ACDC News – Issue 12-11

Seven new reports of agricultural communications research.

Use of new media, organizational branding and ways in which consumers gather information during a food safety incident got major attention during a recent communicator conference.

We are pleased to call attention to seven research reports that were presented on June 11 at the annual conference of the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE) in Annapolis, Maryland. The Research Special Interest Group of ACE organized this session. You can click on titles to gain access to the abstracts, as well as names of the researchers and email addresses you can use to reach them.

Information flow (and gaps) in European pork supply networks.

A recent research report provides an aggregated overview of the kinds of information flowing through stages of feed production, pig production, slaughter and processing, and retail. Researchers Richard Lehmann, Melanie Fritz, and Gerhard Schiefer especially focused on information needs and gaps in three domains:

  • Food safety (representing the social dimensions of sustainability)
  • Quality (representing the economical dimensions)
  • Global warming potential (representing the environmental dimensions)

Their analysis prompted them to suggest specific kinds of information that needs to be provided in all four sectors of these pork supply networks in Europe.

You can read this conference paper from the 2011 International European Forum via AgEconSearch at:

On a daily basis, farm radio and Internet are agri-media channels used most.

That finding came through in a recent national survey of U.S. farmers and ranchers. Ag Media Research developed the survey that was administered during late 2011 within a representative national sample of 1,504 farmers and ranchers with gross farm incomes of at least $100,000.

A news release we are adding to the ACDC collection indicated:

  • On a daily basis, farm radio and the Internet (accessed from home/office) were the two most-used agri-media channels.
  • For those choosing either radio or the Internet as their first choice, farm television was the preferred second daily information source.
  • Among information sources used at all (not specific to daily or any time frame), farm-title publications – newspapers and magazines – garnered the highest numbers.
  • Use of mobile Internet access – via hand-held devices including smart phones – engaged less than 25 percent of all surveyed producers.
  • Respondents expressed high levels of trust in their primary information providers. More than 60 percent reported tuning in to a specific radio station or stations for their farm information.

You can read the release at:

Honored for communicating about food – by music.

We have added to the ACDC collection an announcement in AgriMarketing Weekly. It features an honored food specialist who uses music to communicate the importance of food and agricultural science to the public, policy makers, and the news media. Dr. Carl Winter, an extension specialist at the University of California-Davis, will receive the 2012 Borlaug CAST Communication Award during October at the World Food Prize Symposium.

He is cited for knowing how to use humor and music to communicate important messages about agriculture. Known as the “Elvis of E. coli,” he has given nearly 200 live performances of his food safety music parodies. He has also distributed more than 30,000 audio CDs and animated music DVDs. His food safety music website and YouTube page have attracted nearly one million visitors.

You can read the award announcement at:

You can watch him explain his adventure in using music to help teach about food at:

You can visit his website and watch some of his food safety music at:

Needed: More focus on the culture of hunting.

A recent article in Human Dimensions of Wildlife emphasized that hunter education programs need to focus on more than hunting skills. A review of existing literature led authors Elizabeth Ryan and Bret Shaw to suggest greater emphasis on the unique values and benefits of hunting. The mentor/mentee relationship is particularly important in passing on the beliefs and qualities associated with hunting culture, they observed.

They cited literature suggesting that community-based mentoring programs can be especially effective. “Supporters of hunting who best understand the culture and the contributions that hunters make to their communities are poised to be the most effective proponents of hunting.”

You can review the abstract of this journal article at:

Check with us at for help in scouting it for information that fits your interests.

Communicator activities approaching.

  • August 4-8, 2012
    “AMS/ABQ.” Agricultural Media Summit in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. A joint meeting of the Livestock Publications Council (LPC), American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA) and Agri Council of American Business Media. Also the annual meeting site of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT). Information:
  • August 15-19, 2012
    “Solutions for a green future.” 2012 Congress of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) near Stockholm, Sweden. Information:
  • September 5-7, 2012
    Annual conference of the Association of Food Journalists (AFJ) in Washington, D.C., USA. Information:
  • September 20-23, 2012
    Annual conference of the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation (CFWF) in Winnipeg, Canada. A celebration of soil and water, the building blocks of agriculture. Information:
  • October 17-21, 2012
    “Big land. Big Sky. Big issues.” Annual conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) in Lubbock, Texas, USA. Information:

Perspective on getting educated.

We close this issue with a story from Tom Powell in Curing the cross-eyed mule: Appalachian mountain humor , a collection by Loyal Jones and Billy Edd Wheeler.

A young lawyer once asked Dr. Hector Barnett, our veterinarian, how much education he had. The old man stroked his chin and weighed his answer carefully before he replied. “Well, son, that depends on whether you’re talkin’ schoolin’ or learnin’.”

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to

ACDC News – Issue 12-10

New 2012 Media Channel Study.

Farm and ranch owners, operators, and managers in the U.S. continue to find a special place for printed information, according to the 2012 Media Channel Study. This survey, conducted by Readex Research for the Agri Council of American Business Media, involved a sample of 1,062 farmers and ranchers.

  • More than 80 percent said they read agricultural magazines or newspapers (98 percent), general daily newspapers (80 percent), and printed agricultural newsletters (81 percent) at least monthly.
  • More than half of the respondents said they use agricultural radio programs (53 percent) or agricultural television programs (57 percent) at least monthly.
  • About half of the respondents said they use digital resources at least monthly, most commonly agricultural websites (54 percent) and agricultural e-newsletters (45 percent).
  • Most continue to use both traditional and digital agricultural media to help them run their farms and ranches.
  • Respondents said they rely most on agricultural dealers and retailers (about 70 percent) for validating and informing the purchasing decisions they make for agricultural products, equipment, services, or supplies.

This research will be presented in August at the Agricultural Media Summit. A public version of the results is available in a free download as a PowerPoint presentation at:

How Philippine print media covered agricultural biotechnology.

Content analysis provided a 10-year view (2000-2009) of media coverage of agricultural biotechnology in the Philippines, the first Asian country to approve the planting of Bt corn. Authors of a recent article in the Journal of Science Communication examined patterns of coverage by three national English-language newspapers. They found during the decade:

  • A trend toward positive to neutral stories
  • Preference for institutional sources of information
  • A shift from sensational to balanced coverage

You can review this article (Volume 10, September 2011) through open access at :

Redefining the ways farmers manage risks.

Traditional risk management practices involve helping the farmer calculate the probability and consequences of risk. That approach may not provide satisfactory results, according to a report presented at the 2011 Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists.

