
The Illinois Open Publishing Network (IOPN) is a set of digital publishing services and platforms that are hosted and coordinated by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. IOPN offers publishing services to members of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign community and beyond. These services include monograph and journal publishing in one of the four supported platforms: Scalar, Pressbooks, Omeka S, and Open Journal Systems.


Access to publishing resources is available to publication candidates through arrangement with IOPN staff. IOPN publications are available to the public at and


To submit a general question, request training, or report a system outage, contact:


Internal documentation is hosted on the library wiki and is only available to library staff. Guides for authors are available upon email request at


Publications and Presentations

Bailey, R.W., Green, H., & Thomas-Houston, M. (2015, September). Publishing Without Walls: eBlack Studies and a new collaboration for digital publishing. Panel presented at the ASALH 100th Annual Meeting and Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. (Online abstract)

Bonn, M. (2016, April 18). Understanding the needs of scholars in a contemporary publishing environment.  Panel presentation at FORCE2016, Portland, Oregon.

Green, H. & Courtney, A. (2016, July 29). Update on Humanities Collaboration and Research Practices and Publishing Without Walls. Humanities Without Walls Consortial Partners Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Alex, Dryden & Tracy, D. G. (2023). Creating a Full Multitenant Back End User Experience in Omeka S with the Teams Module. The Code4Lib Journal, 57.

Source Code

Publishing platforms are FOSS available through the following repositories or organizations:

Omeka S



Open Journal Systems

These systems are implemented with various plugins and dependencies, not listed here.