Easy Search


The Easy Search Bento system provides access to journal literature, online catalog records, publisher e-book result matches, web search engines, e-resource A-to-Z lists, and other targets. Easy Search also offers search assistance and suggestive prompts to specific resources or topic‐relevant database results. The Easy Search Bento system employs context‐specific and adaptive search assistance including features such as spelling suggestion links; LibGuide subject information guides links; direct links to specific resources (e.g., Web of Science, JSTOR, Facebook, etc.); limit suggestions to title, phrase, or author searches; DOI identification to provide direct link to content; online chat link; and journal title links.

The Bento system will always try to provide a direct link to PDFs when available, and, if not available, provide a DOI, publisher, OpenURL links for articles, and/or e‐book links from the Library Online Catalog. We feel it is important to get the user to full‐text content with as few clicks as possible. The system writes out custom transaction logs for all assistance recommendations and what is clicked on by users. See diagram of Easy Search in image below:


Easy Search production site.

Easy Search test site.


To submit a general question or report a system outage, contact w-mischo@illinois.edu or heldreth@illinois.edu


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Publications and Presentations

Mischo, William H., Michael A. Norman, Mary C. Schlembach, and Jason Heldreth, “AI and Algorithmic Processing in Discovery and Delivery Systems”, presentation at the IDEA AI Institute IMLS Grant Workshop, University of Tennessee, July 11, 2021

Mischo, William H., Michael A. Norman, Mary C. Schlembach, “The Bento Style Discovery System: User Behaviors and Value-Added Links”, Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC, November 5, 2020

Mischo, William H., Michael A. Norman, and Mary C. Schlembach. 2019. Transactions Log Analysis within a Bento Discovery System. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. 2019, pp. 420-421. DOI: 10.1109/JCDL.2019.00099 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8791111

Mischo, William H. Michael A. Norman and Mary C. Schlembach. 2018. Innovations in Discovery Systems: User Studies and the Bento Approach.. In Charleston Conference proceedings 2017, edited by Beth Bernhardt and Leah Hinds. West Lafeyette, IN.: Purdue University Press.  DOI: https://10.5703/1288284316700 https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/charleston/2017/techandtrends/2/

Mischo, William H., Michael A. Norman, Mary C, Schlembach, Jason P. Heldreth. 2016. “The Bento Approach to Library Discovery: Web-Scale and Beyond”, Proceedings of the Internet Librarian International 15, October 21, 2015, London UK.

Source Code

The Easy Search Bento system is locally developed open source software. More information on the code is coming soon.