Honoring Our Faculty Achievements 2000 - Collections

Guns, Gems and Steel

Jared Diamond

Andrew G. Alleyne

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Identification and Control of Sheet and Film Processes: Advances in Industrial Control

Andrew P. Featherstone, Jeremy G. VanAntwerp, and Richard D. Braatz

This is the definitive text on the control of sheet and film processes. Products of these
processes include paper, bumper stickers, plastic bags, windshield safety glass, and sheet metal.
The text is based mostly on the research of my first two graduate students.

Richard D. Braatz

Chemical Engineering


Introduction to Fourier Optics

Joseph W. Goodman

Fourier Optics marks the transition of optics from physical to information science. This
is the most important book in my field.

David Brady

Electrical and Computer Engineering



Joseph Heller

Catch-22 is a masterpiece of satirical humor. I’ve read many other pieces of good fiction,
but none compare as well to
Catch-22. It is, by far, my favorite book.

Don Bullock

Crop Sciences


Visual Explanations

Edward R. Tufte

Colleen Busbell

School of Art & Design


Fundamental Neuroscience

Michael J. Zigmond, Floyd E. Bloom, Story C. Landis, Larry R. Squire (eds.)

I chose
Fundamental Neuroscience because it is one of the best textbooks in the field.

Akira Chiba

Cell and Structural Biology


Einstein’s Dreams

Alan Lightman

It is the book that most moved me during my time at UIUC. Here is a book that takes an
incredibly difficult topic—the nature of time and how Einstein might have conceived of it—a nd
creates a beautifully written journey through the various possibilities. The journey is basically a
series of variations on a theme, as beautifully crafted as any by Bach or Rachmaninoff, that
illuminate as well as they entertain. Those of us who are simultaneously scientists and educators
all aspire to be able to do exactly that; never have I seen it done better.

Neal J. Cohen

Psychology, Beckman Institute, and Neuroscience Program


The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickinson (ed. R. W. Franklin)

Emily Dickinson is the greatest poet in U. S. History, though she was unpublished during her
lifetime. The two volume
Manuscript Books show exactly how she left her poems—how she self-published them. For this
The Manuscript Books are an indispensable resource for scholars.

Tim Dean



The Chicano Political Experience: Three Perspectives

F. Chris Garcia and Rudolph O. de la Garza

The Chicano Political Experience: Three Perspectives was the first step in the rigorous
study of Latino politics. It offers both theoretical insights and empirical rigor. All scholarly
analysis of Latino politics that have been published since 1977 (including my own work) owe it a
debt of gratitude.

Louis DeSipio

Political Science


Designing Evaluations of Educational and Social Programs

L. J. Cronbach

Lee Cronbach is a remarkable scholar and a great mentor to me. This book has greatly influenced
my practice.

Lizanne DeStefano

Educational Psychology


The Development, Nutrition, and Management of the Young Calf

Carl L. Davis and James K. Drackley

I selected this book because of the pride in, and gratitude to, the University of Illinois for
providing the intellectual environment to pursue a scholarly task such as represented by this book.
In addition, I feel that it will provide additional recognition for my co-author, Professor
Emeritus Carl L. Davis. Dr. Davis has been a friend and mentor to me in my initial decade at
the U of I, and I owe him a large debt of gratitude.

James K. Drackley

Animal Sciences


Paul, The Apostle of the Heart, Set Free

F. F. Bruce

The summer that I began my graduate study was one of particular stress. Packing up a family,
renting our house and driving across country to the University of Southern California for one year
was taking its toll on me. Shortly after arriving and beginning study, I discovered this book, and
found it refreshing to my soul and mind. It is a story of a man who turns his life 180 degrees
around in the opposite direction and runs a race that benefits his entire person for eternity.

Michael E. Ewald

School of Music


Open Channel Hydraulics

Ven Te Chow

As an undergraduate water resources engineering student in Santa Fe, Argentina, we used this
book as a textbook. The book author, the late Professor Ven Te Chow, played a major role in
developing the field of water resources engineering, including hydrology and hydraulics, both
nationally and internationally. As a student, I never imagined that one day I would become a
professor at the University of Illinois, where Dr. Chow had taught and done research.

