culture and history of South America, the Caribbean and Central America from its settlement through today. Volume one explores the early settlements of the Incas through the 1500s. Volume two explores the Spanish arrival and colonization through the 1820s. Volume three explores the 19th and early 20th century Latin American identity development. Volume four explores how Latin America claims its place in international politics, becomes influential worldwide and experiences globalization.
Global Health
  • Encyclopedia of Global Health (Online Collection)
    Zhang, Yawei, eds. Los Angeles : Sage Publications, c2008.
    This encyclopedia discusses the globalization of health care, chronicles important events and changes within global health and discusses global health topics such as: children’s health, global health in countries across the world, drugs and drug companies, organizations and associations and procedures and therapies.
  • Encyclopedia Of Global Resources (Online Collection)
    Allin, Craig W., eds. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, 2010.
    This encyclopedia is a four-volume set with 575 essays listed alphabetically ranging from 500 words to 3,000 words. Topics covered include but are no limited to: biological and energy resources, environment, geological processes and formations, laws and conventions, obtaining and using resources, agencies and programs, pollution and waste disposal, social, economic and political issues and plant and animal resources. Encyclopedia includes appendices.
  • Encyclopedia of Global Justice (Online Collection)
    Chatterjee, Deen K, eds. Dordrecht ; Springer, c2011.
    This encyclopedia is a two-volume set that covers all the related areas of study connected to global justice internationally and interdisciplinary. This encyclopedia includes about 500 entrees that very in length from 300 to 5000 words. Entry length is based on their significance within global justice studies specifically.
  • Encyclopedia of Global Industries (Online Collection)
    Detroit, Mich. : Gale, 2011. 5th ed.
    This encyclopedia covers the development, history and current state of some of the world’s most profitable industries. Entries discuss the impact of an industry economically and socially, its size, its work force, its development, how it is organized and the countries and companies within the industry, with rankings.
  • Encyclopedia Of Globalization (Print Collection)
    Robertson, Roland and Jan Aart Scholte, eds. New York : Routledge, 2007.
    This encyclopedia covers organizations, concepts and events associated with globalization. Topics such as anthropology, media, economics, communications, history, environment sociology, law, political economic development and politics are discussed in their relations to globalization. Several individual topics are also covered and section v.4 includes primary sources that are not listed as such in the table of contents. This encyclopedia is written for readers at the high school level and above.
  • The International Studies Encyclopedia (Online Collection)
    Denemark, Robert Allen and Renée Marlin-Bennett, eds. Oxford : Oxford University Press; 2017.
    This encyclopedia contains over 400 essays on issues and theories related to international studies. It emphasizes topics connected to political science and social studies.
Politics and Religion
  • Encyclopedia of Buddhism (Online Collection)
    Buswell, Robert E., eds. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Thomson/Gale, c2004.
    This Encyclopedia is a two-volume set that traces the Buddhism history, how Buddhism blended with other religions, the Buddhist world-outlook, basic teachings and practices and the different Buddhist sects and schools. This encyclopedia also covers subjects such as Buddhist architecture, monastic orders, festivals and scriptures.
  • Encyclopedia of Terrorism (Print Collection)
    Combs, Cindy C. and Martin Slann, eds. Rev. ed. New York : Facts On File, c2007.
    This Encyclopedia includes 300 alphabetical entries that look at the most dangerous terrorist organization and characters, their biggest motivations and the victims of terrorist attacks. Emphasis is given to modern terrorism, however historical examples are included. Appendices are also included.
  • Encyclopedia Of International Relations And Global Politics (Print Collection)
    Griffiths, Martin, eds. London : Routledge, 2005.
    The Encyclopedia includes 250 cross-referenced entries on important organizations, military, diplomatic, economic and political vocabulary. This encyclopedia includes information on sub-fields such as foreign policy analysis, historical sociology, comparative politics, international political economy, strategic studies, ethics, military affairs, international history and international political theory.
  • The New Encyclopedia of Judaism (Online Collection)
    Himelstein, Shmuel, Fred Skolnik, and Geoffrey Wigoder, eds. New York : New York University Press, c2002.
    The Encyclopedia covers all aspects of the religion and discusses the present philosophy of scholars among all three movements.
  • Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion (Online Collection)
    Wuthnow, Robert. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, c2007.
