- Chinese Classic Ancient Books Series Database 中华经典古籍库 (through Jan 31, 2025)
Contemporary Journals, Magazines, Newspapers, and Conference Proceedings
- Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館
- Biblioteca Virtual de Macau 澳門虛擬圖書館 — Journals
- China/Asia On Demand (CAOD) (Oriprobe Information Services) pay per use journal articles database
- China Online Journals 中国学术期刊数据库 (万方数据)
- CNKI 中国知网 (China National Knowledge Infrastructure 中国知识基础设施工程) English Interface, Simplified Chinese Interface
- 读秀 (University IP required)
- Hong Kong Journals Online
- Sinica Sinoweb 中研院經典人文學刊
- Taiwan Open Access Journals 臺灣學術期刊開放取用平台
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- ProQust
Contemporary Ebooks
- Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館
- Biblioteca Virtual de Macau 澳門虛擬圖書館 — Eboos
- China-US Million Book Digital Library Project 高等学校中英文图书数字化国际合作计划
- E-Books for NCL’s TRCCS and TADRC Partner Institutions 臺灣學術數位資源中心電子書平臺
- Open Books Hong Kong
- EBSCO Discovery Service
- ProQust
- Biblioteca Virtual de Macau 澳門虛擬圖書館 — Dissertation
- CNKI 中国知网 (China National Knowledge Infrastructure 中国知识基础设施工程) English Interface, Simplified Chinese Interface
- China Dissertations Database 中国学位论文全文数据库 (万方数据)
- Chinese University of Hong Kong Electronic Theses & Dissertations Collection
- Foreign Sinologists Dissertation Abstract Database 典藏國際漢學博士論文摘要資料庫
- National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 — Personal account required
- University of Hong Kong Theses
- ProQuest Dissertation
Gazette 地方志 and Archives
- Bibliography of Local Gazetteers of Chinese Provinces 中國大陸各省地方志書目查詢系統
- China Local Gazetteers (万方数据)
- China Comprehensive Gazetteers 中国综合方志库
- Hong Kong Chronicles Institute 香港地方志中心
- Hong Kong Government Reports Online (1842–1941)
- Hong Kong SAR Gazette
- Macao SAR Gazette
- 國家檔案資訊網
Historical Materials (Chinese Original Texts)
- Chinese Text Project 中國哲學書電子化計劃
- Digital Archive of Rare Books 善本古籍數位典藏系統
- Reconstruction of the Momijiyama-bunko Library: Digital 紅葉山文庫
- Modern History Databases 近代史數位資料庫 — 清代檔案與史料, 性別與婦女史, 近代城市史料, 海關資料, etc.
- Rare Books Digital Images Database System 古籍與特藏文獻資源 — 金石拓片資料, 晚清期刊, etc.
- Siku Quanshu (Wenyuange Edition) 文淵閣四庫全書電子版 — This is a client database for current students, faculty, and staff of this campus ONLY. For name and password, please contact Wendy Allen Shelburne, Please use IE to download.
Historical Materials (from Foreign Sources)
- Area Studies: China and Southeast Asia (AM Primary Sources)– A varied array of records of traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, from the mid-seventeenth century to the late twentieth century
- Asian Studies (Gale Primary Sources: Archives Unbound)
- Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange (Gale Primary Sources: Nineteenth Century Collections Online)– Despatches from U.S. Consuls in China; Missionary Files: Methodist Episcopal Church Missionary Correspondence (China, Japan, Korea); Notes from the Chinese Legation in the United States to the Department of State; Selected Records of the U.S. Legation in China
- China, America and the Pacific (AM Primary Sources)
- China: Culture and Society (AM Primary Sources)– Pamphlets from Cornell University Library’s Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia
- China: Trade, Politics & Culture (AM Primary Sources) — Sources from the School of Oriental and African Studies and the British Library, London: 1793–1980
- China and the Modern World: Diplomacy and Political Secrets, 1869–1950 (Gale Primary Sources) — A compilation of China-related historical documents selected from three series within the India Office Records: the Political and Secret Department Records, the Burma Office records, and the Records of the Military Department
- China and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain and China, 1841–1951 (Gale Primary Sources) — Digitized from the British Colonial Office records grouped under the CO 129 Series titled “War and Colonial Department and Colonial Office: Hong Kong, Original Correspondence”
- CO129 Index (HKU Libraries)
- Foreign Office Files for China, 1919–1980 (AM Primary Sources)
- HathiTrust
- Internet Archive
Historical Newspapers and Periodicals
- Bilingual Database and Annotated Bibliography of Cantonese Popular Periodicals of the Early Twentieth Century 二十世紀初省港澳通俗刊物雙語資料庫
- Chinese Periodical Full-text Database (CNBKSY) 全国报刊索引
- East Asian Newspapers and Periodicals 1850–1950
- Eastern Miscellany 東方雜誌
- Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO) — University of Heidelberg
- Index to the Periodicals Published during the Late Qing and Republican Eras
- Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers — Center for Research Libraries (CRL)
- Ling Long 玲瓏
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers Collection
- ProQuest South China Morning Post
- Shen Bao Digital Archive 申报
- 華人剪報資料庫
- University of Illinois Library Newspaper Database
Selected Digital Projects
- Biblioteca Virtual de Macau 澳門虛擬圖書館
- China Government Employee Database—Qing《缙绅录》
- China Studies Digital Archives Mapping Project — Open databases and primary source repositories — American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)
- Chinese Picture Story Books Digital Library 中国连环画数字图书馆
- Chinese University of Hong Kong Library-Digitized Collections 香港中文大学图书馆-数码馆藏
- Companies & Products of China: China Business Reference (Oriprobe Information Services)
- Digital Dunhuang 数字敦煌
- Digital Silk Road Project
- Grand Secretariat archives 內閣大庫檔案
- University of Hong Kong Libraries Digital Repository 香港大学图书馆-数码馆藏
- Historical Photographs of China
- International Dunhuang Programme (IDP) 國際敦煌項目
- Ivy Plus Libraries’ Digital Projects on East Asia
- My China Roots 中華家脉
- MIT Visualizing Cultures
- Virtual Shanghai Project
- Zhang Letian Fieldwork Database 张乐天联民村数据库
Full Text Delivery
- Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery
- University of Pittsburgh’s East Asian Library: East Asian Gateway Service (EAGS) — The service focuses on free delivery of full-text Chinese and Korean language academic publications to researchers.