Institutional Repository (IDEALS)


IDEALS, the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship, collects, disseminates, and provides persistent and reliable access to the research and scholarship of faculty, staff, and students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Faculty, staff, and graduate students can deposit their research and scholarship directly into IDEALS. Faculty may use IDEALS to fulfill the University of Illinois faculty open access policy, and in many cases may use it to fulfill open access requirements from grant funding agencies. Departments can use IDEALS to distribute and preserve their working papers, technical reports, or other research material. IDEALS also includes all graduate theses and dissertations since Fall 2010. Many theses and dissertations prior to that date have been added to IDEALS but are limited to members of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign community unless the author has permitted public access.


IDEALS production site

IDEALS test site (accessible to library staff)


To submit a general question, request training, or report a system outage, contact


IDEALS documentation is available in the IDEALS LibGuide.


Publications and Presentations

See the Presentations, Publications, and Workshops collection in IDEALS.

Source Code

Source code is available in the IDEALS repository on Github, along with related components available from the broader Medusa Project. The project maintains an ongoing Change Log.