ACDC News – Issue 00-19

Latest grants: light on communications research in food and agriculture.

Eighty-six research projects totaling $113 million were selected recently for funding through the 2000 awards program of the USDA/CSREES (Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service). This program, known as the Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS), attracted hundreds of proposals. Among the 86 chosen for funding, here are projects that seem most closely related to communications:

  • “Measures of consumer acceptance of and willingness to pay for GM foods in the U.S. and the E.U.” 4 years. (audience analysis)
  • “Economic performance of market advisory services” 4 years. (accuracy of agricultural information)
  • “Bridging the urban/rural divide: marketing local food in the Mid Atlantic” 3 years. (food marketing communications)

Reference: You can see the list of 86 projects at

A new approach to guide development-related communicating.

A communication center in Zimbabwe has pioneered a people-oriented alternative to traditional communication research approaches. It is called “Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal (PRCA).” An article by Philippe Van der Stichele describes it and compares it with tools such as Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) and traditional communication research. PRCA uses a “starting with people” approach that offers potentials for establishing new communication programs and improving ongoing ones.

Reference: Use a title search (“Participatory Rural Communication Appraisal”) or author search (Van der Stichele) for the full citation, including a URL for online access to the article.

Resources for covering rural issues.

The Newslab web site ( has added a new page of links for beat reporters who want resources for covering rural issues. The links involve sites that feature agricultural statistics, rural development, rural policy and other areas of interest. Newslab is associated with the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

“You must be a stronger writer than a rider.” 

That career advice comes from Leslie Baker, staff member of the American Quarter Horse Association, in an article deposited recently from the Western Horseman magazine. Baker said that her choice of agricultural communications was a good one for her because it gave her flexible skills she could apply to many jobs.

Reference: Use a title search (“Common and uncommon careers with horses”) or author search (Kreitler) for the full citation.

Helping agricultural marketers monitor Internet usage.

The newly formed Agribusiness Internet Advertising Council that we mentioned in a recent edition of “News and Announcements” now has a web presence:

This website describes the Council’s purpose and lists Council members. It will define key terms used in negotiation between buyers and sellers of Internet advertising. Members include web companies, advertising agencies and advertisers who sell products to farmers. They want to develop a system for auditing results of advertising placed on the Internet.

How agricultural freelancers are coping with change.

The September issue of ByLine newsletter from the American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA) features an article on how three successful freelancers “are coping with the current climate in agricultural publishing.” It also reflects some of their views about the future.

Reference: Use a title search (“The times they are a changin'”) for the full citation.

“Am I using the database wrong?”

This question came to the Center recently from an online searcher who would like to get full-text articles rather than citations. Increasingly, we are able to report in the citation how to gain access, electronically, to documents in full-text form. In such cases, the note section of a citation provides a website address that you can use to read (and possibly retrieve) full-text documents of interest.

Copyright issues restrain our efforts to provide full-text information, as you can imagine. Also, full-text access requires the high costs and complexity of scanning thousands of documents. At this stage, we provide a service by helping you identify documents of possible interest. You may be able to gain access to them locally. If you cannot, then let us know the titles and document numbers. We will work with you to help arrange for access from the ACDC collection. One strength of this database is that we have at hand all documents identified in it.

How rural electric cooperatives are using education and communications.

A nationwide study this year shows that member relations and enhancement of the image of cooperatives in the public eye are the primary goals of such programs today. Increasing business volume and membership rank low among the goals of cooperative education and communications. This master’s thesis project by Michel M. Haigh of Texas Tech University analyzed the organization, staffing, budgets (rising), methods used, gaps and needs of education and communications programs within such cooperatives. Findings also identified deregulation and structural changes as current major subjects of concern for communicators and educators in rural electric cooperatives.

Reference: Use a title search (“A study on member education and communications programs in rural electric cooperatives”) or author search (Haigh) for the full citation.

Searchers can locate FFA magazines, newsletters and photos

In the National FFA Archives that opened officially during September in the Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI) Library. You can check online to see what the collection offers: Examples include issues of New Horizons magazine (formerly National Future Farmer) from 1928-1998. Photos in the collection date back to 1916.

Here are some recent inquiries that have come to us at the Center:

  • Attitudes of farmers in India about biotech crops
  • Professionalism of agriculture college communicators
  • Media or communications companies that invest in agriculture
  • Communications aspects of sustainable agriculture
  • Public opinion studies related to plant disease
  • Using the Internet for agricultural advertising
  • Consolidation and concentration in U.S. farm publishing

We enjoy trying to help searchers find information. Please let us know ( if you are struggling to locate information about agriculture-related communications.

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

November 8-12, 2000
“Enduring change, embracing opportunities @2000.” Annual meeting of the National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB) at the Westin Crown Center Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri.

November 10, 2000
Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) Networking Breakfast at the Westin Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri.
Information: Kathleen Montgomery at

Misleading food labels?

This complaint reportedly came to a company that manufactures corn syrup:

“I’ve taken six bottles of your corn syrup and my feet are no better than when I started.”

Best regards and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, questions or ideas for ACDC — invite help in searching — and suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents that we might add to this collection. Thank you.

ACDC News – Issue 00-18

“So I went to rodeos and learned photography by myself.”

A recent article in Western Horseman magazine describes how respected photographer Dan Hubbell developed his skills photographing rodeo athletes. He explains how he got started as a professional and offers advice about this specialized type of livestock photography.

Reference: Use a title search (“Dan Hubbell, the shootist”) or author search (Smith) for the full citation.

Bucking trends in the publishing business.

One of the most innovative, pioneering efforts in rural publishing came into view during August when Wall Street Journal newspaper featured the Reiman Publications of Greendale, Wisconsin. A front-page article by Paulette Thomas describes how founder Roy Reiman and his associates have bucked major publishing trends in:

  • Publishing magazines that contain no advertising.
  • Getting most of their editorial content from readers.
  • Focusing on the “underserved market that is older, rural America.”
  • Building a “family” feel that permeates the Reiman magazines and extends into books, tours, cooking shows, mail order operations and other related enterprises.
  • Using no organizational charts.
  • Bypassing focus groups and other typical market research tools.

The article describes how the 11 Reiman magazines (including Country Woman, Farm and Ranch Living, Country, Taste of Home and others) now reach a combined circulation of roughly 16 million.

Reference: Use a title search (“Cash cows: a magazine publisher finds fertile ground for profits in farmland”) or author search (Thomas) for the full citation.

The room goes quiet.

