Since 2012, the National Central Library of Taiwan started to establish the TRCCS (Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies) in overseas academic and research institutes. The aim of the TRCCS is to put forward the information exchange of Chinese studies through communicating with sinology institutes around the world, therefore, in a larger and longer scope, to promote Eastern and Western culture communication on the contemporary informational platform.
TRCCS Resources
TRCCS ILL Services
Date/Time: November 14, 2017 to December 2017
Location: Main Library Room 309, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801
Exhibit Summary:
Paper is one of the most important inventions in human civilization. The invention of paper as a medium to deliver thoughts has a direct impact on the development of books and civilization, since paper has been the most important material for the development of books from ancient to modern times. The subject of this exhibition is paper, including the invention of papermaking, the origins of written books, the invention and development of printing, and book-binding art, among others. The Rare Book Collection of the National Central Library and contemporary publications in Taiwan are also part of the exhibition which allows visitors to learn about the fascinating history of paper culture and to understand the important role played by paper and books in the history of human civilization.
Date/Time: November 14, 2017, Tuesday 10:00-12:00
Location: International and Area Studies, 309 Main Library, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801
On November 14th, 2017, the opening ceremony of the exhibit of “The Fascinating Culture of Books” will be hold at 309 Main Library, indicating the partnership between International and Area Studies Library will partner with National Central Library of Taiwan. The collection for this exhibit is composed of materials from the Rare Book Collection of the National Central Library and contemporary publications in Taiwan. The ceremony will include an introduction to the exhibit, as well as a lecture. During the ceremony, the replica of two valuable rare books, Annotated Poetry of Su Dongpo (註東坡先生詩) and Diamond Sutra (金剛經), will be given to IAS as presents. The former is more than 800 years old, and the latter is the earliest wood block print book with dual color in the world.
Event Program:
- 10:00-10:20 Remarks
- 10:20-10:25 Signing of Cooperation Agreements
- 10:25-10:30 Books Donation & Souvenirs Exchange Ceremonies
- 10:30-10:35 Launching of the TRCCS (plaque revealing)
- 10:35-10:45 Group Photos
- 10:45-11:45 Taiwan Lectures on Chinese Studies (introduction by Witt)
- 11:45-12:00 Introduction of the Exhibit (by NCL)
Speaker: Kai-Wing Chow Ph.D, professor of History, East Asian Languages and Cultures, and Medieval Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Lecture Summary:
Traditional Chinese printing technologies—both xylography and movable type—have produced rich and heterogeneous print cultures in China, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The versatile woodblock technology by virtue of its technological singularity and operational simplicity have facilitated not only the spread of printing technology itself in China and beyond, but also the formation of a unique book culture as well as a society where prints were extensively used in important aspects of life in imperial China.
Subject Specialist
Bing Wang 王冰, Ph.D.
Chinese Studies Librarian