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Library Databases Presentation

Library Databases: how to find them, how to search them, and what they have to offer

  1. Go to Latinx Studies Resources website at: https://www.library.illinois.edu/latinx-studies/ 
  2. Always access library databases via the library website
  3. You will be required to authenticate so that you have access to full text content
  4. When working on a research project, it is helpful to have a piece of paper handy so that you may keep a list of the keywords you use when searching

Learn how to find the right database for your assignment or research project

4 major ways to find a database:

  1. Latinx Library website: “Key Resources” tab. A list of a select few databases.
  2. Latinx Library website: “Find Library Resources” Scholarly Article Databases: Other.”
  3. Latinx Library website: “Databases” tab, alphabetical list if you know the name of the database.
  4. Latinx Library website: “Databases” tab, select a subject in “all subjects” box.

Learn how to use databases to find reputable/scholarly resources AND Explore how databases can provide full-text access to resources and other benefits

  1. Be aware of the historical use of terms for Latinx Studies. Databases often cover several decades of resources. You will need to keep this in mind when using a term such as “Latinx.”
  2. Many of the databases include books, full text journals, magazines, and newspapers. You will be able to sort or limit by type.
  3. Tip: select “Advanced Search” since it provides you with more options.
  4. Type keywords into the search boxes. Be creative and think of synonyms.
  5. When reviewing the results, write down possible keywords you see in the “subjects” or “title.”
  6. You can limit or sort your search a number of ways (source type, date, full text, peer reviewed).
  7. To the right of each item, you will see 3 icons. “ for cite, envelope to email document.
  8. Click on “Abstract” for a summary of the item or click on “full text” or “PDF.”
  9. Click on full text or PDF to get the entire article for a journal, magazine, or newspaper article. In addition, the right-hand side of screen has helpful icons: “ for the citation, envelope for emailing the document, print, etc.
  10. Once you click on a selection/article, the database will give you the entire article. In addition, on the right side you will get additional Suggested Sources.
  11. Tip: email or download any document you find useful.

Learn how databases can assist with creating citations

  1. Oftentimes, the databases will include a link to the citation. You will need to have selected/clicked on the article/item to see the link.
  2. The citation link will include multiple options for the different citation formats.
  3. They offer you the ability to download or email the citation to yourself or you can copy and paste into a word doc.

Learn how to search multiple databases at the same time

  1. This option is great for multidisciplinary subjects or when you are researching a very specific topic.
  2. LLS is very multidisciplinary. Searching multiple databases at the same time saves A LOT of time and provides you with better informed research results!
  3. You can search multiple EBSCO (orange bar) or ProQuest (green bar) databases at the same time.
  4. A list of databases and an option to search multiple databases is included within each of the databases.
  5. To search multiple databases, you need to first select a database and log in. You may then select the databases you wish to include in your search.