Julia Welzen
Frank in Stein
Claire Washburn
The View from the Cherry Tree
Yael Taylor
Bread & Jam for Frances
Amy Sponsler
Kathleen Smith
Dr. Jerky and Mr. (Cow)Hide
Chris Johns
Sue Searing
The House of Seven Bagels
Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Sarah Okner
Don’t Let the Pigeon Eat the Cake
Anastasia Nikolaeva
Arley McNeney
My Last Duchess
Chrissie McKenney
The Agony & the Ecstasy
Emily Klose
The Malted Falcon
Katie Malone
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
Carol Tilly, Kathryn LaBarre, and Taylor Hocutt
Little Bo Peep
Kids Club of Orchard Downs
Six Sweet Blind Men & the Elephant
Stephen Kaufman
Three Cups of Tea
Amy Sponsler
Samuel Price Hotchkiss
The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson
Arley McNeney
My Last Duchess
Valerie Hotchkiss
Measure for Measure
Samuel Price Hotchkiss
The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson
Roy Hotchkiss
Catsup in the Rye
Samuel Price Hotchkiss
The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson
Karen Hewitt
Which Came First
Karen Hewitt
Which Came First
Beth German
Who Watches the Watchmen?
Viktoria Ford
Little Women
Nikki Ford
The ‘Tail’ of Peter Rabbit
Chatham Ewing
Thyme Machine
Karolina Engstrom
Notes on the State of Virginia
Business & Economics Library Graduate Assistants
Fox on Stocks
Molly Dolan
The Frog Prince
Glen C. Davies
Candied Voltaire
Emily Klose
The Malted Falcon
Michelle Chronister and Steve Ammidown
The Ball Jar
Michelle Chronister and Steve Ammidown
Harry (Flower) Potter and the Order of the Cupcakes
Camille Chesley
An Arsonist’s Guide to Writers’ Homes in New England
Center for Children’s Books
The Graveyard Book
Roy Hotchkiss
Catsup in the Rye
Roy Hotchkiss
Catsup in the Rye
Roy Hotchkiss
Catsup in the Rye
Susan Bekiares
A Tale of Two Cities
Business & Economics Library Graduate Assistants
Fox on Stocks