Rachel Suntop
Taste of Iceland
Emily Love
The Pelican Beef, by John Grisham
Molly Scott
Honeymoon Scrabble
Molly MacRae
Charlotte’s Web
Molly MacRae
The Chard in the Scone
Molly Dolan
Not Even Books Can Prepare You for Everything
Lisa Fager
Sword and the Scone
Karen Hewitt
Leaves of Grass
Karen Hewitt
Leaves of Grass
Karen Hewitt
Leaves of Grass
Karen Hewitt
Leaves of Grass
Laura Larkin
Peter Pan(cakes) with Berries
Klara Kim
The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization
Klara Kim
Fahrenheit 451
Kiley Reed
Sweet or Savory (Crepe Paper Book)
Kathleen Smith
Grape Moments in Literary History: Grape Expectations; All Creatures Grape and Small; The Grapes of Wrath; The Grape Escape
M. Kathleen Kern
Fly with a Hero
Karen Hewitt
Leaves of Grass
Karen Hewitt
Leaves of Grass
Karen Green
Baby Mousse “Our Hero”
Julia Keener
Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
Julia Keener
Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
Julia Kenner
Clockwork Orange
Jonathan Sivier
Candy Corneiform
Jessica Liu
Robinson Mouss-o
Rachel Suntop
Taste of Iceland
Julia Keener
Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
Kathleen Smith
Grape Moments in Literary History: Grape Expectations; All Creatures Grape and Small; The Grapes of Wrath; The Grape Escape
Kathleen Smith
Grape Moments in Literary History: Grape Expectations; All Creatures Grape and Small; The Grapes of Wrath; The Grape Escape
Glen Davies and Sandy Wolf
Homage to Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Emily Love
The Pelican Beef, by John Grisham
Eleanore Stasheff
Knot So Easy to Read (quipu)
Emily Love
The Pelican Beef, by John Grisham
Center for Children’s Books
Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause
Cathy Fager
And I Will Eat Them with a Mouse
Jonathan Sivier
Candy Corneiform
Center for Children’s Books
Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause
Ata Bird
Lard of the Rings
Yael Taylor
Falling Leaves
Valerie Hotchkiss
To Kill a (Tequila) Mockingbird
Susan Rodgers
Call Me Ishmael
Sue Searing
Profiles in Cabbage (with apologies to JFK)
Susan Bekiares
Death of Ivan Ilyich
Steve & Nadja Shoemaker
Sam I Am Was Southern
Claudia & Molly Serbanuta
This Book Holds a Story for You (computer & codex)
Sara Schepis
Printer’s Case = A Good Book; Some Assembly Required
Samuel Price Hotchkiss
The Secret Garden