About the Collection


Below are writings that trace the history of assembling this collection. If you have noticed additional materials concerning this topic, please contact the Chinese Studies Librarian.


  • Jiang, Shuyong 蔣樹勇, ed. Meiguo Yilinuoyi daxue tushuguan Zhongwen guji mulu 美國伊利諾伊大學圖書館中文古籍目錄 [An Illustrated Catalogue of Ancient Chinese Books in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library]. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2020.
  • Tubuxin 土布新. “Yida tushuguan jishi” 伊大圖書館紀事 [“A Brief History of the U of I Library”]. Xiangbin congkan 香檳叢刊 [Champaign Chinese Magazine] 8 (2018): 21–7.
  • Wang, Xie 汪燮. “Yida Zhongwen tushu ziyuan fazhan huigu: Diyige ershiwu nian (1965–90)” 伊大中文图书馆资源发展回顾—第一个二十五年(一九六五—九零)[“A Review of the Development of the Chinese Library Resources at the University of Illinois—The First Twenty-Five Years (1965–1990)”]. Xiangbin Jikan 香檳季刊 [C-U Chinese Quarterly] 1. 4 (1992): 18–21.
  • Wei, Karen T. “Treasures in the Cornfield: The East Asian Collection of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.” In Collecting Asia: East Asian Libraries in North America, 18682008, edited by Peter Zhou, 295–305. Ann Arbor, Mich: Association for Asian Studies, Inc., 2010.
  • Chinese Version: Chen, Tongli 陈同丽. “Yumi di zhong de zhenbao: Yilinuoyi daxue Ebenna–Xiangbin fenxiao de Dongya guan cang” 玉米地中的珍宝:伊利诺伊大学厄本那–香槟分校的东亚馆藏 [“Treasures in the Cornfield: The East Asian Collection of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign”]. In Dongxue xijian: Beimei Dongya tushuguan 18682008 东学西渐: 北美东亚图书馆1868–2008 [Collecting Asia: East Asian Libraries in North America, 18682008], edited by Peter Zhou 周欣平, 335–46. Beijing: Gaodeng jiaoyu chubanshe, 2012.

  • Wilcox, Lucile Elizabeth. “History of the University of Illinois Library, 1868–1897.” Master’s thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1931.
  • Wolff, Ernst. “How I started the East Asian Library.” Xiangbin Jikan 香檳季刊 [C-U Chinese Quarterly] 3. 4–6 (1994): 32–3.