Billy Morrow Jackson’s “Ag Time” Painting

Billy Morrow Jackson's Painting - Ag Time
Billy Morrow Jackson's Painting - Ag Time - outlined with historical figures numbered

People in Billy Morrow Jackson’s “Ag Time” Painting

  1. Cyril George Hopkins – Head of the Department of Agronomy 1900-1919. Researcher and advocate ofthe science and practice of soil conservation
  2. William R. Boggess – Head of the Department of Forestry 1968-73. Pioneer in measuring treegrowth
  3. Edward Murray East – Known as the father of modern plant breeding. Shares the honor of beingco-inventor of hybrid corn
  4. George Espy Morrow – Professor of Agriculture 1876-94.n First dean of the College ofAgriculture 1878-94. Responsible for developing the first continuous U.S. experiment in croprotation
  5. Big Al – the World’s first transgenic pig. Work done by Professor Matt Wheeler
  6. H.H. Mitchell – Animal scientist whose research led to the adoption of statistical treatment ofdata in animal nutrition laboratories
  7. E.W. Lehmann – First head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering in 1921. Early leaderin the fight for rural electrification
  8. Jonathan Baldwin Turner – Noted farmer and lecturer who first formulated a comprehensive planfor a national system of universities
  9. Abraham Lincoln – Holding the Morrill Act which he signed in 1862, establishing the Land GrantColleges
  10. Alma Mater – Holding a cardinal (the state bird) in her left hand, and a bunch of violets (thestate flower) in her right
  11. Vermont Senator Justin Smith Morrill – (Holding Mumford House, built in 1870) Fought for manyyears in Congress for passage of act that bears his name
  12. Wilbur John Fraser – Head of the Department of Dairy Husbandry 1902-13. Responsible for much ofthe planning, construction, and arrangement of the experimental round barn
  13. Isabel Bevier – Head of the Department of Household Science 1900-21. Credited with developingone of the outstanding home economics departments in the U.S.
  14. Glenn W. Salisbury – Head of the Department of Dairy Science 1947-69. Groundbreaking work inartificial insemination in dairy cattle
  15. Clyde Melvin Woodworth – First soybean geneticist. Developed early improved soybean cultivarsincluding Chief, Illini, Viking and Lincoln
  16. William Leonidas Burlison – Head of the Department of Agronomy 1920-51. Helped make Illinoisthe largest soybean producer in the United States
  17. Thomas Jonathan Burrill – Professor of botany and horticulture 1870-1903. Professor of botany1902-12. Created science of bacterial plant pathology