Here’s the interesting introduction of a new report from Ohio on external communications for land-grant universities:

“If there is anything that academia does well, it is making something simple excruciatingly complex. It will try to make a ‘science’ out of it and study it to death. It will beget conferences and workshops and strategic plan after strategic plan. It will hire ‘outside experts’ at great expense. It will change department and college names and design new logos and themes. Buzzwords of the day, like ‘brand marketing,’ will flow freely off administrative tongues. And one will tire of questions like what is our product, who is our audience, what are their needs, how will we reach them? Why don’t more people know about us, what we do, and why we are needed? And then at the end of all this, usually with a strategic plan approved, the biggest, most important question of all surfaces: How are we going to pay for this? The room goes quiet.”

A Project Reinvent Communications and Marketing Vision-Challenge Team at Ohio State University produced this 16-page report, including 30 recommendations for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

Reference: Use a title search (“Marketing the land-grant university”) for the full citation.

Farmers as early buyers by Internet.

“You can go back and track that farmers were one of the first to use the Sears catalog. They are displaying the exact same behavior with e-commerce because they see the value in being connected to the Internet.” That’s the perspective of the CEO of, an e-commerce hub for producers and buyers in agriculture. He notes that 44% of U.S. corn growers who raise 500 acres or more had Internet access by 1999, compared with 33% of total U.S. households.

Reference: Use a title search (“Enhancing profitability through the Internet”) or author search (Todd) for the full citation.

Monitoring public knowledge and views.

Here is a research report that we added recently about how communicators “listen” to various publics for agriculture-related information. It discusses implications for communications strategy.

Marshall H. Breeze, “Knowledge and opinion of residents of Dade and Broward Counties, Florida, regarding citrus canker and the Citrus Canker Eradication Program of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.” June 2000. 35 pp.

Reference: This report is available in electronic form from the Documentation Center. Let us know ( if you would like to receive it.

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

October 26-27, 2000
“Newsgathering” seminar for media relations staff and news writers from U.S. land-grant universities. Sponsored by the International Association of Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE) at the Ramada Plaza Hotel O’Hare, Chicago, Illinois.

October 27, 2000 communications and marketing in the digital age.” Seminar featuring the latest in the growing field of agricultural communications technology. Organized by the Ag and Environmental Communications Alumni Group, University of Illinois, for students, faculty, alumni and other professionals. Takes place on the University of Illinois campus, Urbana.

November 8-12, 2000
“Enduring change, embracing opportunities @2000.” Annual meeting of the National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB) at the Westin Crown Center Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri.

Adding a classic book.

We are grateful to co-editor Wayne Swegle for adding to the ACDC collection a copy of Farm magazines, milestones and memories. This 145-page book (1996) was a 75th anniversary project of the American Agricultural Editors’ Association. It features the development of AAEA, traces the impact of farm magazines in American agriculture, cites changes in farm publishing and highlights dozens of individual farm magazines.

Reference: Use an author search (Swegle or Harvey) or title search (above) for the full citation.

Best regards and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, questions or ideas for ACDC — invite help in searching — and suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents that we might add to this collection. Thank you.

ACDC News – Issue 00-17

Static for Stossel.

Quite a few reports have entered the Documentation Center recently in connection with ABC reporter John Stossel’s tangle with the organic food industry. His airing on February 4 and July 7 of a controversial “20/20” television segment that questioned the safety of organic food has stirred considerable response. This debate is focusing mainly on accuracy in reporting about organic foods. It also is sparking discussion about earlier reporting that led to what is known as the Alar Scare involving apples.

Reference: Use a subject search with terms such as <organic> or <accuracy AND reporting>.

Journalists’ dilemmas in covering agricultural issues these days.

Several reporting dilemmas came under discussion during a special session at the U.S. Agricultural Communicators Congress in Washington, D.C. The panelists – a farm magazine editor, farm broadcaster and beef producer – cited dilemmas such as:

  • Evaluating news from organizations that have “agendas.”
  • Balancing editorial with the drive for profits and prices.
  • Competition among farm media, leading to ethical compromises.
  • Pressure from advertisers and publishers.
  • Determining how much the public needs to know about specific topics.

The discussion also identified some suggestions and ideas for agricultural reporting in a volatile industry environment. Examples:

  • Apply doses of “healthy skepticism” about what is going on.
  • Sort various claims, charges and challenges before reporting them.
  • Use source identification and attribution carefully and extensively.
  • Cover not only the changes taking place, but also the effects of changes.
  • Work hard for editorial balance and independence, even in the face of business-side pressures.

Reference: Contact the Center ( if you are interested in notes from this session. No full text of presentations or discussion is available.

Sharper focus for agricultural television.

Farm telecaster Jerry Lackey of the Texas AG TV Network urges stations and networks with farm broadcasters to sharpen their focus to stay in touch with a changing environment. His article in the National Association of Farm Broadcasters Chats Newsletter suggests that NAFB can help telecasters prepare for opportunities through new technologies such as webcasting and streaming of video. He also urges the organization to promote farm television more actively among marketers. More than 200 television stations and affiliates feature NAFB voting members, he reports, and he provides some recent data about U.S. farmers’ use of television for gathering information about farm news, farm markets and weather.

Reference: Use title search (“Promoting farm television, important part of NAFB”) or author search (Lackey) for the full citation.

“Information can be disseminated, knowledge cannot.” 

Anamaria Decock, communication specialist with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations, makes this point in a paper about the importance of varied ways in which people communicate.

“This is at the heart of any participatory process,” the author explains. “Folk media contain that common knowledge and involve everyone because such media are everyone’s heritage.” Alternatively: “Modern media generally lack credibility and therefore cannot reshape cultural traditions.”

This paper focuses on the role of traditional media in developing countries. The principles emphasized seem relevant in any country, culture and time.

Reference: Use title search (“Wireless networks”) for the full citation. Text is available online at

Getting rural communities onto the Information Superhighway.

Following are some related documents that have been added recently to the ACDC collection:

  • “Rural telecommunications: why your community isn’t connected and what you can do about it” (U.S. experience)
  • “Information technology (IT) in developing nations” (Excerpt: “97 percent of all Internet hosts are in developed nations, home to 16 percent of the world’s population.”)
  • “Stuck in the ruts on the information superhighway” (Nigeria experience)
  • “Africa on the line?”
  • “Specific issues concerning the application of information systems in developing countries”
  • “The new communications media in livestock development”

Reference: Use title searches (above) to get full citations and details about how to gain access to these documents. Some are available online. You can identify other documents about this topic by using a subject cross-search (e.g.: <communities AND “information technology”> or <internet AND “rural communities”>.

