ACDC News – Issue 98-05

Some of the new documents. 

Here are samples of recently published documents being added this month to the collection of literature about agricultural communications:

      Adoption rates for selected crop management practices: 
      implications for precision farming

      Rates of return to public investment in agricultural research and 

      Rural data, people, and policy: information systems for the 21st
      century  (book review)

      Consumption risk, farm characteristics, and soil conservation 
      adoption among low-income farmers in the Philippines

      Determinants of co-operative patronage in Alberta  (Canada)

      The bST debate: the relationship between awareness and acceptance 
      of technological advances

      The role of husbands and wives in farm technology choice

      Potential effects of information technologies on the economic 
      performance of agricultural and food markets

Please notify us by e-note ( if you would like to arrange to see these documents and do not have access to them locally.

Laura Cheline joined the Documentation Center 

As a part-time student assistant. A junior in agricultural communications here at the University of Illinois, Laura comes from North Henderson, Illinois. She is pursuing the advertising option of her curriculum and, after graduation, is interested in writing copy and carrying out other marketing communications activities with an agricultural business.

“I hope to learn more about the agricultural communications field through the journals and items we collect for the Center,” Laura explains. “I also hope to keep up to date on what is going on in the field.”

“They’re respectful and hard-working.  

They’re pulled in a million directions,” said Pamela Karg, president of the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA), when she reported recently to fellow members about her interactions with students in the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) organization.

“They thirst for any little kernels of knowledge we possess. ACT members consider CCA a ‘parent organization.’ I think that makes each of us responsible for helping raise the child to become a well-rounded, thoughtful, trusted, inquisitive, honest and professional adult.”

President Karg ( encouraged CCA members to work with and help these college students. As she put it: “One generation to the next. Each one learning from and teaching the other. That’s what makes viable cooperatives – and communicators.”

Professional meetings scheduled.

Here are the approaching meetings of several professional agricultural communicator organizations:

April 30        Lunch Conference, Rural Media Association of South
                Australia, Adelaide, South Australia.
                Contact:  Bruce Mitchell at

May 3-6         North Central Regional Meeting, Agricultural Communicators 
                in Education, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

June 6-9        Annual Institute, Cooperative Communicators Association,
                Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Contact:  Raymond Crouch or
                Stephanie Smith at 817-548-5206

June 14-17      National Extension Technology Conference, St. Louis,
                Contact: Dave Klostermann at

The independent farm life.

A young daughter was exploring with her father the subject of private enterprise.
“Tell me, Dad.” she said. “Does owning your own farm make you more independent?”
“It sure does. I get to work any time I want to before 7 in the morning and leave whenever I feel like it any time after 10 at night.”

Best regards and good searching.

Please let us know if we can help you find information and/or if you can suggest documents that we might add to this collection.

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