    The Encyclopedia looks at the origins of how religion and politics have molded national and international policy, social outlooks, public dialogue and communal action and explains their effects over the past to centuries.
Poverty and Human Rights
  • International Encyclopedia of Human Rights : Freedoms, Abuses, and Remedies (Print Collection)
    Maddex, Robert L. Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, c2000.
    This encyclopedia contains entries for about 150 concepts / terms, 100 documents, 45 organizations and 46 people. Entries include options for finding further information about the topics discussed such as websites, documents, standards and further reading.
  • Encyclopedia of World Poverty (Online Collection)
    Odekon, Mehmet., eds. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, c2006.
    This encyclopedia includes 800 entries listed alphabetically discussing poverty and related global issues. About 150 entries cover organizations from small to large. Over 40 articles cover specific important individuals. Other articles analyze poverty causes and effects and their treatment and discuss its history. About 76 articles work to define and measure poverty. Articles are cross-referenced. Bibliographies and two appendixes are included.
Security and Governance
  • Encyclopedia of Governance (Online Collection)
    Bevir, Mark, eds. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, c2007.
    The Encyclopedia is a two-volume set, which includes 550 topics and a reader’s guide. Topics include but are not limited to liberal market economy, regulation theory on a range of subjects, public investment, social constructivism and neoliberalism, decision-making, information governance, interpretive theory and policy analysis are covered.
  • Globalization And Security: An Encyclopedia (Print Collection)
    Fagan, G. Honor and Ronaldo Munck, eds. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger Security International, 2009.
    This Encyclopedia is a two-volume set. The first volume covers political and economic aspects of globalization and security. Topics include but are not limited to: citizenship, development, finance, food security / fisheries, the nation-state, non-governmental organizations, terrorism and trade. The second volume covers social and cultural aspects of globalization and security. Topics in this volume include but are not limited to: consumerism, crime, culture, education, gender, global civil society, health security, inequality, religion and social movements.
Sustainable Development
  • Encyclopedia of the Developing World (Print Collection)
    Leonard, Thomas M., eds. New York : Routledge, c2006.
    This Encyclopedia is a three-volume set comprised of about 800 entries that range from 500 to 5,000 words per entry.  The encyclopedia’s entries discuss the developing world’s “second world” and “third world” countries from 1945 through today. Regional studies are included, about 170 organizations are covered and about 134 individuals are covered. Some topics covered include caste systems, currency regimes, foreign direct investment and guerrilla warfare. Bibliographies and guides to further reading and an index are included in each volume.
Women's Studies
  • Routledge International Encyclopedia Of Women: Global Women’s Issues And Knowledge (Print Collection)
    Kramarae, Cheris and Dale Spender, eds. New York : Routledge, 2000.
    The Encyclopedia is a four-volume set discussing women’s concerns and global feminism theory and practice. Only volume one includes a list of articles organized into categories included in all volumes. Categories covered include but are not limited to: arts and literature, ecology and environment, education, reproduction, history of philosophy of feminism, violence and peace and women’s studies. Entries on individuals and specific nations are included within entries on topics.


  • 21st Century Economics : a Reference Handbook (Online Collection)
    Free, Rhona C., eds. Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage, c2010.
    This handbook is divided into two volumes written for undergraduate students, professional economists and dedicated non-student readers looking for theory and model summaries. This handbook provides coverage on a wide range of economic issues such as micro-, macro-, ethics, sports, AIDS, neuroeconomics and feminist economics. Chapters look at theory, applications, models and observational evidence.
  • The Handbook of Economic Sociology, 2nd ed. (Online Collection)
    Smelser, Neil J. and Richard Swedberg, eds. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press ; c2005.
    This handbook includes information on new research subjects such as international and global concerns, organizations and networks, changes from socialist economics, institutional analysis and ancient world economic sociology.
Global Studies
  • The Oxford Handbook of Global Studies (Print Collection)
    Juergensmeyer, Mark, editor. New York, NY : Oxford University Press; 2019.
    This handbook provides an introduction to the global studies field. Its essays discuss global studies methodology, the emergence of the field, current global challenges and developments, and critical analyses of the field.
  • The Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies (Print Collection)
    Turner, Bryan S., eds. Abingdon [England] ; Routledge, 2010.