Educating the next generation of agricultural journalists.

That is the title of a recent article describing an effort by the British Guild of Agricultural Journalists. The article appeared in the July 2000 issue of International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) News.

“For the past 10 years, the main means of doing this has been through a week-long training program, sponsored by John Deere Ltd. and known, consequently, as the John Deere Training Award,” Don Gomery explains in describing the effort.

Reference: Use a title search (above) for the full citation. Full text is available on the IFAJ website:

Helping small producer groups get started – and survive.

Today’s era of finding niche markets, adding value and gaining market power is bringing agricultural producers together in new and dynamic ways. Partnerships, cooperatives, networks, associations and other kinds of alliances are appearing. Some flourish. Others languish, fade or disappear.

The Administrative Committee on Coordination, United Nations, has produced an issue paper that can help guide those who want to succeed in such group efforts. The title: “Forming sustainable small farmer group associations (SFGAs): more difficult than first thought.”

This 18-page paper examines problems that such groups face. It also suggests keys to organizing and running a successful small producer group.

Reference: Use a title search (“Forming sustainable small farm group associations”) or author search (Cracknell) for the full citation. Text is available online at:

Another new useful link.

You will find that the website of the North American Agricultural Journalists (NAAJ) organization has been added to our “Useful Links” page, for your convenience. This professional group was formerly known as National Association of Agricultural Journalists and, before that, as Newspaper Farm Editors of America. It includes agricultural journalists in North American who report or edit agricultural news for newspapers, magazines, wires and syndicated services and are independent of agricultural organizations and businesses.

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

October 8-10, 2000
“Engaged institutions’ role in biotechnology education.” Symposium at Iowa State University, Ames. For representatives of educational institutions as well as producer, media and business/industry partners in biotechnology education.

October 22-25
Annual meeting of Communications Officers of State Departments of Agriculture (COSDA) at Holiday Inn Westpoint, St. Louis, Missouri.

November 15, 2000
Deadline for proposed papers to be presented at the 2001 joint meeting of the International Association of Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE) and the National Extension Technology Conference (NETC).

Best regards and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, questions or ideas for ACDC — invite help in searching — and suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents that we might add to this collection. Thank you.

ACDC News – Issue 00-16

Fuzzy profile of the ag-web user.

A recent news release from AgPRonline reported what it described as a “fuzzy profile” of Internet usage by U.S. farmers. Here are some of the features described:

  • Farmers on the Internet typically spend about five hours a week surfing.
  • Wednesday nights are the most popular times.
  • Most farmer users are online between 7 and 8 p.m.
  • About one-third of their web surfing is oriented to farming.
  • These Internet users are a bit younger than their peers, seem more open to new practices, tend to operate larger farms and are slightly more likely to live in the Northeast or West than in the Midwest or South.

Reference: Use title search (“Agricultural web coalition clicks ahead”) for the full citation.

Not so fast on biotech surveys.

The reader of a Canadian newspaper recently took issue with today’s widespread use of surveys of public attitudes about biotechnology. The reader suggested:

“Uncritical reporting of polls conducted with unknowledgeable survey respondents does nothing to inform public debate. A more fitting headline would have read: ‘Uninformed Canadians polled about their ignorance of biotechnology’.”

Reference: Use title search (“Not so fast on biotech surveys”) for the full citation.

Grammar gaffes, punctuation pitfalls and word woes

Come under the spotlight in an award-winning new teaching resource from three educational communicators:

Meg G. Ashman, University of Vermont; LaRae M. Donnellan, The University of Tennessee; and Florita S. Montgomery, West Virginia University, Training the grammar trainer: fun workshops a la carte.

This 120-page ring-bound teaching package takes a fun-filled, fast-paced approach to teaching grammar skills to English-speaking adults. It includes an interesting selection of camera-ready handouts and exercises, games and other resources, including a CD that contains an interactive “Grammar Challenge” game.

Reference: Use a title or author search (above) for the full citation. Contact LaRae Donnellan at for information about availability.

“Ecological illiteracy” within GM science and the regulatory system 

Came under discussion during a recent environmental journalism conference in Canada. A five-member panel of scientists, policy analysts and journalists also mentioned other communications aspects of food biotechnology today:

  • “Unavailability” of full information about GM issues
  • Lack of public debate about regulatory aspects
  • An “eater rebellion” that is emerging among consumers
  • How to inform the public about issues that have no black-and-white nature

Reference: Use a title search (“GM foods”) for the full citation. Contact us about how to get access to the audio proceedings.

Is the Internet adding to “information poverty” in developing countries?

The Documentation Center recently added a paper by science and technology journalist Mike Holderness who raises this question:

“So while increasing amounts of information about scientific and technological developments are now available only on the Internet, the big question is: Has ‘information poverty’ been added to the many other gaps separating developing countries from the rich North?” The paper highlights barriers such as lack of information infrastructure, high expense and English language domination of information on the Net.

“…the South has much to gain from increased access to information,” he argues, “and no time to lose.”

Reference: Use title search (“A promising solution fraught with peril”) for the full citation. Text is available online at

Undergraduate programs growing in the U.S.

“…undergraduate agricultural communications programs throughout the United States are growing and are expected to continue to grow for at least the next five years,” according to a study reported during the recent U.S. Agricultural Communicators Congress in Washington, D.C. Findings are based on responses from 22 universities that offer such degree programs. Researchers Randy Weckman, Deborah Witham and Ricky Telg also found that:

  • The number of students majoring in agricultural communications varied from 4 to 115 students per program, with a mean of 36.63.
  • Faculty-student ratios varied widely, from 1:10 to 1:77.
  • All programs involved a small number of faculty members (mean of just over two) to coordinate, administer and teach in the programs.
  • Faculty members reported need for greater support (funding, space, personnel).
  • Nearly 60 percent believed that a national accreditation program would help their programs.

Reference: Use a title search (“Characteristics of agricultural communications undergraduate programs: findings from a national survey”) for the full citation.

Finding synergy between online information and magazine information.

Rod Fee, senior livestock editor of Successful Farming magazine, describes ways in which an agricultural website (@griculture Online, introduced five years ago) has changed the way in which editorial staffers think and communicate. His report appears in the July/August issue of ByLine Newsletter from the American Agricultural Editors’ Association.

Reference: Use a title search (“The web brings new challenges…new opportunities”) or author search (“Fee”) for the full citation.

Isolation. Desperation. Torture.

