Research Tools
Date Converter and Chinese Dates
- Chinese Dynasty Table 歷代帝王紀年表
- 2000 Year Chinese-Western Calendar Converter 兩千年中西曆轉換
- A Practical Guide to Chinese Date Conversion
- Learn More About Chinese Dates
- Date Converter (Between Chinese Lunar and Western)
Currency Conversion
Chinese Romanization
- Chinese Romanization Rules of Application (ALA-Library of Congress) –Beginning October 1, 2000, American libraries adopted pinyin romanization scheme for Chinese characters. The use of a single romanization is to enhance the flow of information and to facilitate the exchange of data with libraries internationally.
- Library of Congress’ Guidelines for Chinese Romanization
- Wade-Giles to Pinyin Conversion Table
Digital Humanity
Text Analysis
- MARKUS: Classical Chinese Text Analysis and Reading Platform 古籍半自动标记平台 — Leiden University: See instructional videos and examples
- Tools for Chinese Text Project 中國哲學書電子化計劃
- Constellate: Dataset Builder from JSTOR, see brief tutorial
- 知识图谱
- China Maps
- China in Time and Space (CITAS) 中國時空 — University of Washington
- China Historical GIS — Harvard Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies
- Chinese Academic Mapping Platform
- CHGIS 时空地名查询辞典
- Harvard WorldMap: build one’s own map
Web-Publishing Platform
- Omeka User’s Guide
e.g. Yellow Peril Redux: From Coolies to Concentration Camps, Trade Wars, and Coronavirus
Digital Humanities in China 中国数字人文
Generative AI: Best Practices
- Microsoft Copilot with Data Protection
- JSTOR Research Tool (Beta) : personal account required
University Resource
- LibGuide: Digital Approaches to Research
- Python: LibGuides; Free Python Programming Resources
- Text Mining Tools and Methods — introduction for text analysis (word frequencies, network analysis, visualizations, etc.)
- Innovation and Discovery in Engineering & the Arts (IDEA) Lab : access to the latest emerging technologies, such as AR and VR equipment, high-end gaming computers, 3D printing, podcasting equipment, etc.
- Innovation Studio : technology on display: 360° camera, 3D scanning and printing, AR, VR, etc.
- Media Commons : provide hardware, software and expertise related to the creation and production of digital media
- Illinois Computes
General Sites
- American Historical Association
- Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
- Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs (MCAA)
- Asia Week New York
- Academia
- China Culture 中国文化网
- China Economic Information Network 中国经济信息网
- China Macroeconomics Network 中国宏观经济信息网
- Chinaknowlege–History
- Congressional-Executive Commission on China
- Taiwan Government Information 台湾政府信息
- GovHK 香港政府一站通
- 澳門政府入口網站
- WWW Virtual Library Aisa