Wireless internet is available throughout Funk Library. IllinoisNet is accessible throughout the building and requires a valid UIUC NetID to connect. For more information about how to access IllinoisNet, please visit the Technology Services Wireless page. For campus visitors, Funk Library also has IllinoisNet Start, which is available to campus visitors on a temporary basis. For information about UI Public Wireless, please visit the Technology Services page.
There are Windows PCs available on the second, third, and fourth floor of Funk Library. Computers for public use are on the second floor. These computers can all access the internet. You can also use Remote Desktop to connect to UIUC AnyWare to use specialized programs (Adobe suite, ArcGIS, SPSS, Living Cookbook, and other popular programs). On the library’s computers, the Remote Desktop Connection program is found in the Accessories folder on the Start Menu. Problems with Remote Desktop can be reported to the ACES Technology Services via email. (Note: there are special instructions for saving work to a flash drive when connected via Remote Desktop.)
Printing is available from all public computers in Funk Library and from personal laptops via web printing. Black and White documents will print at the public printers on the 2nd floor, near the photocopier, and need to be released at the Print Release Station right next to the printers. Color documents will also print from the second floor, but the Color Printer and Print Release Station are located near the South Stairwell. The Black and White print release station will only release Black and White print jobs and the Color print release station will only release Color print jobs. Double-sided printing for both Black and White and Color is also available.
For specific instructions, consult this Library Printing page.
To print from a laptop, consult this Library Laptop Printing page.
How Much
Printing at Funk Library costs $0.10 per page for Black and White printing, $0.40 per page for Color printing. UIUC students must pay for print jobs with Illini Cash on their i-card using the declining balance card. Faculty and staff can charge print jobs to their university accounts. All users have the option to pay cash, but will have to pay and pick-up printouts at the Grainger Engineering Library.
If you do not have a university account or do not want to be charged that way, anyone may set up a prepaid account. You can sign up for a prepaid account right now.
Click here to know how to request a refund for a print job that did not work correctly.
There are two scanners on the second floor of the Funk Library; one available for public use, one requires login with a valid University of Illinois NetID.
Doc Express is a scanning service to obtain articles or chapters from our print collection. The services is free of charge to UIUC faculty, staff, and graduate students; undergraduate students are charged $5.00 per article (up to 30 pages per article). For more information on this program, please read the UIUC Doc Express page.
There is one photocopy machine on the second floor available for public use. Photocopies are free.
There are no public fax machines in any of the campus libraries. Fee-based fax service is available at Document Services in the Illini Union, Champaign Public Library, and Urbana Free Library.
Loanable Technology
Funk Library has a small selection of technology accessories that can be checked out to patrons possessing a valid i-Card. These items are only for use within the library, and most have a two-hour loan period. The accessories include some Apple laptop/iPad/iPhone charger cables, micro-USB charger cables, and USB power adapters. Click here to see the full list of our loanable technology.