Author Jeff Manning identifies those as strange origins of a commodity promotion campaign that he describes in a new book, GOT MILK? Isolation, desperation and torture are central to a creative theme developed by the California Milk Processor Board in 1993. In this 197-page case report, Manning describes how the Board turned away from the prevailing theme of milk as “good for you” and urged consumers to enter the world of “milk deprivation.” That is, what happens when you don’t have milk? By mid-1994 the campaign was winning creative awards, including Best of Show in the Clio Awards, and reversing a downward slide in milk sales.

Reference: Use a title search (“Got Milk?”) or author search (Manning) for the full citation.

New “Useful Links” on the ACDC web site.

You will find two new sources of agricultural communications information on the “Useful Links” page. Recently we added pointers to:

  • Livestock Publications Council – an international, nonprofit organization serving the livestock communications industry.
  • Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) Archives – a comprehensive finding aid to help locate information about this national organization.

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

September 28-30, 2000
Meeting of North American Agricultural Journalists (NAAJ) at Des Moines, Iowa.

September 28 – October 1, 2000
“CFWF 2000.” Conference of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation at Lethbridge, Alberta. Theme: “Farming on the green planet – the new age of stewardship.”

Best regards and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, questions or ideas for ACDC — invite help in searching — and suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents that we might add to this collection. Thank you.

ACDC News – Issue 00-15

Useful new materials from ACE researchers.

The Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE) conference in Washington, D.C., during late July, offered a useful selection of new information for professional communicators and others. For example, here are some research papers presented to the Research Special Interest Group:

  • “The framing of an agricultural controversy: how Iowa newspapers covered the food irradiation issue”
  • “City meets country in The Columbus Dispatch: an Ohio metropolitan newspaper’s treatment of land use issues”
  • “A pilot project to establish an educational research series in applied communications”
  • “Sources of agricultural news: an evaluation by Pennsylvania media”
  • “Factors promoting the adoption of telecommunications technologies in rural America”
  • “Communication competencies and extension managerial performance of county extension chairs in Ohio”
  • “Overcoming barriers to learning in distance education: developing tools to improve distance learners’ chances for success”
  • “How triggering events affect mass media coverage and source use concerning genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Britain and the United States”
  • “Emerging new models for agricultural communication in Russia: effects of the five-year ARIS World Bank Project”

Reference: Use title searches (above) for the full citations. Check with us for information about how to gain electronic access to documents that interest you.

Happy 30th birthday, ACT.

Members, advisors, alumni and friends of the American Association of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow staged a 30th birthday party during the recent annual ACT meeting in Washington, D.C. This college student organization formed in 1970. You can see news and photos from the convention, plus a presentation highlighting 30 years of ACT activities, at

Information: a real profit booster for producers.

An analysis reported recently in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics emphasizes the economic value of information to corn producers. Authors Philippe Bontems and Alban Thomas found that information and risk premium/aversion together account for about 20% of profit per acre for Midwest corn production. Their findings argue in favor of improving the knowledge that farmers have about soil and crop conditions during the growing season.

Reference: Use author or title search (“Information value and risk premium in agricultural production: the case of nitrogen application for corn”) for the full citation.

Where farmers get their information (a 78-year view).

Hundreds of documents in the ACDC collection deal with information sources of farmers – across the decades and around the world. You will find, for example, that documents about this subject trace back to 1922. And specific studies deal with the information sources of farmers in at least 15 countries of Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

Reference: You can review the comprehensive list through a cross-subject search, using the following subject terms: < “information sources” AND farmers>. Other documents related to this broad subject emerge through searches on related terms that you can see in the thesaurus. Samples: “media use,” “information seeking,” “media effectiveness.” Let us know if we can help you search or if you would like to discuss possible research projects.

Ideas for communications researchers:

  • Might this collection help provide a basis for research projects about long-term trends in farmers’ information sources?
  • Might it provide a basis for research projects about patterns in information seeking and differences that appear across cultures and across agricultural topics?

New media training program available.

Ricky Telg and Linda Kubitz of the University of Florida have produced a comprehensive new set of media relations training materials. A copy of this set went into the ACDC collection recently:

Meeting the press: communicating 4-H environmental education programs to the media

The program has two purposes:

  1. Teach 4-H and other Extension agents how to market their environmental education program stories to the media.
  2. Provide agents with materials they can use to teach 4-H members how to build positive, productive relationships with the news media in their communities.

Training materials include fact sheets with suggested activities, written materials about how to work with media, an educational videotape and a related web site (

Reference: Use a title search for the full citation. Ricky Telg ( can provide details about the program.

More perspectives in the biotechnology “debate:”

“This is not a radical issue. This is an issue for every mother.”

“Let’s lose the term ‘GMOs’ in favor of ‘food biotechnology’ or ‘agricultural biotechnology’ instead.” (spokesperson for an agribusiness firm)

“…billions of dollars’ worth of research into engineered foods means nothing without consumer acceptance.”

Efforts to measure agricultural advertising on websites.

A new organization – Agribusiness Internet Advertising Committee (AIAC) – is taking steps to refine measurement of farm-oriented advertising on the Internet. More than 40 representatives from media companies, advertising agencies and advertisers met during June in Brookfield, Wisconsin. They endorsed voluntary, third party auditing of Web sites that sell advertising to agricultural marketers. In an effort to help advertisers assess what they are buying, these AIAC representatives want to establish standards and provide accreditation of such sites.

Reference: Use a title search (“Agricultural web coalition clicks ahead”) for the full citation.

Getting complete printouts.

Have you noticed that it’s easier these days to get full-page printouts from ACDC “News and Announcements?” Complete lines. No cut-offs at the right margin. That’s because we recently adjusted the web site to permit you to print full pages more successfully from it. Let us know if you have problems.

Case report about a major communications campaign.

The Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC) was developed to control and eradicate rinderpest, a highly contagious and frequently fatal disease of cattle and other cloven-hoofed animals. Believed to be the largest livestock development project in Africa, it covered a region of 34 countries. A communications component was practically nonexistent in 1987, “regarded at best with indifference.” By 1993 it had become the most popular project component, viewed by national authorities as “truly beneficial” throughout the region. A case report about this campaign appeared in World Animal Review during 1994. It is part of an ACDC collection that is strong in literature about communications campaign planning, as related to food and agriculture.

Reference: Use a title search (“The Pan-African rinderpest campaign: where communication is the key”) for the full citation. Text is available online at

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

September 28 – October 1, 2000
“CFWF 2000.” Conference of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation at Lethbridge, Alberta. Theme: “Farming on the green planet – the new age of stewardship.”