A team of researchers suggested that risk attitude is wrongly seen as a stable personality trait on which optimal behavior should be based. They argued that risk attitude is, instead, context specific and can be manageable. They presented a comprehensive theoretical basic model and used a case example (high-risk-high-value strawberries) to illustrate it.

You can read this research report via AgEconSearch at:

Student taking the New York Times to task.

A commentary, “Why the New York Times’ essay contest is phony,” caught our eye recently on the Drovers Cattle Network. We always are interested in items about how general media cover food and agriculture. In this case, author Lisa Henderson took the Times to task for bias in handling an essay contest about why it is ethical to eat meat. She took special issue with the panel of five “anti-meat” judges. “Does anyone really think this collection of judges could pick a winning essay that says anything positive about the eating of meat?” she asked. “Not likely.”

Later, we learned that Lisa is a sophomore at Kansas State University majoring in agricultural economics and agricultural communications. She is the daughter of Greg Henderson, editor and associate publisher of Drovers Cattle Network. In a follow-up commentary he reported that the contest attracted about 3,000 entries and stirred a fuss about every conceivable side of the issue. Almost 17,000 people voted online for their favorite essay among six finalists. The winner proved to be a meat-eating school teacher from North Carolina.

You can read Lisa’s commentary at:

You can read her father’s follow-up commentary at:

Wendell Berry – on rebranding the concepts of “education” and “economy.”

Essayist, novelist, and poet Wendell Berry used the Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities during April to call for a rethinking of human connections with community and the land. The Jefferson Lecture, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, is described as the most prestigious honor the federal government bestows for distinguished intellectual achievement in the humanities. Berry has long been known for his advocacy for family farming, community relationships, and sustainability.

He prescribed two antidotes for what he sees as an increasingly abstract and distanced relationship of humans to the land and to community.

  1. Broaden the definition of education—to study and appreciate practical skills like the arts of land use, life support, healing, housekeeping, and homemaking.
  2. Appreciate the word “economy” for its original meaning of “household management.” “So I am nominating economy for an equal standing among the arts and sciences. I mean, not economics, but economy, the making of the human household upon the earth: the arts of adapting kindly the many human households to the earth’s many ecosystems and human neighborhoods. This is the economy that the most public and influential economists never talk about, the economy that is the primary vocation and responsibility of every one of us.”

You can read more about his remarks in a news report by Scott Carlson in the Chronicle of Higher Education at:

Six barriers to sustainable consumer food choice.

In a recent journal article, Klaus Grunert argued that consumers face barriers even if food is eco-labeled and they are motivated to support sustainability of their food chain. His 2011 report in the International Journal on Food System Dynamics describes six possible barriers:

  1. Exposure does not lead to perception. Do consumers perceive eco-labels?
  2. Perception leads only to peripheral processing. Consumers may see the label, but not care to make an effort to understand what it means.
  3. Consumers may make “wrong” inferences. They may see the label, try to understand what it means, but draw the wrong inferences.
  4. Eco-information is traded off against other criteria. The price may be higher, the taste is not good, and the family prefers something else.
  5. Lack of awareness and/or credibility. Consumers who want to make sustainable choices may find it hard to carry them out in practice.
  6. Lack of motivation at time of choice. Consumers may forget about their positive attitude when making food choices.

“Manufacturers, retailers, and public bodies should work together in developing eco-labels that are clearly defined, are placed prominently on food products, and are supported by communication explaining their role and meaning.

You can read this journal article (“Sustainability in the food sector” Volume 2(3), 2011, pages 207-218) at:

Communicator activities approaching

  • August 4-6, 2012
    Agricultural Media Summit in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. Organized by the Livestock Publications Council (LPC), American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA) and Agri Council of American Business Media. Also the annual meeting site of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT). Information:
  • September 20-23, 2012
    Annual conference of the Canadian Farm Writers’ Federation in Winnipeg, Canada. A celebration of soil and water, the building blocks of agriculture. Information:

Watching the weather.

We close this issue of ACDC News with a bouncy piece of wisdom from George Freier’s book, Weather Proverbs :

“The winds of the daytime wrestle and fight,

Longer and stronger than those of the night.”

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions, and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to

ACDC News – Issue 12-09

Extraordinary collection from John Harvey .

The Center has been buzzing during recent weeks with a new and special collection from a widely-respected U.S. agricultural journalist, John Harvey of Wilmington, Delaware. ACDC associate Stephanie Pitts-Noggle has been working on nine boxes of agricultural periodicals that he has contributed. They range in age from the 1800s to recent years. And what makes them extraordinary is that they include 477 Volume 1 Number 1 issues of agricultural periodicals. Yes, they offer 477 examples of innovation in agricultural publishing in the U.S. across a century and a half.

They will be joined by a yet-uncounted number of V1N1 issues that ACDC staff associate Jim Evans is contributing to the Center. John and Jim have been sharing this unusual hobby for decades. They believe the collection—in whatever size it emerges—can be a useful resource during the years ahead.

ACDC staff members have some promising ideas in mind for featuring and using the collection. What ideas might you suggest? Please pass them along because we will welcome them.

Picture of V1N1 Collection Picture of Stephanie Pitts-Noggle with the Farm Journal

Reactions of consumers when they hear about use of nanotechnology in foods. A research team in Ireland used an innovative technique to learn how consumers respond to added information they receive, step by step, about food-related applications of nanotechnology. A small sample of Irish consumers took part in one-to-one conversation with an expert in food-related nanotechnology research. Among the findings:

  • Additional information of both risks and benefits appeared to influence their attitudes positively toward food applications of nanotechnology.
  • The majority said they were confident in their assessments of nanotechnology after taking part in the conversation.
  • A questionnaire after the conversation confirmed that participants were more likely to purchase nano foods after taking part in it.
  • However, acceptance was conditional on potential risks being adequately addressed before nano food products reach the market and the stated health claims being validated.

