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Dewey/Call Numbers

The sections below provide a finding aid and overview of the Dewey Decimal Classification System numbers at Grainger Engineering Library. For locations on the third floor, see the Library Map.

Dewey Decimal Finding Aid

Follow these basic principles in reading Dewey Decimal call numbers:

  • Any numerals that appear behind the decimal are read as decimal numbers. For example:
    • 623.3 comes before
    • 623.306 followed by
    • 623.35 followed by
    • 623.4 etc.
  • When a number follows a letter, read it as in the following example. For example:
    • 623.306 W72 comes before
    • 623.306 W727 and would come before
    • 623.306 W75 and before
    • 623.306 W8
  • A lower case letter may follow, adding another layer of alphabetical order.

Note: When there is no decimal point, items are shelved in this order:

  • 623 W72
  • 623.1 A12h
  • 623.1 A8h

Note: Call numbers that begin with A, B, and C should be substituted with these numbers: A = 016., B = 920., and C = 380.

Dewey Decimal Classification Numbers at Grainger Engineering Library
004 Data Processing; Computer Science 627 Hydraulic engineering
004.21 Systems analysis and design 627.1 Inland waterways
004.22 Computer architecture 627.2 Harbors, ports, roadsteads
004.5 Storage 627.3 Port installations
004.6 Interfacing and communications 627.4 Flood control
004.65 Computer networks 627.5 Reclamation, irrigation
004.7 Peripherals 627.7 Underwater operations
005 Computer programming, programs, data 627.8 Dams and reservoirs
005.1 Programming 627.9 Other hydraulic structures
005.131 Symbolic logic 628 Sanitary and municipal engineering
005.133 Specific programming languages 628.1 Water supply
005.4 Systems programming 628.2 Sewers and sewage
005.43 Operating systems 628.3 Sewage treatment and disposal
005.71 Data communications 628.4 Waste technology
005.73 Data structures 628.5 Industrial sanitation engineering
005.74 Data files and databases 628.7 Rural sanitary engineering
005.8 Data security 629 Other branches of engineering
006 Special computer methods 629.04 Transportation engineering
006.3 Artif. intelligence [also 001.535] 629.1 Aerospace engineering
006.4 Pattern recognition 629.2 Motor land vehicles and cycles
006.5 Computer sound synthesis          (Automotive engineering)
006.6 Computer graphics 629.4 Astronautics
384 Communications/Telecommunication 629.8 Automatic control engineering
384.3 Computer communication 660 Chemical engineering
384.51 Wireless communication 660.6 Biotechnology
510 Mathematics 660.62 Industrial microbiology
511 General principles of mathematics 660.63 Biochemical engineering
512 Algebra 660.65 Genetic engineering
513 Arithmetic 660.7 Industrial stoichiometry
514 Topology 661 Technology of industrial chemicals
515 Analysis (515.15 Calculus and analytic geometry) 662 Explosives, fuels, related products
516 Geometry 662.1 Fireworks (Pyrotechnics)
518 Numerical analysis 662.2 Explosives
519 Probabilities and applied mathematics 662.4 Detonators
520 Astronomy & allied sciences 662.5 Matches
521 Celestial mechanics 662.6 Fuels
522 Techniques, equipment, materials 662.7 Coke and charcoal
523 Specific celestial bodies & phenomena 662.8 Other fuels
524 Not assigned or no longer used 662.9 Nonfuel carbons
525 Earth (Astronomical geography) 665 Industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
526 Mathematical geography 665.5 Petroleum
527 Celestial navigation 665.7 Natural gas/Manufactured gases
528 Ephemerides 666 Ceramic and allied technologies
529 Chronology 666.1 Glass
530 Physics 666.7 Refractories and structural clay
531 Classical mechanics; Solid mechanics 666.8 Synthetic and artificial minerals
532 Fluid mechanics; Liquid mechanics 666.893 Concrete
533 Gas mechanics 666.9 Masonry adhesives
534 Sound & related vibrations 668 Technology of other organic products