Marcelo H. Garcia

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Antiguedades de México, basadas en la recopilanción de Lord Kingsborough

José Corona-Nuñez (editor)

Based on the 1831 publication of indigenous Mexican painted ‘books’ by Lord Kingsborough, this
4-volume set proved invaluable to my doctoral research and subsequent book on Aztec historical
legends. The second volume is now missing, and I would be pleased to see the set made whole again
by its replacement.

Susan D. Gillespie



Handbook of Research on Teaching (4
th ed.)

V. Richardson

This extensive volume captures and synthesizes the most significant research that has been
completed within the field of education. It is the first time in nearly three decades that chapters
have been devoted to the specific subject matter areas that encompass all realms of educational
research. The text is personally meaningful because I had the honor of being invited to write the
chapter that reviewed the current research on physical education. It is a celebration of the
accomplishments of many investigators and of how far the field has progressed within the past two

Kim C. Graber



Illustrated Dictionary of Mycology

M. Ulloa and R. Hanlin

I selected this book because of its content that includes many illustrations. I think this book
will stimulate the minds of people that have not been exposed to this kind of diversity and beauty
in nature. The illustrations alone should stimulate the imagination of most people.

Glen Hartman

Crop Sciences


To Read or Not to Read: Answers to all your Questions about Dyslexia

Daphne M. Hurford

Our son, Dale, has dyslexia. I selected this book in honor of him and to recognize the hard work
he has done to learn to read.

Brent J. Heuser

Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering


The Structures of Scientific Revolutions

Thomas S. Kuhn

Lillian Hoddeson



Fonetica Historica Vasca

Luis Michelena

Jose Ignacio Hualde

Spanish, Italian & Portuguese


Close to Home

Juan C. Guerra

Close to Home adds new information useful for understanding the literate and oral
language competence of Mexican immigrants. I found his discussion of multiple literacies that he
identified within the Mexican immigrant community particularly interesting.

Robert Jiminez

Curriculum and Instruction


Corporate Creativity

Alan G. Robinson and Sam Stern

Corporate Creativity provides a fascinating look at creative acts in the workplace and
documents how they occurred and what impact they had on the work environment. The book is very
readable and does a great job of synthesizing six common elements that support creative activity in
the workplace.

Scott D. Johnson

Human Resource Education


Advice to a Young Scientist

P. B. Medawar

Laxmikant V. Kale

Computer Science


Sacred Spaces and Public Quarrels: African Cultural and Economic Landscapes

Ezekiel Kalipeni and Paul T. Zeleza

It contributed greatly to my tenure process as I am one of the editors.

Ezekiel Kalipeni



Italian Folktales

Italo Galvino

I read stories from Italo Calvino’s
Italian Folktales to our daughters often during my probationary period. Through their
questions and wonders about these tales, we discussed the queries about the human condition that
anthropologists dwell upon. Our conversations have given anthropology an added significance to

William F. Kelleher



Insights in Decision Making

R. Hogarth (ed.)

This book was the product of a memorial conference in honor of Hillel Einhorn, who was my mentor
and role model.

Don Kleinmuntz

Business Administration


Jim Leedy: Artist Across Boundaries

Matthew Kangas

I chose the Jim Leedy book for a number of reasons. For example, Jim is an interdisciplinary
artist who has been a prolific and significant contributor to the ceramic arts movement of the
latter part of the 20th century. He is a gifted teacher, lecturer, artist, gallery owner and
promoter of the ceramic arts. He has taught at the Kansas City Art Institute for approximately
thirty years. His influence is international, and his strength as an artist in his 70s is reaching
a zenith. I also wanted to choose a book that was about a living artist. I had originally thought
The Grapes of Wrath, my all-time favorite book, or a book about Jackson Pollock, my
all-time favorite artist, but I wanted something in my field, by someone who inspires me that is
still active/alive, and doing it/living it.

Ron Kovatch

School of Art and Design


Leadership in Administration

Philip Selznick

Leadership in Administration has affected how I think about organizations more than any
other single work. Most of my research has drawn heavily upon ideas that were first developed in
this book, and I also use it in my teaching. I highly recommend it to anyone with a serious
interest in organizations and management.