October 8 – 10, 2000
“Engaged institutions’ role in biotechnology education.” Symposium at Iowa State University, Ames. For representatives of educational institutions

Best regards and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, questions or ideas for ACDC — invite help in searching — and suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents that we might add to this collection. Thank you.

ACDC News – Issue 00-14

Reconciling nature’s jumble and straight-row beauty.

A new research report urges watershed management scientists to recognize, understand and work more closely with the perspectives that farmers bring to agricultural practices. During the past three years, a research team has interviewed central Illinois farmers to better understand their lives and habits, their agricultural and environmental practices, and the meanings behind those practices.

“We all need beauty in our lives, and farmers actively cultivate a form of beauty through practices such as straight row cropping and the straightening and dredging of stream channels,” the report says. “But modifying those channels also significantly reduces biodiversity and results in poorer stream habitats.” The researchers suggested that to communicate effectively with farmers, scientists must integrate an understanding of both natural science and social science. The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Science Foundation supported their study.

Reference: Use title search (“Cultivating common ground between scientists and farmers”) or author search (Kloeppel) for the full citation.

What are farmers thinking and feeling?

If you are wondering what’s on farmers’ minds these days, you may be able to locate useful information in the Documentation Center. For example, a Subject search on only one of the relevant subject terms – “farmer attitudes” – can identify more than 400 documents.

These documents can help you tune in on farmers’ thinking (in various countries) about a wide range of topics: biotechnology, animal rights, food safety, wetland preservation and other environmental issues, risk aversion, government programs, universities and extension services, farm chemical usage, Internet and other information technologies, farming practices and others.

Let us know if we can help you locate information about farmers’ attitudes – current, or in the past – toward specific topics of interest to you.

Incentives for telecommunication investment in rural areas.

A paper entered recently into the Documentation Center collection describes some public strategies being used in various countries to reduce the telecommunications gap in rural and remote areas. Examples:

  • Issue licenses for franchises (as for cellular radio in Argentina and Mexico)
  • Delineate territories that can be served by local entities (as for telephone service in Delhi, India)
  • Open unserved areas to private franchises (as for wireless technologies in parts of the U.S.)
  • Allow carriers pricing flexibility (as for cellular systems in the Philippines)
  • Provide investment incentives (as for telecommunication facilities in Indonesia)
  • Provide service incentives (such as telephones in kiosks that also sell soft drinks and newspapers in Rwanda)

Reference: Use title search (“Global information infrastructure: the rural challenge”) or author search (Hudson) for the full citation.

New National Science Board report.

Public attitudes toward genetic engineering and the use of animals in scientific research make up part of the Board’s biennial report to the President on the state of U.S. science, engineering and technology. Chapter 8 of the report cites findings from a public attitude survey (1999) sponsored by the National Science Foundation, as well as from other studies.

Reference: Use title search (“Science and technology: public attitudes and public understanding”) for the full citation. The Science and Engineering Indicators 2000 volume is posted at

Challenges in covering environmental issues.

Journalists identified some of their current challenges during an interesting discussion in Toronto, Canada, on May 27. They spoke as panelists during a conference session, “The state and future of environmental journalism.” The Canadian Association of Journalists (Toronto Chapter) and the Society of Environmental Journalism sponsored this conference, called “Environmental Notebook I.” Here are some of the challenges mentioned:

  • Environmental issues are getting murkier (even as some water and air are becoming clearer than during the days when we could see more easily the pollution in them).
  • Assignment editors tend to favor “blood on the floor” news over environmental matters that may be much more important.
  • Lots of voices are coming into environmental debates, from many sources.
  • On-the-job training sometimes isn’t enough for journalists as they try to cover increasingly complex environmental issues.
  • Editors and others may see the environmental journalists as advocates.
  • Pressures from advertisers and other interest groups may limit coverage.

Despite the challenges

These journalists emphasized the importance of their efforts. They also shared some techniques they use and some opportunities they see. Among them:

  • New applications of web-based reporting about environmental issues.
  • Reporting on environmental issues within the context of popular topics of the day (e.g., business, health).
  • More investigative reporting, as extensions of the “awareness” reporting that characterizes much of current environmental coverage.

Reference: This discussion is available in the Center as an audiocassette. Use a title search (“The state and future of environmental journalism”) for the full citation. Contact us about how to get access to the audio proceedings.

Here are some of the information requests to which we have responded recently:

  • Role and future of professional communicators in land-grant universities
  • Resources for communicating about farm worker safety
  • Ethical dilemmas in agricultural journalism
  • Lists of agricultural reporters for metropolitan newspapers
  • Current communications efforts related to food biotechnology

Please let us know when you need information about the communications aspects of food and agriculture. We will help in any way we can.

Making information available to all.

You may have noticed the “Bobby Approved” logo on our home page. It reflects our desire and efforts to help make information in the Center accessible and usable to all persons, including those with disabilities. The Bobby software tests a web site, in terms of accessibility.

Books closely related to development communication.

Professor Royal Colle of Cornell University recently provided such a list. Most of these books have been published within the past five years. You can view the list at:

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

September 2-12, 2000
2000 World Congress of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) in Australia. Opens in Adelaide, SA, then progresses via selected tours to Canberra.
Information: and Sandy Grieve at

September 28 – October 1, 2000
“CFWF 2000.” Conference of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation at Lethbridge, Alberta. Theme: “Farming on the green planet – the new age of stewardship.”

October 8 – 10, 2000
“Engaged institutions’ role in biotechnology education.” Symposium at Iowa State University, Ames. For representatives of educational institutions
(K-12, community colleges, universities) as well as producer, media and business/industry partners that are involved in biotechnology education.

Best regards and good searching.

Please let us know if we can help you find information and/or if you can suggest documents that we might add to this collection.

ACDC News – Issue 00-13

Tips on good neighboring.

A recent article in Midwest DairyBusiness magazine describes some techniques that Wisconsin dairy producers use to be good neighbors. These and other ideas emerged from a survey among producers early this year:

  • Host neighborhood parties, open houses, breakfasts, picnics, tours
  • Offer hunting access
  • Provide free stall manure to neighbors as compost for their gardens
  • Send “poop alerts” to notify neighbors of manure handling plans
  • Plow snow for neighbors during the winter months
  • Send gifts at special occasions

 The article emphasizes that good public relations is right conduct.

