Library Digital Exhibits


The Library uses OmekaS to highlight our vast archival and special collections through curated digital exhibits. These exhibits provide an accessible and engaging way to explore manuscripts, photos, and other materials, ranging from the original Star Wars script to our player piano. We use the KSharp theme to organize smaller exhibits by unit. These exhibits tend to include curated collections of 10-20 items and are built over the course of a semester or year. Larger collections, multi-unit collaborations, and longer-term projects can request their own site. All new Library OmekaS users are required to complete a brief training course in our sandbox site before joining their unit’s production site.


Production Site

Sandbox (accessible to library staff by request)


For access, training, and troubleshooting, please contact Scholarly Communication and Publishing at


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Publications and Presentations

Dryden, Alexander and Daniel G. Tracy. “Creating a Full Multitenant Back End User Experience in Omeka S with the Teams Module.” Code4Lib Journal, no. 57 (2023).

Dryden, Alex and Dan Tracy. “Developing a Press Approach to OmekaS with the Teams Module.” Library Publishing Forum, June 15, 2021.

Keralis, Spencer and Alex Dryden. “Omeka S.” Presentation for the Library Virtual Open House. September 15, 2021.

Source Code

We use code from and update the system regularly. Our sites make use of additional modules, including CSV Import, Faceted Browse, Universal Viewer, and Mapping.

The Teams module, which enables us to manage users and materials from multiple units more effectively, was developed by Alex Dryden, our research programmer, and is publicly available to the OmekaS user community.