Matthew Kraatz

Business Administration


All Creatures Great and Small

James Herriot

This book was the first in a series of four autobiographical books written by James Herriot, a
British, nonfiction writer (pen name for James Alfred Wright). This book and the three volumes
which followed chronicled the daily life of a country veterinarian in rural Yorkshire at the
beginning of World War II. The appeal of this book for me is its humorous blend of sadness and joy
used to describe family and occupational endeavors while continually celebrating the love of

Mark S. Kuhlenschmidt

Veterinary Pathobiology


Events and Plurality: The Jerusalem Lectures

Fred Landman

Landman is a semanticist I respect very much, and this book relates very directly to my own
research on event-based approaches to the semantics of plurality. Landman was working on this book
during my research leave in Israel in the fall of 1995.

Peter Lasersohn




Elie Wiesel

Michael H. Leroy

Institute of Labor & Industrial Relations


The Theory of Island Biogeography

Robert H. MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson

MacArthur and Wilson’s book on island biogeography was an inspiring read for me in the spring of
1974. Although I was working at the time on an archaeological problem that was far removed from the
topic of this book, their approach was both enlightening and relevant. It made me view research
problem formulation, the calculus and the interpretive value of approximate answers in a new light.
To a certain extent, I am still profiting from and applying daily what I learned from reading it.
Most of the book reflects the brilliance of the principal author, Robert H. MacArthur, who died of
leukemia in his early 40s.

Barry Lewis



Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture

Carl E. Schorske

A farmer’s book by my former dissertation advisor; a classic of modern historical writing.

Harry Liebersohn



Bioinorganic Chemistry

Ivano Bertini, Henry B. Gray, Stephen J. Lippard, and Joan S. Valentine

This book, written by leading experts in my research field, was published in 1994, the same year
as the start of my career at the University of Illinois. Three of the four authors made significant
differences in my scientific career (Valentine as my PhD advisor, Gray as my postdoctoral advisor,
and Bertini as a long-time mentor/collaborator).

Yi Lu



Montaigne, Quelques Anciens et l’écriture des Essais

D. Coleman

I chose Montaigne because he is the best representative of the flowering of French humanism
during and after the religious wars in 16th century Europe. He addressed the issues of
pluralism, tolerance and the challenge of having individuals and groups with various mores and
opinions live together within the same society, all issues that are quite prominent in our world
today. I believe Montaigne, unlike many of his contemporaries, still speaks to many students
because of the very personal and engaging way in which he wrote his reflections on his own
experience and on human nature. Montaigne stood on the threshold of modernity; his mediations on
politics, the clash of cultures, the rise of individualism, the ambitions and limits of knowledge
and the complexities of the human experience remain an invaluable guide. His legacy is worth
preserving as an essential part of a liberal education.

Jean-Philippe Mathy



The Power Elite

C. Wright Mills

The final third of
The Power Elite may be the finest social criticism ever written by an American. The
astounding insights into the contradictions and bankruptcy of American social and political life
could have been written this morning, they still ring so true. They guide all of my own research,
teaching and activism.

Robert W. McChesney

Institute of Communications Research


Radiative Processes in Astrophysics

George B. Rybicki and Alan P. Lightman

I learned about radiative transfer, a fundamental physical process in astronomy, from this book
in graduate school at UC-Berkeley. I still refer to it as a professional astronomer.

Margaret Meixner



Pain and Suffering

William K. Livingston

This is the semi-autobiography of one of the pioneer clinician-scientists in my field, pain
research. It is a striking example of science at its best: astute clinical observations leading to
controlled experiments leading back to new clinical treatments. Livingston was an engaging writer,
and his conception of pain was far ahead of his time.

Jeff Mogil



Bondmen and Rebels

David Barry Gaspar

Through its history of colonial slave revolt in Antigua, my country of origin, this book
provides a clear picture of the terms of Caribbean cultural identity. It thus serves to define and
describe the pride I take in being a West Indian.

Adlai Murdoch



Message Effects Research: Principles of Design and Analysis

Sally Jackson

Much communication research aims at assessing general claims about message effects. This book
offers important insights into recurring issues in the design and analysis of experiments
concerning such effects, housing its treatment within a larger frame that emphasizes identification
of the argumentative burdens associated with research claims.