You can read this paper from the 2011 International European Forum via AgEconSearch at

More courageous rural reporting . Recently we added to the ACDC collection several reports about honors for courageous rural reporting. They included this award-winning effort:

Stanley Nelson, editor of the weekly Concordia Sentinel , Ferriday, Louisiana, received the 2011 Tom and Pat Gish Award for courage, integrity, and tenacity in rural journalism. This award was presented by the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, University of Kentucky. Nelson and the Sentinel investigated an unsolved murder from the era of conflict over civil rights. Detailed reporting in more than 150 stories over a four-year period resulted in threats, office burglary, and some cancelled subscriptions. It also resulted in identification of a living suspect and grand jury investigation. You can learn more about his reporting efforts at

How Philippine print media covered agricultural biotechnology. Content analysis provided a 10-year view (2000-2009) of media coverage of agricultural biotechnology in the Philippines, first Asian country to approve the planting of Bt corn. Authors of a recent article in the Journal of Science Communication examined patterns of coverage by three national English-language newspapers. They found during the decade:

  • A trend toward positive to neutral stories
  • Preference for institutional sources of information
  • A shift from sensational to balanced coverage

You can review this article (Volume 10, September 2011) through open access at

Social media and agri-food issues in Germany. Recently we added to the ACDC collection a 2010 article about this subject in the International Journal of Food System Dynamics . Using framing theory, researchers analyzed agri-food content of web-based blogs (2009) and discussion groups (2007-2009) in Germany. Postings from the whole German-speaking social media community on the internet were scanned. Findings revealed trends in numbers of postings during that period, ranging from fewer than 200 to more than 1,000 per week. The top five agri-food issues accounted for almost two-thirds of all 62,803 hits:

  • Renewable resources
  • Agricultural structure in Germany
  • Genetic engineering for agriculture
  • Industrial agriculture
  • Farm animal welfare

All contentious issues were found mainly framed in a two-sided way.

You can read this journal article (“Two sides of the same coin?” Volume 1(3), 2010, pages 264-278) online at .

“There’s a ton of opportunity for you in agricultural journalism.” University of Illinois members of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) heard that message during early May from three respected agricultural journalists. Guest speakers included Jeanne Bernick, editor of Top Producer ; Holly Spangler, associate editor of Prairie Farmer ; and Mike Wilson, executive editor of Farm Futures . Here are some of the points they emphasized in encouraging students to consider journalism and editorial careers related to agriculture:

  • Farmers need to know what’s going on around the world.
  • Appetites are growing, globally, for information about food and agriculture. “Agricultural journalists must have a role…Don’t be afraid to step forward.”
  • Agricultural journalism is an exciting calling. “Everything I wanted to do I can do through agricultural journalism.”
  • New information technologies permit agricultural journalists to work from home and operate across media platforms.
  • In this multi-media environment, “content providers” may be a new name for this work. As gatekeepers, agricultural journalists follow a special mission of finding and presenting appropriate, credible content.

The ACDC collection includes a wide selection of resources about careers in agricultural journalism. Check with us at for help in reviewing them to fit your interests.

Communicator activities approaching.

  • June 2-5, 2012
    “Adventures in Communications.” Annual institute of the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in Tucson, Arizona USA. Information:
  • June 11-14, 2012
    “Charting a New Course.” Annual conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) in Annapolis, Maryland USA. Information:
  • August 4-6, 2012
    Agricultural Media Summit in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. Organized by the Livestock Publications Council (LPC), American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA) and Agri Council of American Business Media. Also the annual meeting site of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT). Information:

Let’s banish the word “amazing.” So far, that is the top-ranked advice of those submitting entries for the 2012 List of Banished Words. The project at Lake Superior State University highlights nominations for Words Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness.

“Banish it for blatant overuse and incorrect use – to stop my head from exploding,” one nominator urged.

Another possible candidate? Nominations continue throughout the year. We wonder how many might nominate “pink slime” as an expression to be banished.

You can read the 2012 list-to-date at

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions, and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to .

ACDC News – Issue 12-08

Metaphors that farm magazines use about climate change . Researcher Therese Asplund recently identified three metaphors used by the two largest Swedish farm magazines during 2000-2009:

  • Greenhouse metaphor. Highlights temperature and radiation in the atmosphere. Neglects other meteorological aspects (such as precipitation, clouds, snow) and impacts of climate change on natural and social systems.
  • Game metaphor. Highlights positive impacts such as higher yields and increased income) and as winning through mitigation. Neglects negative impacts such as more insect outbreaks, warmer and drier conditions, shorter growing season.
  • War metaphor. Highlights negative impacts (such as crop damage, higher taxes and negative image) and combat/battling for mitigation.

These findings prompted the author to observe that the inconsistent and confusing messages may result in conflicts and disputes. At the same time, she noted, multiple metaphors may “open up new perspectives on the issue of climate change” and allow readers to talk about it from several angles.

You can review this Journal of Science Communication article (Volume 10, December 2011) through open access at

Rural community coverage earns Pulitzer recognition. Editorial staff members of a weekly newspaper serving a small rural community in Maine were named finalists recently in the 2012 Pulitzer Prize program. Editor A. M. Sheehan and Assistant Editor Matt Hongoltz-Hetling of the Advertiser Democrat (Norway, Maine) earned finalist honors in the local reporting category. They were recognized for their “tenacious exposure of disgraceful conditions in federally-supported housing in a small rural community.” Within hours, the coverage sparked state investigation.

The Advertiser Democrat has a history of covering burglaries, poverty, homelessness, internet access, scarcity of doctors, fire services, and other rural issues. You can learn more at

Nine best practices for boosting media coverage . Recently we added to the ACDC collection a report about Maisha Yetu, a project that is changing media coverage of health in rural and other areas of Africa. Maisha Yetu (“Our Lives” in Swahili) has been carried out for about a decade by the International Women’s Media Foundation. One unusual idea features several ways to gain buy-in from top editors and top management of media organizations—even memorandums of agreement. Another successful practice features use of in-house journalist/trainers.

You can read this report, “Writing for our lives,” at

So where are we finding information these days? You may be interested in some of the out-of-mainstream journals from which we have recently identified agricultural communications literature for the ACDC collection:

Annals of Internal Medicine

Journal of Foodservice Business Research


Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research

Field Methods

Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies

ETC: A Review of General Semantics

South African Journal of Agricultural Extension

Science Technology and Society

Journal of Community Informatics

Please let us know at when—in unusual or usual places—you, too, come across information about the communications aspects of agriculture. We welcome additions you may suggest.

An unusual perspective on how information affects food buying . Studies of the impact of information on food demand often center on foodborne illness or food safety events. Many studies focus on effects of advertising. Less often do they analyze the impact of scientific nutrition information, delivered by multiple media. Using U.S. consumer panel data and content analysis of information in popular media sources, Sakiko Shiratori and Jean Kinsey studied the impact of information on the purchase of omega-3 fortified eggs.

Results showed significant positive impact of nutrition information from the popular media on consumers’ food choices. Authors noted that although mega-3 fortified eggs usually sell at a premium price, “growing knowledge of the health benefits of omega-3 propels their consumption.” They concluded that “publishing in popular media can be said to be an effective communication approach.”

