Digitized Book Tracker


The Digitized Book Tracker logs books digitized through large- and small-scale digitization efforts made available in the HathiTrust Digital Library, Internet Archive, and the websites of corporate partners. To date, the Library has digitized more than 850,000 locally held volumes as part of its commitment to large-scale digitization.

Data flow diagram showing UIUC Library digitization workflows. The Library digitizes books using an Internet Archive scanning center, Google Books scanning center, and local worklfows. These digitized books are then deposited into Internet Archive, Google Books, and the HathiTrust Digital Library.


Book Tracker production site

Book Tracker test site (accessible to library staff)

Digitized books in the Digital Collections Search Gateway


To submit a general question, request training, or report a system outage, contact: digitalcollections@lists.illinois.edu


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Publications and Presentations

Coming soon.

Source Code

Source code is available in the Book Tracker repository on Github, along with related components available from the broader Medusa Project.