Daniel J. O’Keefe

Speech Communication


Journey With Children: The Autobiography of a Teacher

Frances Pockman Hawkins

Frances Pockman Hawkins and her husband, David have written movingly of their commitment to
children and teaching. In this wonderful book she tells us of her lifelong work with children in
poverty and involvement as a teacher in issues of social justice. Through her writings, she has
inspired my own teaching and research and I have patterned much of my work, teaching science to
young children, after her.

Margery Osborne

Curriculum and Instruction


The Morphology of Chinese: A Linguistic and Cognitive Approach

Jerome L. Packard

I selected this book because it best characterizes who I am as a person and a scholar.

Jerome Packard

East Asian Languages and Cultures


History and Class Consciousness

Georg Lukacs

This was the first work of critical theory which I read as a junior in college, and my
excitement in reading it convinced me that I wanted to become a social theorist. I was particularly
affected by Lukacs’ critical Marxist exegeses of everyday life words and ideas in capitalist
society. It was unlike any book I had ever read either in sociology or philosophy, and had a great
impact on my thinking for this reason, and on the direction of my future studies.

Andrea L. Press

Institute of Communication Research, Speech Communication, Women’s Studies and Sociology


Grove Karl Gilbert: A Great Engine of Research

Stephen J. Pyne

Grove Karl Gilbert was a brilliant geographer, geologist and conservationist who has been hailed
as the “Father of Modern Geomorphology.” In heroic prose, Stephen J. Pyne details the life, talents
and remarkable accomplishments of this revered scientist. Gilbert’s example of how to combine
multiple conceptual perspectives within an integrated investigative framework to understand the
complexity of earth-surface systems endures as a benchmark of excellence for geomorphological

Bruce Rhoads



Single-Channel Recording (second edition)

Bert Sakmann and Erwin Neher

Ion channels are proteins found in all living cells. They open and close, enabling tiny
electrical currents to flow into and out of cells. Sakmann and Neher won the 1991 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine for the development of a technique which can record these tiny currents
passing through a single ion channel. The technique revolutionized the field and one part of my
work is dedicated to extending this technique. Specifically, we are trying to measure not just
electrical properties of single ion channels, but to measure shape changes within single ion
channel as it passes the electrical currents.

Paul Selvin

Physics and Biophysics Center


Pipelined Adaptive Digital Filters

Naresh Shanbhag and Keshab K. Parhi

This research monograph describes the technique of relaxed look-ahead pipelining of adaptive
digital filters. This technique breaks the wall between algorithm and architecture design by
seamlessly integrating issues in both domains thereby enabling the design of high-speed equalizers
for communication systems. This book achieves the noble goal of bridging the gap between theory and

Naresh Shanbhag

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Opinions and Personality

M. Brewster Smith, Jerome S. Bruner, and Robert W. White

Opinions and Personality was one of the first publications to kindle my interest in
public opinion and individual motivation. It is a classic volume, and I cite it in virtually
everything I publish. Smith, Bruner, and White were the first to pose the critical question, ‘Of
what use to a man are his opinions?’ This query enriched the study of attitudes and persuasion for
decades to come.

Sharon Shavitt

Department of Advertising


Teaching/Discipline: A Positive Approach for Educational Development

Clifford K. Madsen and Charles H. Madsen

Written by my PhD advisor, dear friend, and mentor, Clifford Madsen, this book represents a
clear and humanitarian view on the processes of teaching, learning, and applications to life. It
should be read by teachers, parents, students, administrators. The book represents LIFE

Deborah A. Sheldon

School of Music


Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character

Richard P. Feynman

The book was recommended to me by one of my professors during my PhD program, and it had a
profound influence on my perspective on research and academia.

Marjorie K. Shelley



The History of Deaf People: A Source Book

Per Eriksson

I selected
The History of Deaf People to commemorate my promotion to Associate Professor. I am the
hearing daughter of deaf parents. I grew up in the deaf community. My goal is to raise the “hearing
world’s” awareness of this culture and their (sign) language through my scholarship, my teaching,
and my commitment to improving the education of deaf children living in the United States.