You can read this 2011 conference research paper via AgEconSearch at

Thanks and best wishes to Michelle Fluty as she leaves the Center after two school years as ACDC student assistant. We congratulate Michelle for completing her undergraduate degree in agricultural communications this month. She also parts with a remarkable record of having checked the entire ACDC collection to be sure documents are filed as intended and in good condition. Perhaps it is surprising Michelle has not gone blind! This sharp-eyed dairy judge inventoried some 37,000 documents about agricultural communicating around the globe. And the inventory project was only part of what she contributed. She will be missed here as an associate and friend.

Picture of Michelle Fluty

Communicator activities approaching.

  • May 21-24, 2012
    “East Meets West for Sustainable Development.” 2012 conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AEAEE) in Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand. Information:
  • May 28-June 1, 2012
    26th annual National Extension Technology Conference (NETC) in New Orleans, Louisiana USA. Information:
  • June 2-5, 2012
    “Adventures in Communications.” Annual institute of the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in Tucson, Arizona USA. Information:
  • June 11-14, 2012
    “Charting a New Course.” Annual conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) in Annapolis, Maryland USA. Information:
  • August 4-6, 2012
    Agricultural Media Summit in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA. Organized by the Livestock Publications Council (LPC), American Agricultural Editors’ Association (AAEA) and Agri Council of American Business Media. Also the annual meeting site of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT). Information:

Colorful climate reporting. We close this issue of ACDC News with a 2011 winning entry in the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest sponsored by the English Department, San Jose State University. This annual competition challenges entrants to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels. Here is the winning entry by Mike Pedersen of North Berwick, Maine, in the Purple Prose category:

“As his small boat scudded before a brisk breeze under a sapphire sky dappled with cerulean clouds with indigo bases, through cobalt seas that deepened to navy nearer the boat and faded to azure at the horizon, Ian was at a loss as to why he felt blue.”

You can read other mind-stretching entries at

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to

ACDC News – Issue 12-07

What “digital divide” means. And so what? One of the most thorough analyses we have seen about the digital divide appeared in the September 2011 issue of the journal Telecommunications Policy . Martin Hilbert used network analysis to view the main approaches researchers have taken to conceptualize the digital divide. He found many diverse actors with dissimilar goals are involved in confronting it.

Beyond that, will efforts toward a single definition, coherent national strategy, and common outlook on digital development do better than others? Not really, he said. Instead, he suggested shifting focus to identifying desired impacts, which then determine ways to solve a particular problem and reach a desired goal. “The ends should determine the means, not the other way around.”

You can review a permitted scholarly posting of this article, “The end justifies the definition,” online at:

How U.S. agri-businesses address the triple bottom line. A recent article in the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review examined sustainability strategies that U.S. agribusinesses use to integrate environmental and social responsibilities with economic goals. Researchers gathered responses from a sample of 165 agribusiness professionals representing U.S. firms participating in management seminars.

Results indicated that “although U.S. agribusiness companies tend to adopt broad sustainability views which are driven by management pressures, they primarily develop actions at the lower sustainability levels which are driven by external pressures such as customers, suppliers and the media.”

You can read this journal article at

More courageous rural reporting . Recently we added to the ACDC collection several reports about honors for courageous rural reporting. Here is a sobering example:

Reporter Vicky Ntetema received the 2010 Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women’s Media Foundation for bravery in covering an issue in rural Tanzania. Her investigation shed light on brutal killings of albinos, as arranged by witchdoctors for use in traditional “remedies.” Her life was threatened, she was forced twice to leave Tanzania for her safety, and at the time of the honor she was operating under cover. According to the BBC, for which she reports, some 170 witchdoctors have been arrested for albino killings.

You can learn more about Vicky Ntetema’s reporting efforts at:

Contributing valued historic documents . Thanks to Eldon Fredericks, emeritus faculty member at Purdue University, for contributing 75 historic documents to the ACDC collection. Most of them include reports, newsletters and training materials from the National Project in Agricultural Communications during the latter 1950s. NPAC is one of the most effective professional development programs so far for extension and research communicators in land-grant universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It was funded by the Kellogg Foundation.

Contributions such as this are helping ACDC assemble a complete set of NPAC resources for future reference. You can learn more about the project and the materials by visiting the ACDC search page: . Conduct a Subject search on “npac”

Food issues in the minds of UK residents: a 2011 update. We added recently to the ACDC collection a 2011 report, “Biannual Public Attitudes Tracker,” from the UK Food Standards Agency. Based on a probability sampling of more than 2,000 adults, the survey identified these top six total concerns about food:

Food prices                           61 percent

Amount of salt in food           50

Amount of fat in food            44

Date labels                            27

Foods aimed at children,        26

including school meals

BSE                                      18

All six concerns had increased significantly since November 2010.

You can read the full report at:

A challenge for land-grant universities. We appreciate a heads-up from ACDC Associate Steve Shenton about a case study that argues for stronger public engagement in land-grant universities. This report in the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement suggests that scholars increasingly need to embrace and pursue a view of scholarship as a public rather than a private craft. It tells of a natural resources faculty member who built up a large research and extension education program at Cornell University addressing the human dimensions of wildlife management.

“Dan and his colleagues…have demonstrated that it is possible for academic professionals to pursue their scholarship through a stance of deep engagement, leading to products of both public and academic value. Crucially, they have shown that deep public engagement does not require the sacrifice of academic values. … these forms of value can feed and build upon each other.”

You can read “The craft of public scholarship in land-grant education” at

We welcome your thoughts and experiences. Reach us at .

Communications – key to new EC action plan for welfare of animals. Early this year the European Commission posted a 2012-2015 action plan in this arena. Livestock farming in the EU represents an annual value of 149 billion euros. The Commission cited communications is a major factor in this strategy because:

  • Consumers and many other stakeholders lack appropriate information on important aspects of animal welfare.
  • Principles of animal welfare need to be simplified

According to the report, strategic actions for communications will begin with research. It will map out the current animal welfare education and information activities directed at the general public and consumers.

You can read the report at:

Communicator activities approaching.

  • May 21-24, 2012
    “East Meets West for Sustainable Development.” 2012 conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AEAEE) in Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand. Information:
  • May 28-June 1, 2012
    26th annual National Extension Technology Conference (NETC) in New Orleans, Louisiana USA. Information:
  • June 2-5, 2012
    “Adventures in Communications.” Annual institute of the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in Tucson, Arizona USA. Information:
  • June 11-14, 2012
    “Charting a New Course.” Annual conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) in Annapolis, Maryland USA.

Eye-opening testimonials in agricultural advertising. We close this issue of ACDC News with an eye-opening claim by a company wanting to buy advertising space in farm papers during 1922. The marketer of Ditto Egg Tablets claimed that more than 100,000 poultry raisers testified to the value of this egg tonic.