 Reference: Use title search (“Good behavior first, good PR second”) for the full citation.

Focus on e-commerce and mandatory price reporting. 

USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum 2000, which took place in Washington, D.C., during February, included several communications-related presentations. They are now part of the ACDC collection. Examples:

  • “Enhanced market access through electronic commerce”
  • “The role of the Agricultural Marketing Service in facilitating electronic commerce”
  • “Electronic commerce and rural economic development”
  • “Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999”
  • “Potential benefits of mandatory price reporting”
  • “Biotechnology and international trade issues”

Reference: Use title searches (above) for full citations. Presentations are posted on

Recent additions that feature campaigns.

Following are a few of the campaign-oriented documents that have gone into the ACDC collection during recent months.

  • “Foundation E.A.R.T.H. drives first farmer-based campaign dedicated to advancement of biotechnology”
  • “$100,000 vs $50-million – competing biotech PR campaigns: the little guy has the upper hand”
  •  “The organic food industry: smearing the competition”
  • “Activists create alternative news source for farmers” 

Reference: Use title searches to identify the full citations. 

Sound familiar?

Those interested in agricultural communications education might hear a familiar ring in recent discussions about agribusiness education. Here are some of the questions being raised about the direction for agribusiness education during the next five years:

  • What implications arise from the tendency for agribusiness faculty members to have more responsibilities in teaching (often mainly undergraduate) than have other faculty members?
  • How are agribusiness faculty members being evaluated for tenure and promotion purposes?
  • Are agribusiness faculty members expected to have similar research, as reflected in refereed publications, compared to faculty members in other areas with greater research appointments?
  • Are agribusiness journals considered to be the equivalent of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics?

Reference: Use a title search (“The state of agribusiness teaching, research, and extension at the turn of the millennium”) for the full citation.

Welcome to Rosie Subat

As new student assistant in the Agricultural Communications Documentation Center. A recent agricultural communications graduate, Rosie is beginning her graduate study in journalism at the University of Illinois, with an emphasis in photojournalism. She will help identify, gather and process information for the ACDC collection as well as provide information services for clients.

Thanks for your encouragement and suggestions.

We appreciate hearing from you about “News and Announcements” and other resources and services of the Center. Here are some recent comments that have helped encourage us in our efforts to identify and share information about agriculture-related communications:

  • “…that’s some great stuff there!”
  • “Your Center reports are very good. I printed out the last one…and shared it with a couple of colleagues.”
  • “It is very helpful… Keep up the good work.”
  • “Congratulations on a very fine effort. The News is very much appreciated. Keep it going.”

New, handy view of historical information about ACT.

You can now use the Internet to see the kinds of information contained in the American Association of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) archives, which are maintained at the University of Illinois. Recently the University Archives staff posted this convenient finding aid online. Materials in the ACT archives cover a 32-year period, beginning in 1968 when students began to consider the need and potential for a national organization.

You can review the ACT Archives finding aid at

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

September 2, 2000
First session of the 44th International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) conference at Royal Adelaide Showground, Adelaide, South Australia

September 28 – October 1, 2000
“CFWF 2000.” Conference of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation at Lethbridge, Alberta. Theme: “Farming on the green planet – the new age of stewardship.”

October 8 – 10, 2000
“Extension’s role in biotechnology education.” Symposium at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

We look forward to seeing some of you

At the U.S. Agricultural Communicators Congress in Washington, D.C., later this month. An Academic Swap Meet on Monday, July 24, will provide an opportunity for us to demonstrate how to gather information from the Documentation Center through online searching.

Best regards and good searching.

Please let us know if we can help you find information and/or if you can suggest documents that we might add to this collection.

ACDC News – Issue 00-12

“If I were the queen of labels.”

That’s the arresting title of an article by Jane M. Thomas in the May 2000 issue of Agrichemical and Environmental News from Washington State University. And her follow-up is just as engrossing as she buzzes bravely into the beehive of pesticide labeling policy. As coordinator of the Pesticide Notification Network, Thomas reviews hundreds of pesticide labels. Noting that the U.S. has no rules with regard to pesticide labels, she proceeds to outline a slate of new rules that she would establish if she were “queen of labels.” Into her light-touch treatment, she weaves thoughtful discussion and specific suggestions about how to address this serious, complex challenge in risk communications.

Reference: Use title search (above) for the full citation. Article is posted online at

Using comics in development.

If you’d like to examine ways in which to fit drama and humor into information campaigns, you may be interested in this new reference from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland:

Comics with an attitude: a guide to the use of comics in development information

This 14-page reference describes the special capabilities of comics, summarizes techniques for using them effectively and offers case examples.
Reference: Use title search (above) for the full citation. Reference is posted online at

Invisible barrier.

A recent report from the Human Development Report Office of the United Nations Development Programme highlights problems in the use of new information technologies for development. The paper suggests that an invisible barrier has emerged – a barrier that, “true to its name, is like a world wide web, embracing the connected and silently, almost imperceptibly, excluding the rest.” It cites statistics that illustrate gaps among countries, in terms of Internet access and use. And it concludes that “market forces alone will not rectify the imbalance.”

Reference: Use title search (“New technologies and the global race for knowledge”) for the full citation.

Jousting among food information sources.

Media personnel and others are being alerted to credibility issues as new food information centers appear online. A recent example in Canada involves a press release from a health-advocacy organization contending that a food information council in that country is “hiding the fact that it is sponsored by major food corporations.”

Reference: Use title search (“Canadian Food Information Council: wolf in sheep’s clothing”) for the full citation.

And differing slants on results of those public attitude studies.

News media also report many studies these days about public attitudes toward biotechnology and food safety. Such studies are based on a variety of survey methods, some more sound than others. And even the statistically rigorous studies are open to “selective spin” by interest groups that cite the results.

Take, for example, a survey during May 2000 among a probability sample of U.S. consumers. It is the most recent in a series of similar surveys related to food biotechnology. Advocates of GMO foods can view the results and conclude that consumer attitudes regarding food biotechnology are increasingly positive. This conclusion is based, for example, on findings that (compared with last fall) consumers seem somewhat more likely to buy produce that has been enhanced to taste better or fresher. However, critics of GMO foods can cite findings reported in the same study that (compared with a year ago) consumers seem less likely to buy such produce.

Reference: Use title search (“U.S. consumer attitudes toward food biotechnology”) for the full citation.