    This handbook includes chapters on globalization history and important theories and the factors that have caused changes in globalization. Negative effects and their response from international laws and organizations are also covered.
  • The SAGE Handbook of Global Studies (Online Collection)
    Steger, Manfred B.; Battersby, Paul; Siracusa, Joseph M. London : SAGE Publications; 2014.
    Focusing on key issues in the global studies field, this handbook incorporated interdisciplinary perspectives from fields like sociology, anthropology, history, media and cultural studies, economics and governance, environmental sustainability, international law, and criminal justice. It includes sections on global society, sustainability, governance, and diversity.
Politics and Religion
  • The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics (Online Collection)
    Boix, Carles and Susan C. Stokes, eds. Oxford ; Oxford University Press, 2009.
    This handbook includes sections on theory and methodology, states and state formation, political regimes and transitions, political instability, mass political mobilization, processing political demands and governance.
  • Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory (Online Collection)
    Delanty, Gerard and Stephen P. Turner, eds. London ; Routledge, 2011.
    This handbook is divided into three sections, which discuss influential 20th century theoretical customs, new analysis practices and current issues in political and social theory.  The handbook is written for undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers looking for an up-to-date account of recent social and political theory developments.
  • The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory (Online Collection)
    Dryzek, John S., Bonnie Honig and Anne Phillips, eds. Oxford ; Oxford University Press, 2006.
    This handbook includes 46 chapters divided into 10 sections covering topics such as: the pluralist imagination, republican visions, civil society and the state, impartiality, the people, historical injustice and nationalism.
  • The Oxford Handbook of International Relations (Online Collection)
    Reus-Smit, Christian and Duncan Snidal, eds. Oxford ; Oxford University Press, 2008.
    This handbook includes 44 chapters on topics such as practical discourse, ethics, approaches, the new liberalism and strategic studies.
  • The Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions (Online Collection)
    Rhodes, R. A. W., Sarah A. Binder and Bert A. Rockman, eds. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008.
    This handbook includes 38 chapters on topics such as approaches to institutionalism and types of institutions such as electoral systems, territorial institutions, public bureaucracy and the welfare state.
Security and Governance
  • The Routledge Handbook of Asian Security Studies (Online Collection)
    Sumit Ganguly, Andrew Scobell and Joseph Chinyong Liow. London ; Routledge, c2010.
    This handbook is segmented into five parts: Northeast Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and cross regional issues. The handbook is written for students studying Asian security, Asian politics and international relations and aims to cover all major conflicts and security issues within the regions.
  • The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (Online Collection)
    Weiss, Thomas George and Sam Daws, eds. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008.
    This handbook includes 40 chapters on topics such as theoretical frameworks, UN organs, relationships with other actors, international peace and security, human rights and development.
  • The European Union and Global Governance : a Handbook (Online Collection)
    Wunderlich, Jens-Uwe and David J. Bailey, eds. London ; Routledge, 2011.
    This handbook examines issues in European Studies that teaches readers about global governance. Chapters analyze discussions on global governance methodology, theory and observations. The handbook includes European studies scholars and international relations scholars in order to achieve an interdisciplinary record.

Online Reference Collections
  • Biography in Context
    Includes 600,000+ biographical entries — on more than 528,000 individuals — spanning history and geography.
  • Credo Reference
    Provides access to encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, quotations, bilingual dictionaries, a crossword solver and measurement conversions.
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library
    Identifies reference sources through browsing or searching in the areas of art, biography, business, education, environment, general reference, history, law, literature, medicine, multicultural studies, nation and world, religion, science and social science.
  • Oxford Digital Reference
    Provides access to 25 different subject encyclopedias on topics like global change, human rights, world exploration and social work.

Organizations and Institutes

United Nations
  • World Food Programme
    The largest humanitarian agency fighting world hunger worldwide.
  • World Security Network
    An independent global action network for foreign and defense affairs.
  • Human Rights Watch
    An independent organization dedicated to protecting human rights.
    USAID provides foreign aid.  The website provides information on its initiatives.
Economic Institutions
  • World Bank
    Collects knowledge to reduce poverty and support development.
  • International Monetary Fund
    The IMF is mad cup of 187 countries. It works to assist economic cooperation, reduce poverty, promote growth and facilitate trade and economic stability.
  • European Commission Eurostat
    The statistics division of the European Commission.