In reporting the claim to member publications, the Agricultural Publishers Association urged them to scrutinize advertising copy carefully. APA energetically fought fraudulent advertising across the decades.

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to

ACDC News – Issue 12-06

First fashion brand from rural women. February 15 proved a significant day in the fashion industry of Pakistan as an impressive fashion show launched the nation’s first brand for rural women. It’s called Sughar (translated in English as “skilled and confident woman”) and it involves the work of 500 rural women in two provinces of the nation. Featured products include stylish hand clutches, hand bags, and traditional-cum-modern dresses. Each product depicts a folk story or a tradition that is followed in diverse communities of Pakistan.

A national nonprofit organization, Participatory Development Initiatives, facilitates this social enterprise program. “The fashionable and fabulously designed products were the source of attraction to many who were amazed at the talent and skills of rural women.”

You can learn more about Sughar at

On the changing definition of “agricultural journalism.” William Allen, University of Missouri, usefully traces the roots and growth of agricultural journalism in the new Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication . He describes the uniqueness and importance of agricultural journalism, extending beyond “just good journalism.” the “farm story” has evolved to target urban as well rural areas, and deals with concepts like food, science, or trade.

Check with us at if you lack access to this article.

Careers, commodity websites, social media, “Food, Inc.” featured in JAC . You can read research reports about these and other dimensions of agricultural communications in the third 2011 issue of the Journal of Applied Communications :

  • Tamra Watson and J. Tanner Robertson, “Perceptions of agricultural communications freshmen regarding curriculum expectations and career aspirations”
  • Joy N. Goodwin, Christy Chiarelli and Tracy Irani, “Is perception reality? Improving agricultural messages by discovering how consumers perceive messages”
  • Christy Witt, David Doerfert, Tracy Rutherford, Theresa Murphrey, and Leslie Edgar, “The contribution of selected instructional methods toward graduate student understanding of crisis communication.”
  • Mica Graybill-Leonard, Courtney Meyers, David Doerfert, and Erica Irlbeck, “Using Facebook as a communication tool in agricultural-related social movements.”
  • Kori Barr, Erica Irlbeck, Courtney Meyers, and Todd Chambers, “Television journalists’ perceptions of agricultural stories and sources in Texas”
  • Courtney Meyers, Erica Irlbeck, Mica Graybill-Leonard, and David Doerfert, “Advocacy in agricultural social movements: exploring Facebook as a public relations communication tool”
  • Courtney Meyers, Erica Irlbeck, and Kelsey Fletcher, “Postsecondary students’ reactions to agricultural documentaries: a qualitative analysis”

View them online at

How to research, monitor, and evaluate communication for development . Special thanks to Dr. June Lennie of the Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia) for alerting us to a comprehensive new resource:

“Researching, monitoring, and evaluating communications for development:trends, challenges and approaches.”

Dr. Lennie and Prof. Jo Tacchi of RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia) wrote this 153-page report for the United Nations Inter-agency Group on Communication for Development.

The report highlights principles and approaches for effective, appropriate and sustainable research, monitoring, and evaluation of communication efforts in support of development. You can read it at:

Tell kids to do journalism in high school to boost grades and scores. Students in the U.S. who work on high school newspapers and yearbooks get better grades in high school, earn higher scores on college entry exams, and get better grades as college freshmen. Those findings come from research commissioned by the Newspaper Association of America. The study involved more than 31,000 randomly selected students who took the ACT college entrance exams across a five-year period. The findings do not assure causation, but do show what the report describes as strong positive relationship.

High school journalism faces many obstacles, according to the report, due mainly to budget cuts and legal pressures (related to free speech). Rural schools were cited as being among those most likely to cut back on journalism offerings.

You can read the full report at:

Communicator activities approaching.

  • April 16-18, 2012
    “Sustainable Human Development.” The World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) in New Delhi, India. Organized by the International Federation for Information Processing. Will focus on four key areas: agriculture, education, health and e-governance. Information:
  • April 18-20, 2012
    “Acres of Innovation.” 2012 conference of the National Agri-Marketing Association in Kansas City, Missouri USA. Information:
  • May 21-24, 2012
    “East Meets West for Sustainable Development.” 2012 conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AEAEE) in Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand. Information:
  • May 28-June 1, 2012
    “That Voodo You Do.” 26th annual National Extension Technology Conference (NETC) in New Orleans, Louisiana USA. Information:
  • June 2-5, 2012
    “Adventures in Communications.” Annual institute of the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in Tucson, Arizona USA. Information:
  • June 11-14, 2012
    “Charting a New Course.” Annual conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) in Annapolis, Maryland USA.

To dream the impossible dream. We close this issue of ACDC News with a “hen” story told in 1935 by Victor Hayden, executive secretary of the Agricultural Publishers Association. He offered it in response to a tale circulating in newspaper trade circles. A newspaper was claiming to have issued its first annual farm edition in tabloid form. According to the paper, members of the regular staff produced this 24-page edition in 10 days, along with their regular editorial duties.

Hayden responded with a tale of his own. It involved a farmer’s hens and may speak to motivational appeals we all have heard and endured:

The farmer exhibited an ostrich egg to his hens and told them that, while he wasn’t scolding them for their efforts, they might take this as an example and try to do better.

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to

ACDC News – Issue 12-05

Reputations, framing, exhibits, students, and more featured in JAC . You can read new research about these and other dimensions of agricultural communications in the second 2011 issue of the Journal of Applied Communications :

  • Mark Tucker, Jon Bricker, and Alexandria Huerta, “An approach to measuring the impact and effectiveness of educational science exhibits”
  • Rebecca McGovney-Ingram, Tracy Rutherford, and Alvin Larke, Jr., “The voices of minority students in an agricultural communications and journalism program: a case study”
  • Leslie Edgar and Tracy Rutherford, “Citation structure: an analysis of the literature cited in the Journal of Applied Communications from 1997 to 2006″
  • Erica Goss Irlbeck, Cindy Akers and Ashley Palmer, “A nutty study: a framing analysis of the 2009 Salmonella outbreak in peanut products”
  • Lauri M. Baker, Katie Abrams, Tracy Irani, and Courtney Meyers, “Managing media relations: determining the reputation of a land grant institution from perspective of media professionals”

View them at

Ag story tips for general media reporters. The Reynolds Center for Business Journalism, Arizona State University, provides a continuing stream of ideas to help news reporters find local stories related to agriculture. Here are samples of recent tips:

  • What is happening locally in government-supported conservation reserve program (CRP) contracts and rural development projects
  • Local impacts of rising commodity prices and farmland values
  • How hunting seasons affect local businesses and communities
  • Keeping tabs on influences of new leases of land for drilling shale gas wells
  • Local angles in cases of food recalls and outbreaks of food-borne diseases
  • How a mild winter may influence local food and agriculture interests

You can follow such leads by visiting the Reynolds Center website at and reviewing information on the Agriculture beat.