Some other recent studies about public attitudes toward GM food:

  • “Awareness of genetically modified foods wide but knowledge inch deep” (data from Canada, US)
  • “Significant knowledge gap in debate over modified foods” (data from Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, UK, US)
  • “Teenagers see monitored GM foods as part of future”
  • “Biotech in trouble – part 2”
  • “Australians want labels on genetically modified food: survey”

Reference: Use title searches to identify the full citations for these documents.

Conferencing by Internet.

The Institute of Food Technologists reports that the first Internet conference in the field of food science and technology is taking place this year. The Internet conference is a major part of preparations for the 11th World Congress in Food Science and Technology. It will take place in Seoul, Korea, during April 2001. Participants can submit papers and discuss their work with others by connecting to a conference website.

Reference: Use title search (“First-ever food science and technology Internet conference”) for the full citation. The conference website is posted at

“Thinkers” and “worker bees.”

A reader of ACDC News expresses concern about the role of professional communicators in universities today. “I think the universities took a wrong turn years ago when they moved to create a peck-order system which put faculty in the “thinker” role and practitioners in the “worker bee” category. It’s so counter to fundamental Land Grant philosophy and to the best interests of both the institution and the productivity and intellectual development of the faculty members and practitioners.”

Let us know if you have seen or heard recent discussion about this topic.

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

July 29 – August 1, 2000
“If you remember the Summit, you’ll definitely remember the Alamo.” Agricultural Publications Summit at Adams Mark Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. Joint meeting of American Agricultural Editors’ Association, Agricultural Publishers Association and Livestock Publications Council.

September 2, 2000
First session of the 44th International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) conference at Royal Adelaide Showground, Adelaide, South Australia

September 28 – October 1, 2000
“CFWF 2000.” Conference of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation at Lethbridge, Alberta. Theme: “Farming on the green planet – the new age of stewardship.”

October 8 – 10, 2000
“Extension’s role in biotechnology education.” Symposium at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

Best regards and good searching.

Please let us know if we can help you find information and/or if you can suggest documents that we might add to this collection.

ACDC News – Issue 00-11

“Falsely optimistic.”

Many Americans are falsely optimistic about the quality of their diets, according to research reported in the January-April 2000 issue of FoodReview magazine. According to the authors, “In particular, we found that males, people between 30 and 49 years of age, Hispanics, wealthier individuals, and those with more formal schooling have a greater tendency to be falsely optimistic about the quality of their diets.”

They suggest that nutrition messages need to be redesigned to address this gap.

Reference: Use Title search (“Many Americans falsely optimistic about their diets”) for the full citation. Text of the article is available online at

An interesting way to describe e-commerce today:

“…it’s too early to tell which firms will be able to drag themselves out of the current primordial soup of web ag offerings…” This comment appeared during May in an article by Jeff Cavanaugh of AgriNews Publications. He was writing about developments in agricultural e-commerce.

Reference: Use title search (“Shake-up in ag e-commerce coming”) for the full citation.

When farmer cooperatives were trying to face their future 50 years ago

An agricultural economist offered this “ditty” while speaking at a farmers’ institute. He attributed the piece to Tom Paine:

You can’t stand still on freedom’s track.
If you don’t go forward, you go back.
You can’t giddap by saying whoa
And sitting on your status quo.

Reference: Use title search (“Development of cooperatives”) for the full citation.

Those who are pioneering in the use of the Internet 

And other new technologies for distance education might find useful insights and reminders in a journal article published 33 years ago. The article by John Ohliger is entitled “What happened to the Canadian Farm Radio Forum?”

This Forum gained worldwide acclaim for using a young electronic technology – radio – to deliver education to adults within the context of local discussion groups. The article describes three generalizations about the demise of the Forum in 1965, after about 25 years on the air. None of those generalizations centered on limitations of the delivery technology. Instead, the analysis pointed toward these kinds of determining factors: shifting priorities of the sponsoring organizations, inadequate funding for field operations, and principles of discussion group maintenance.

Reference: Use title or author search (above) for the full citation. Contact the Center if you are interested in the article, but don’t have local access to it.

Origins of agricultural journalism education.

This month we had the pleasure of depositing into the ACDC collection an historic document that planted seed for today’s college curricula in agricultural journalism and agricultural communications.

John Clay, “The plough and the book.” An address upon the subject of agricultural journalism before the agricultural students of the Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, May 30, 1905. 16 pp.

Clay argued that the plough and the book “must be more closely associated. We need it in our daily press. We can improve it in our agricultural papers. It is almost absent in our magazine literature…They tell us with great truth that they can find few practical writers of ability, that there is a dearth of experts in this line.” He proposed founding a Chair of Journalism at Iowa State. His remarks – now preserved on frayed, yellowed pages – helped spark the establishment of a pioneering program in agricultural journalism education.

Reference: Use author or title search (above) for full citation. Contact the Center if you are interested in the article, but do not have local access to it.

More perspectives in the food biotech “dialogue.”

“…the biotech industry and its acolytes in government are flying blind and we are all unwitting passengers in their rickety airplane.” (For reference, use title search: “Biotech in trouble – Part II”)

“…organizations in the United States can enhance their considerations of science’s impact by a more systematic involvement of the public. Much of the development of techniques for public participation has occurred in Europe…” (For reference, use title search: “Benefits of increased public participation”)

“We should not only be asking what scientists know and do not know, but whether there are better alternatives, and whether citizens of the world have had a chance to choose among them.” (For reference, use title search: “The precautionary principle and biotechnology”)

A useful review of ways in which to involve public in decision making

Appears on the following website: The site briefly describes citizen juries, opinion polls, standing panels, community issues groups, consensus conferences, electronic democracy, youth councils and other models for public involvement.

Reference: Use title search (“Models of public involvement”) for the full citation.

Monitoring nuclear journals.

Would you believe that some agricultural communications literature appears in nuclear energy journals? Such journals aren’t a prime source of documents for ACDC. However, we find relevant documents in literature about consumer acceptance of food irradiation.

Reference: Use at title search (“Food irradiation: creating a controversy”) for the full citation.

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are some conferences, workshops and other kinds of professional improvement events for agricultural communicators:

July 23-26, 2000
“Agriculture in the 21st Century,” U.S. Agricultural Communicators Congress 2000 at the J. W. Marriott Hotel, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the American Agricultural Editors’ Association, Agricultural Communicators In Education, Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, Agricultural Relations Council and National Association of Farm Broadcasters.

July 29 – August 1, 2000
“If you remember the Summit, you’ll definitely remember the Alamo.” Agricultural Publications Summit at Adams Mark Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. Joint meeting of American Agricultural Editors’ Association, Agricultural Publishers Association and Livestock Publications Council.