535 Light & paraphotic phenomena 668.4 Plastics (see also 547.8432)
536 Heat 669 Metallurgy
537 Electricity & electronics 669.1 Ferrous metals
538 Magnetism 669.2 Precious, rare-earth metals
539 Modern physics 669.3 Copper
551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology 669.4 Lead
551.01 Philosophy and theory of geology 669.5 Zinc and Cadmium
551.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of geology 669.6 Tin
551.1 Gross structure and properties of the earth 669.7 Other nonferrous metals
551.2 Volcanoes, earthquakes, thermal waters and gases 669.9 Physical and chemical metallurgy
551.3 Surface and exogenous processes and their agents 670 Manufacturing
551.4 Geomorphology and hydrosphere 670.427 Computer-aided manufacture
551.5 Meteorology 671 Metalworking processes and primary metals
551.6 Climatology and weather 671.2 Foundry practice (casting)
551.7 Historical geology 671.3 Mechanical working
551.8 Structural geology 672 Iron, steel, other iron alloys
551.9 Geochemistry 673 Nonferrous metals
620 Engineering and allied operations 673.2 Precious, rare-earth metals
620.1 Mechanics and materials 673.3 Copper
620.11 Materials science 673.4 Lead
620.106 Applied fluid mechanics 673.5 Zinc and cadmium
620.2 Sound and related vibrations 673.6 Tin
620.3 Mechanical vibration 673.7 Other nonferrous metals
620.8 Human-factors/safety engineering 673.71 Mercury
621 Applied physics 673.722 Aluminum
621.04 Energy and plasma engineering 674 Lumber processing, wood products cork
621.1 Steam engineering 676 Pulp and paper technology
621.2 Hydraulic-power technology 678 Elastomers and elastomer products
621.3 Electronics, magnetics, communications, computer engineering, lighting 678.2 Rubber
621.39 Computer engineering 678.5 Latexes
621.8 Machine engineering 680 Manufacture of products for specific uses
622 Mining and related operations 681 Precision instruments and other devices
622.1 Prospecting /exploratory ops. 690 Buildings
622.2 Excavation techniques 691 Building materials
622.4 Mine environment 691.1 Timber
622.5 Mine drainage 691.2 Natural stones
622.6 Mine transport systems 691.3 Concrete and artificial stones
622.7 Ore dressing 691.4 Ceramic and clay materials
622.8 Mine health and safety 691.5 Masonry adhesives
623 Military and nautical engineering 691.6 Glass
623.1 Fortifications 691.7 Iron and steel (ferrous metals)
623.2 Mine laying, demolition 691.8 Metals
623.3 Engineering of defense 691.9 Other building materials
623.4 Ordnance 691.92 Plastics and their laminates
623.5 Ballistics and gunnery 692 Auxiliary construction practices
623.6 Military transportation technology 692.3 Construction specifications
623.7 Commun., vehicles, sanitation 693 Construction – Specific Topics
623.8 Nautical engineering 693.1 Masonry
624 Civil engineering 693.2 Stabilized earth materials
624.1 Structural engineering 693.3 Tiles and terra cotta
624.151 Engineering geology 693.4 Artificial stones and hollow bricks
624.2 Bridges 693.5 Concrete
624.3 Specific types of bridges 693.6 Plaster, stucco, lathwork
624.4 Tubular and box-girder bridges 693.7 Metals
624.5 Suspension bridges 693.8 Construction for specific purposes
624.6 Arch bridges 693.852 Earthquake resistant construction
624.7 Compound bridges 694 Wood construction, carpentry
624.8 Movable bridges 694.1 Planning, analysis, design
625 Engineering of railroads, roads, highways 695 Roof covering
625.1 Railroads 696 Utilities
625.2 Railroad rolling stock 696.1 Plumbing
625.3 Inclined, mountain, ship railroads 697 HVAC
625.4 Rapid transit systems 697.1 Radiative heating
625.5 Cable and aerial railways 697.2 Convective heating
625.6 Surface rail and trolley systems 697.3 Hot-air heating
625.7 Roads 697.4 Hot-water heating
625.8 Artificial road surfaces 697.5 Steam heating
697.7 Other heating methods
697.9 Ventilation and air conditioning