How selling farm products locally affects farming operations. The practice increased on-farm biodiversity in an exploratory case study in Sweden. The vegetable farmers in this study gained personal satisfaction—and a great deal of positive feedback—from their contact with consumers. In the process, they found increased motivation to grow a greater variety of crops.

Authors of this article in the Journal of Sustainable Agriculture reported: “Important driving forces for increasing the diversity of crops were that they attracted more customers and gave more income per consumer visiting the market, which led to better income for participating farmers. Positive feedback from customers appreciating the abundance of variety was also significant.”

You can read the publisher’s abstract of the article at

Or check with us at for help in gaining full-text access.

Worries about losing photos. Reader Gordon Collie of AgriProse, Brisbane, Australia, voiced his concern about losing his digital photos. Gordon is immediate past president of the Australian Council of Agricultural Journalists. In response to our recent note in ACDC News about “when digital data die” he says:

“[I’m worried,] not just my own extensive collection, but the vast gatherings of all newspaper and magazine photos now being archived on digital systems. Will they even exist 50 or 100 years? I’m told the digital storage has an uncertain life, let alone the issue you raise of whole systems becoming redundant every few years. I make back-ups of back-ups and now have two external hard drives which I alternate. One lives in the shed to guard against fire/theft in my home office. Of course a portable hard drive is such a small, insignificant thing it could easily get thrown out in the trash by someone not realizing what’s on it. (My son is just doing a big shed clean up, heaven forbid!)”

Gordon reports he has “just started putting my toe into the water with cloud computing and have some photos on Flickr. Is that a solution, perhaps?”

Thanks for your thoughts, Gordon. We welcome other experiences, views and ideas about preserving digital information, especially for the wellbeing of agriculture. Please send them to us at

Innovative news model serves “a fragmented rural landscape.” That is the goal of NewsShed. It is 2011 recipient of a “Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Digital News Frontier” grant from the International Women’s Media Foundation. Co-founders Julie Reischel and Lissa Harris are establishing NewsShed in rural Catskills communities of upstate New York.

About 400,000 residents are scattered throughout the countryside involving about 75 small towns and hamlets, according to a report we are entering into the ACDC collection. At least half of the towns have no news coverage. Through NewsShed, residents of a particular town can post local information on “Town Pages” and link it to a regional online hub. As well, these micro sites will offer local businesses opportunities for more targeted advertising.

You can learn about NewsShed at:

How agricultural employers assess communications skills of college graduates. We added recently to the ACDC collection a journal article that shed light on this matter. Researchers Brian C. Briggeman and F. Bailey Norwood used an internet survey of agribusinesses and others that employ college graduates in the U.S. Here (ranked) are the most useful ways the responding employers said they assess the communications skills of an agricultural science graduate:

  1. Personal interview
  2. Leadership positions
  3. Software knowledge
  4. Grades
  5. References
  6. Courses taken

You can review the abstract of this 2011 article in the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education here:

Or get in touch with us at for help in gaining full-text access.

Communicator activities approaching.

  • April 16-18, 2012
    “Sustainable Human Development.” The World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) in New Delhi, India. Organized by the International Federation for Information Processing. Will focus on four key areas: agriculture, education, health and e-governance. Information:
  • April 18-20, 2012
    “Acres of Innovation.” 2012 conference of the National Agri-Marketing Association in Kansas City, Missouri USA. Information:
  • May 21-24, 2012
    “East Meets West for Sustainable Development.” 2012 conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AEAEE) in Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand. Information:
  • May 28-June 1, 2012
    “That Voodo You Do.” 26th annual National Extension Technology Conference (NETC) in New Orleans, Louisiana USA. Information:
  • June 2-5, 2012
    “Adventures in Communications.” Annual institute of the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in Tucson, Arizona USA. Information:
  • June 11-14, 2012
    “Charting a New Course.” Annual conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) in Annapolis, Maryland USA.

Losing something in preparing agricultural journalists? We close this issue of ACDC News with words of a U.S. agricultural editor in 1916. He was responding to a national survey conducted by an industrial journalism faculty member at Kansas State Agricultural College.

“The great objection that I have to the college trained man of the present time is that the real sympathy and poetry of life have been mostly trained out of him.”

Gender aspect aside, today do you observe the tendency he mentioned? If so, to what extent? In what ways? For what reasons? With what results? Share your thoughts with us at . And let us know if you would like to read this research report. (N. A. Crawford, Preparation for editorial work on farm papers )

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to

ACDC News – Issue 12-04

Reaching a million consumers about farmers and farming . A report from AgriMarketing Weekly alerts us to news about a video, “God made a farmer,” that has reached nearly one million video views., with offices in Canada and the U.S., posted it last June as a tribute to farmers.

You can view this 2:36 inspirational video at:

“Next Frontiers” symposium attracts more than 300. On February 17, The University of Illinois hosted a symposium, “‘Food and Agricultural Communications: The Next Frontier,” for more than 300 participants. It marked the 50th anniversary of the academic program in agricultural communications, a dual effort of the College of Media and College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences.

You can view presentations online at

Among the featured reports and panels:

  • “The communications challenges ahead of us and why they are important”
  • “Communicating better about what science can deliver”
  • “Colliding beliefs and common ground”
  • “Bringing nutrition and rural development to the farthest reaches”
  • “Communications leaders: creating the next generation”

Talented recruits from rural areas feed a successful freelancing cooperative. We recently added to the ACDC collection a news report about African Eye, a news service that functions as a cooperative. In this unusual business model each reporter keeps half of the revenue generated by his or her own stories, according to the news item. The other half supports the enterprise that edits and markets those stories.

African Eye was launched 18 years ago and now has 15 full-time journalists as well as a network of correspondents, covering six countries. Apprentice correspondents undergo a rigorous training process; “the best can become full-fledged reporters of the service.”

You can view this report at

Keeping agricultural information private . A 2010 research report we have added to the ACDC collection sheds light on why farmers may choose not to share their experiences and knowledge. Dr. Julie Ingram’s study involved farmers practicing reduced tillage in England. Here are some of the reasons they offered for being unwilling to share their experiences and knowledge:

  • Aversion to publicity. Example: “I don’t shout about what we do.”
  • Past experiences of criticism from neighbors.
  • A competitive nature and perspective.
  • Established, pioneer reduced tillers may “see themselves as purists” and question the motivation and skill of others. Example: “I suspect most are doing it to cut costs and they think it’s easy, but they are not doing it properly and some are making of mess of it.”