September 2, 2000
First session of the 44th International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) conference at Royal Adelaide Showground, Adelaide, South Australia.

Enterprise agricultural journalism. 

Want to see Iowa’s tall corn grow? A new CornCam is capturing the growth of a corn plot in eastern Iowa for Internet viewers. Iowa Farmer staff members developed this project and Garst Seed Company financed what is believed to be the first effort to photograph the growth cycle of corn on the Internet. CornCam takes frequent still photos, so viewers can watch plants develop throughout the season. The or

Best regards and good searching.

Please let us know if we can help you find information and/or if you can suggest documents that we might add to this collection.

ACDC News – Issue 00-10

A new agricultural communications textbook

Can help fill a major gap in classes, seminars and other discussions about this broadening, dynamic field of academic and professional interest. The book is:

Kristina Boone, Terry Meisenbach and Mark Tucker, Agricultural communications: changes and challenges. Iowa State University Press, Ames. 2000. 134 pp.

Existing classroom resources in the U.S. often deal with the “micro” dimensions of agriculture-related journalism and communications. Such dimensions involve writing, broadcasting, planning communications programs and applying other skills for effective communicating. In their new book, the authors encourage students and other readers to examine some broader aspects of agriculture-related communications. It addresses:

  • the role of agricultural information in society
  • the emergence and growth of communications channels during the past two centuries
  • new information technologies and their potentials
  • changes in agriculture and the information-related influences they exert
  • kinds of literature and research available – and needed – to serve agricultural communicators
  • relationships among agricultural journalism, agricultural communications, agricultural education and other related fields of interest
  • Ten “nexus points” intended to stir thought and discussion about the roles and responsibilities of agricultural communicators in changing times.

Reference: Information about the book is available online at

U.S. consumers bought nine million extra gallons of milk in two days

As the result of an unusual promotion described in the February 2000 issue of American Demographicsmagazine. This 10 percent jump is huge in an industry that often is pleased with any increase in milk consumption.

The key? “A modest little magazine entitled The Best of Nickelodeon that appeared in stores across the country last October. Some 4.5 million copies of the custom magazine, packed with the usual assortment of games, puzzles, and articles – and nothing but ads for milk – also came wrapped with a belly band that read ‘Buy Two Gallons of Milk, Get This Magazine Free.’ Just do the math.” The National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board sponsored this experiment with custom publishing, which the author describes as one of the fastest-growing segments of the magazine industry.

Reference: Use title search (“Milk, the Magazine”) for the full citation.

Agricultural advertising on the Internet –a good investment or not? 

Two advertising executives drew a standing-room-only crowd when they discussed this question at a seminar during the recent National Agri-Marketing Association meeting. And, in turn, they had more questions than answers in their response to this question.

Their review of Internet “reach,” cost per thousand, role of “banner” ads and other factors led them to suggest: “In our view, there are certainly situations where the Internet can play a role in the media plan, but it isn’t nor should it be automatic. It has to fit within your overall objectives.”

Reference: Use author search (Hogan) or title search (“Agricultural advertising on the Internet”) for the full citation. Check with the Center about access to the paper.

You will find these new links on the “Useful Links” page of the ACDC web site:

  • Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE). Story database, beat pages and other features involve some resources related to food and agriculture.
  • JournalismNet. Story beats include topics related to agriculture, internationally.

Media selection in the computer age. Duck soup?

Not really. Media consultant Erwin Ephron estimates that 20 years ago buyers of national television advertising needed to select from about 1,024 schedule combinations. By 1998 they faced more than 1.125 quadrillion schedule combinations from which to choose for a media plan.

“Americans have positive image of the environmental movement.” 

That’s the title of a report from The Gallup Organization summarizing Gallup’s new Earth Day 2000 poll. “When presented with a list of eight important social movements active in recent decades and asked to rate them in terms of their impact on our nation’s policies, three-fourths of Americans (76%) rate the environmental movement as having had either ‘a great deal’ or ‘a moderate amount’ of success. This places it behind the civil rights and women’s rights movements, in a virtual tie with the abortion rights and gun-control movements.”

Reference: Results of the poll are available at:

Consumers unsure about the health advantage of organic foods.

A recent nationwide survey by the American Dietetic Association suggests that American consumers hold divided opinions about this matter. About one-half (52%) of the respondents said that organically grown fruits and vegetables, and naturally produced beef and pork, are healthier than “regular” products. By comparison, 90% said they believe that whole-grain breads and cereals are healthier than “regular” products.

Reference: Use title search (“Americans rate whole-grain, low-fat foods as healthiest”) for the full citation. News release posted on:

The great digital divide.

“Rural areas are currently lagging far behind urban areas in broadband availability,” according to a new report, Advanced telecommunications in Rural America: the challenge of bringing broadband service to all Americans. The U.S. Departments of Commerce and Agriculture prepared it in response to requests from federal legislators and administrators. According to one study, “while less than five percent of towns of 10,000 or less have cable modem service, more than 65 percent of all cities with populations over 250,000 have such service.”

Reference: Use title search (above) for the full citation. The report is posted online at

Staying abreast of today – and the past.

In the Documentation Center we work hard to identify and add current literature about the communications aspects of agriculture, food and related topics. Current literature holds high priority. We also place high priority on adding relevant documents from the past. During recent weeks, for example, we have added two dozen articles, reports and books published between 1922 and 1977. Will they help guide your communications decisions today? Maybe, or maybe not. In any case, we view them as nuggets in a gold field. All contain valuable perspective and context related to this field of interest.

Professional meetings approaching.

Following are the approaching meetings of some. professional agricultural communicator organizations:

June 24-27, 2000
Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) Institute in Whitefish, Montana.

June 28-July 2, 2000
South Region Meeting of the National Association of Farm Broadcasters at Sandestin Resort, Destin, Florida.
Information: Lee McCoy at 334/741-9672.

July 23-26, 2000
U.S. Agricultural Communicators Congress (USACC) in Washington, D.C. Involves professionals from Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE), American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA), National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB), Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) and Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT).

“It’s an information jungle out there.”

This heading on a poster caught our eye recently in the office of a University of Illinois library staff member. Indeed, it often seems that way. Those of us in the Agricultural Communications Documentation Center stand ready to help you hack your way through the information jungles that you may face from day to day. Having trouble finding some reference for which you are looking? Need a customized information search? Let us know.

Best regards and good searching.

Please let us know if we can help you find information and/or if you can suggest documents that we might add to this collection.