Materials pertaining to American Indians are collected by many subject specialists of the University Library. The Native American Studies Bibliography Committee was formed in 2001 to respond to growing interest on campus in the cultures and history of American Indians. Current members include Kathleen Kluegel (English Library), Mary Mallory (Government Documents Library), JoAnn Jacoby (Education and Social Sciences Library) and Mary Stuart (History and Philosophy Library). This structure reflects the highly interdisciplinary nature of Native American studies and allows us to pool expertise as well as resources. A small fund for acquisition of materials in Native American Studies was created by Karen Schmidt, Associate University Librarian for Collections, in 2001, to augment the individual subject funds (history, religion, English, anthropology, government documents). The Library’s holdings in Native American Studies are extraordinary rich, particularly in history and anthropology. Our collection of primary source material includes one of the nation’s leading repositories of government documents, as well as extensive newspaper holdings, microfilm of numerous archival collections, and a rich collection of Americana in the Rare Books and Manuscript Library.
Version Date: April, 2005