Do you know of reports of other research that sheds light on this topic of information sharing? If so, please get in touch with us at .

You can read the publisher’s abstract of this Journal of Sustainable Agriculture article at

Or check with us for help in gaining access to it.

Food writing – journalism at its best. Paula Crossfield, managing editor of Civil Eats, offered that view in a commentary we added recently to the ACDC collection.

“I write about food,” she said, “because I think it is a vital issue that has for decades been critically overlooked by the media – and thus the American public – leaving a vast backlog of interesting stories. And because I think food has the potential to unite us.” Food writing fits well with traditional agricultural journalism, she suggested. From her perspective, journalism can be the facilitator of conversations among farmers and eaters across the country, laying things “in the sunlight.”

You can read “Why I write about food” at:

News framing, online tools, and university image featured in JAC . You can read research reports about these dimensions of agricultural communications in the first 2011 issue of the Journal of Applied Communications :

  • Karen J. Cannon and Tracy A. Irani, “Fear and loathing in Britain: a framing analysis of news coverage during the foot and mouth disease outbreaks in the United Kingdom.”
  • Joy Goodwin and Emily Rhoades, “Agricultural legislation: the presence of California Proposition 2 on YouTube.”
  • Mark Anderson-Wilk, “Improving discoverability, preventing broken links: considerations for land-grant university publishers.”
  • Courtney A. Meyers and Tracy A. Irani, “Measuring the value of a land-grant university.”

View them at:

Mobile phones “can be enslaving as well as liberating.” Researcher Cara Wallis reported this outcome in a journal article we added recently to the ACDC collection. It came to her attention during 10 months of ethnographic fieldwork among young rural-to-urban migrant women working in the low-level service sector in Beijing, China. One case example involved a supervisor manipulating and controlling employees through their mobile phone.

In conclusion, Wallis encouraged attention to the “contingencies of culture” in analyzing information technologies. Marginalized workers’ use of mobile phones will not necessarily lead to greater income, a better job or more autonomy, she observed.

You can read the abstract of this New Media and Society article, “Mobile phones without guarantees,” here:

Check with us at for help in gaining full-text access.

Communicator activities approaching.

  • March 22-23, 2012
    Annual meeting of the Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) in Charleston, South Carolina. Information:
  • April 16-18, 2012
    “Sustainable Human Development.” The World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) in New Delhi, India. Organized by the International Federation for Information Processing. Will focus on four key areas: agriculture, education, health and e-governance. Information:
  • April 18-20, 2012
    “Acres of Innovation.” 2012 conference of the National Agri-Marketing Association in Kansas City, Missouri USA. Information:
  • June 2-5, 2012
    “Adventures in Communications.” Annual institute of the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in Tucson, Arizona USA. Information:
  • June 11-14, 2012
    “Charting a New Course.” Annual conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) in Annapolis, Maryland, USA.

When farm magazine subscribers failed to pay . Back in the days when subscriptions provided a larger share of income than at present, farm publishers used powerful medicine to urge subscribers to pay up. We close this issue of ACDC News with an appeal that one publisher used with some success, according to Clarence Poe, long-time editor of The Progressive Farmer :

The man who cheats his paper

Out of a single cent

Will never reach that heavenly land

Where old Elijah went.

But when at last his race is run –

This life of toil and woe –

He’ll straightway go to that fiery land

Where they never shovel snow.”

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to

ACDC News – Issue 12-03

When the food label says “Best Before.” Consumer confusion sets in, according to a news report we have added to the ACDC collection from Ottawa, Canada. It explained that consumers are throwing away lots of good food because they don’t understand what the Best Before date means.

“Most of us see them as expiration dates, when they’re often anything but,” said reporter Angela Mulholland of, “In fact, a Best Before date says nothing about the safety of a food.” She explained that the Best Before dates are only an indicator of the quality of the product – in terms of how long it will maintain its optimum taste and texture.

You can read the document at:

What “sustainable agriculture” means to high school agriculture teachers. This widely-used expression takes on many dimensions. We recently added to the ACDC collection a Journal of Sustainable Agriculture article that reported on beliefs of high school agriculture teachers in 12 north-central U.S. states. Here are the top six aspects of sustainability on which they agreed:

  • Development of healthy soils is important to sustainable agriculture.
  • It conserves natural resources for the benefit of future generations.
  • Crop rotation is important to sustainability.
  • It promotes recycling of renewable natural resources.
  • It values nature for its own sake.
  • Agricultural knowledge from Extension is important for its success.

You can read the publisher’s abstract of the article at: Or check with us at for help in gaining full-text access.

Advice to researchers: Focus on the agricultural press. In a European Journal of Communication article, Olivier Baisnée observed that most research conducted about the European public sphere has been heavily influenced by a definition promoted by the European Union (EU) institutions themselves. It has emphasized information about the EU in national media. However, he noted, the public of the EU is sectoral and highly selective, socially and economically. Nor are all the actors located within EU official boundaries.

“Paradoxically, it seems rather clear that some of the social groups most involved are not the most frequently mentioned. Farmers and fishermen, for example, are much more involved in the [European public sphere] than most of the rest of the population. Then the question remains, instead of focusing only on national media would it not also be (more) interesting to study the specialized press directed to those who really take part in the political debates about European issues? In practical terms, that means studying the specialized press relevant to EU policy processes: e.g. business dailies, international publications, publications on agriculture, and the fishing industry.”

View the abstract here: Check with us at for help in gaining full-text access.

Helpful resources about “when the digital data die.”

Thanks to Professor Chris Morgan, University of Georgia, for suggesting these websites that may be helpful for those interested in preserving digital materials:

“Care and handling of CDs and DVDs – a guide for librarians and archivists”

“The Archival Advisor”

“CD and DVD Archiving”

Guidelines for assessing risks of poor animal welfare . Journalists and communicators who cover animal agriculture may find interest in a new resource that came to our attention. “Guidance on risk assessment for animal welfare” was published during January by the European Food Safety Authority. An accompanying glossary defines the terms used.

You can read the document at:

How careers in agricultural journalism are born (by accident). During the 2011 IFAJ Congress we appreciated meeting Henry Heald. Now retired, Henry is an honorary life member of the Eastern Canadian Farm Writers Association and Ontario Institute of Agrologists.

