

This script requires:

  • Python 3+
  • Exiv2
  • Imagemagick 6

To find these programs, visit Getting the Dependencies.

Installation from the Command Line

  1. Download the latest source release from the Github release page.

  2. Uncompress the files.

  3. Open a command prompt/terminal and change to the directory you created when you uncompressed the file.

  4. Type the following command based on your operating system.

    OS Command
    Mac or Linux python3 install
    Windows: py -3 install

All finished! The package should now be installed on your system


Since this script works by sending commands to external command line programs, the location of these external programs must be known to the script.

These programs are:

  • Imagemagick 6 (NOT version 7+)
  • exiv2

Without any configuration, the script will default to searching on the path for these programs. However if these programs are not found on the path or alternative version of these programs are desired a command_paths.ini configuration file must be created.

A command_paths.ini found in the home directory will override any default settings.


  • If Imagemagick 6 & exiv2 are on installed on the path, no configuration is necessary.
  • To specify specific paths for these programs, create a command_paths.ini in your home directory.


Windows has a system level program called convert.exe, located in C:\Windows\System32. This is for converting the filesystem of a hard drive. THIS IS NOT Imagemagick. Do not configure the command_paths.ini settings files to use this program. It will not work.


Only Imagemagick 6 will currently work. Imagemagick 7 made changes to the command and won’t work.

command_paths.ini format

The command_paths.ini contains:

  • one section: [commands]
  • 2 optional keys: convert and exiv2
Key Value Windows Name
convert Imagemagick 6 convert command. convert.exe
exiv2 exiv2 command exiv2.exe

A example of this file on Windows would look like this:

convert = C:\Users\hborcher\Downloads\ImageMagick-6.9.7-3-portable-Q16-x86\convert.exe
exiv2 = C:\Users\hborcher\Downloads\exiv2-0.25-win\exiv2.exe