Jenny L. Singleton

Educational Psychology


The Emergence of Bacterial Genetics

Thomas D. Brock

Bacterial genetics is the foundation of modern molecular biology that has generated and will
generate many of the medical breakthroughs that we hear about everyday. This is a nicely written
and very readable account of the history of bacterial genetics. It is enjoyable for both ‘new’ and ‘
seasoned’ molecular biologists, but it is also accessible to a more general audience.

Jim Slauch



Indian Country, God’s Country: Native Americans and the National Parks

Philip Burnham

The national parks of the U.S. are traditionally viewed as some idealized and sacred landscape,
unsullied by humans, and isolated as “vignettes of primitive America.” The imprint of Native
Americans is often minimized or completely erased to further the Anglo myth of pristinity. With
Indian Country, God’s Country, Philip Burnham provides insight to the plurality of
meanings represented by landscapes of the national parks and, in doing so, forces us to reconsider
the meaning of our national parks within an historical context that recognizes Native American
cultures and their homeland.

William Stewart

Department of Leisure Studies


Geometric Measure Theory: A Beginner’s Guide

Frank Morgan

Geometric Measure Theory is a beautiful framework for proving the existence of optimal
geometries like least-area bubble clusters. Unfortunately, the standard reference on GMT, by its
inventor Federer, is unreadable. Frank Morgan’s wonderful book finally makes GMT accessible; the
third edition incorporates late-breaking news on the latest results.

John M. Sullivan



Culture and Imperialism

Edward W. Said

I choose Edward Said’s
Culture and Imperialism, a model of cultural and textual analysis. This book compels us to
rethink the problem of cultural representation. In it, Said continues his groundbreaking work—begun
Orientalism, the World, the Text, and the Critic, and the Question of Palestine—impressing
upon intellectuals the need to represent the under-represented, to work for social change, and to
expose the constraints inscribed in art, culture, and scholarship by authority and power.

Zohreh T. Sullivan



Majestic Lights

Robert H. Eather

This book describes the Aurora, a subject of my research, in science, history, and the arts.
I’ve been among the “privileged few to see the mystic luminaries of the arctic and antarctic skies.
– there is no doubt that the aurora is the most spectacular and awe-inspiring of nature’s
phenomena.” Bob Eather is a long-time friend and colleague.

Gary R. Swenson

Electrical & Computer Engineering


Music, Modernity and the Global Imagination: South Africa and the West

Veit Erlmann

Thomas Turino

School of Music


Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Thomas Kuhn

Numerous books, ranging from Edward Said’s
Orientalism to the poetry of Mohammad Iqbal, would have qualified for this selection.
Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn, however, holds the distinction of most
dramatically changing my perception of an exercise that I have been closely associated with
(process of scientific discovery) than any other.

Rizwan Uddin

Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering


Barriers to Riches

S. Parente and E. C. Prescott

This is an excellent book about an important problem: Why do some countries have very high
standards of living while others do not? The book (i) proposes a clear and simple theory; and (ii)
shows how the theory can be used in examine competing hypotheses.

Anne Villamil



Merce Cunningham: Fifty Years

Chronicle and Commentary by David Vaugh, Edited by Melissa Harris

Merce Cunningham was my teacher for many years. His work has had a significant impact on me as
an artist and teacher. The work of Merce Cunningham has been at the forefront of change in
contemporary dance all over the world. He is a revolutionary who has changed the way we see.

Renee Wadleigh



Soil Landscape Analysis

Francis D. Hole and James B. Campbell

I selected this book in honor of Francis Hole who shared his heart and his mind with his
students. While an undergraduate at UW-Madison, I was lucky to have taken the last lecture course
he taught; that course previewed the material contained in Soil Landscape Analysis. His life and
works combined integrity, beauty and intellectual effort. His songs about soil formation weren’t
half-bad either.

Michelle Wander

Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences


Spineless Wonders: Strange Tales from the Invertebrate World

Richard Conniff

Conniff does a wonderful job of making scientific information about insects and other
invertebrates interesting and entertaining. It’s fun to read (and still very informative).

Richard A. Weinzierl

Crop Sciences


Psychoneuroimmunology: An Interdisciplinary Introduction

Manfred Schedlowski and Uwe Tewes

I teach a graduate course on this topic that utilizes this textbook.

Jeffrey A. Woods