“My experience in the Parliamentary Press Gallery led me into agriculture reporting,” he explains in his chapter of a new book, Media Values . We added it recently to the ACDC collection. How did he land there? He recalls being in a line-up of Canadian Press reporters, getting their assignments for covering government affairs.

“Heald, you’re Agriculture.”

You can read the publisher’s description of the book here:

Communicator activities approaching.

  • March 22-23, 2012
    Annual meeting of the Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) in Charleston, South Carolina. Information:
  • April 16-18, 2012
    “Sustainable Human Development.” The World Information Technology Forum (WITFOR) in New Delhi, India. Organized by the International Federation for Information Processing. Will focus on four key areas: agriculture, education, health, and e-governance. Information:
  • April 18-20, 2012
    “Acres of Innovation.” 2012 conference of the National Agri-Marketing Association in Kansas City, Missouri USA. Information:
  • June 2-5, 2012
    “Adventures in Communications.” Annual institute of the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in Tucson, Arizona USA. Information:
  • June 11-14, 2012
    “Charting a New Course.” Annual conference of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) in Annapolis, Maryland, USA.

Examining the (rural) roots of broadcasting . We close this issue of ACDC News with something we added recently to the collection. A Journal of Radio Studies article included this observation by Layne Beaty, a pioneering farm broadcaster in the U.S.:

“It may be coincidental that the first use of “broadcasting” was agricultural, referring to the sowing of seeds. It is nonetheless fitting because in the early days of radio when rural people lived in varying degrees of isolation, radio became a link to the outside world and a live-in companion for farmers and their families.”

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions, and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information. And please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to

ACDC News – Issue 12-02

New ways to connect organizations and agencies that focus on climate, agriculture, and water.

New forms of media provide new opportunities for global outreach, Andrew C. Revkin emphasized recently in WMO Bulletin , journal of the World Meteorological Organization.

He observed that societies rich and poor need reliable and timely information on the weather and, increasingly, on the causes and consequences of grander-scale shifts in the climate system itself. On that front, “an enormous gap persists between what is possible and what is happening.” Part of it can be narrowed, he suggested, if scientists and scholars—and their institutions—think creatively about how to expand their communication circles and pathways. Among the examples he described:

  • National Atmospheric Space Administration’s use of Twitter to “bat down rumors and provide a swift source of updates.”
  • A “station scientist” program by the American Meteorological Society to help those who deliver weather forecasts on television.
  • A “Climate Q&A Service” to reporters from the American Geophysical Union.
  • A “singing climatologist” at Pennsylvania State University

You can read the article online at:

A new agricultural communications text.

Two faculty members at the University of Florida have written a new book about skills and concepts in agricultural communications:

Ricky Telg and Tracy Anne Irani, Agricultural Communications in Action: a Hands-On Approach . Cengage Learning, Florence, Kentucky.  368 pages. 2011

“Current communication trends are integrated throughout this practical, ‘how-to’ text. It also includes insight from real professionals in various agriculture-related industries, illustrating how they tackle communication issues and problems.” It is tailored to help students and professionals become better equipped to serve as effective communicators in this field.

You can read the publisher’s description here:||9781111317140&N=11&Ntk=all||P_Isbn13

How farmers prefer to be identified .

Results of the recent Iowa Farm Poll suggest that in Iowa they think the term “farmers” best describes them.

Here are preferences among five terms that respondents were asked to consider:

Farmer             60 percent

Producer          18

Farm operator  18

Grower              3

Rancher             1

You can read a news brief about this survey at:

Who’s got the phone? A five-country gender comparison. This question formed the basis of a study in New Media and Society about the use of the telephone by men and women at the “bottom of the pyramid.” Researchers used face-to-face interviews based on probability sampling in rural and urban centers of India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Telephone usage involved household fixed phones and respondents’ own mobile phones. Among the findings:

  • A significant gender divide appeared in Pakistan and India, and to a lesser extent in Sri Lanka. A divide was absent in Thailand and the Philippines.
  • Male and female respondents in India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Thailand did not differ much in their use of telephones.
  • The core cause of the gender problem “appears to lie outside the realm of telecom, in the subordination of women in economic decision-making within families.”
  • Authors recommended policies that will enable wider telephone uptake, especially mobiles and among women.

You can read the abstract of this New Media and Society article here:

Check with us at for help in gaining full-text access.

Photographing the fading of rural community. Thanks to Prof. Kenneth Tunnell of Eastern Kentucky University for alerting us to his new book, Once Upon a Place , that pays visual attention to the fading of community in rural Kentucky. It’s packed with photos that reveal “the downturn in family farming and to the closing of local businesses, schools, post offices, and churches; to the influx of big-box retailers; to symbols of community awash in change; and to indications of social disorganization played out as social problems.”

You can learn more about the book at:

Wondering what to do with your professional materials? Wanting to find a home for professional references and resources you’ve gathered and used—even created—during a career in agricultural journalism and communications? If so, please check with us about the possibility of using the Agricultural Communications Documentation Center as a forever home for them and as a way to help them serve others during the years ahead. Perhaps you are aware (through the Contributors section of the ACDC website) that we value private collections. Across the years, they can be an important resource for professionals, students, teachers, researchers, and others interested in agricultural journalism and communications.

You can get acquainted here with ACDC contributors and the varied kinds of resources they have provided. Get in touch with Joyce Wright at or Jim Evans at if you wish to consider this approach.

Communicator activities approaching.

  • February 5-6, 2012
    Agricultural Communications Research Meeting at the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Conference, Birmingham, Alabama USA. Registration online at:
  • February 17, 2012
    “Food and Agricultural Communications – The Next Frontier.” Industry-wide symposium hosted by the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and the College of Media at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Information:
  • March 22-23, 2012
    Annual meeting of the Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) in Charleston, South Carolina. Information:

Guideline for agricultural issue managers and risk communicators. We close this issue of ACDC News with a story we noted in the archives of the Agricultural Publishers Association. Executive Secretary Victor Hayden reported it in 1932 when he spoke to staff members in the USDA Office of Information:

An enthusiastic courtier said to the king: “May your subjects all die before you.”

He was ordered beheaded by the angered king.

Another courtier with a flair for diplomacy phrased the sentiment in these words:

“May your Majesty outlive all his subjects.”

He was knighted.

Best wishes and good searching.

Please pass along your reactions, suggestions and ideas. Feel free to invite our help as you search for information, and please suggest (or send) agricultural communications documents we might add to this unique collection. We welcome them in hard copy (sent to Ag Comm Documentation Center, 510 LIAC, 1101 S. Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801) or in electronic format sent to