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ADV 250 (Hitchon)

Advertising Resources

Company and Product Information

ProQuest One Business

  • Provides access to a mixture of practical and theoretical business content including company, industry, and country reports, scholarly journals and ebooks, videos, dissertations, newspapers, and more.

Advertising Age

  • Includes information specific to the advertising industry.

Business Source Ultimate

  • Features resources concerning business trends and development

Census Bureau Data

  • Find popular facts (income, population, other demographics) and frequently requested data about your community. Search by state county, city, town, or zip code. This site contains data that was previously available on American Fact Finder.

D&B Hoovers Academic Pro

  • Database of company, executive officer, and industry information in a searchable database. Includes parent, subsidiary, branch and competitor information business records and analytics.

If you get an error message when trying to connect to Hoover’s, please try an incognito window.


  • A collection of industry and market research and information on consumers.

Harvard Business Review (Online)

  • Includes information on brands, products, marketing, and advertising.

Nexis Uni

  • Provides the most recent news and business stories and statistics on companies, products, consumers, and trends. For product sales search by product or product category. Under the Guided Search box: “what are you interested in?” choose “company info.”

PrivCo (you will need to set up an account – use your net-ID)

  • Database of financial data on privately-owned companies.

Wall Street Journal

  • Provides recent business news and information on companies, products, consumers, and trends.

Online Style Guides

APA Style Guide

Citing Online Advertising & Business Sources in APA

  • LibGuide containing APA citation guidelines and examples for citing advertising and business sources.

Consumer, Demographic, and Psychographic Information

Claritas 360

  • Evaluate market segments by linking consumer behaviors for shopping, financial, media, and much more.


  • A collection of industry and market research and information on consumers.

Roper Center for Public Opinion Research

  • Online database of public opinion polls containing full-text results of surveys.

Pew Research Center (public opinion research)

  • Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research.


  • Provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries.

Vital Statistics of the United States

  • contains birth, life expectancy, death, and other selected health data.

Demographic eBooks

Advertising Rates and Data

SRDS Advertising Rates and Data

  • Digital Media
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Broadcast Media (Radio, TV, cable)
  • Out-of-Home Media
  • Claritas 360
  • Market Maps & Data

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