Where to Return Material
- Most items, including I-Share material – return to any Urbana campus library circulation desk or bookdrop
- Exceptions
- Loanable technology and video games – hand item to library staff at the circulation desk where you checked out the item
- Interlibrary Loan (NOT I-Share) materials – return to the Main Library Circulation Desk
- Fragile or Poor Condition items – hand item to library staff at the circulation desk where you checked out the item
- Recalled items – hand item to staff at a circulation desk
General Information
- Library materials can’t be returned through campus mail.
- Items are discharged from your account before being shipped back to the owning library.
- When your returned UIUC items are checked in, you’ll get a return receipt by email.
- Some I-Share libraries send return receipts by email when their items are returned, but others do not. To monitor your checked-out items in your Library account, click on the list of institutions on the side to see your current loans from each I-Share library.
- Urbana Free and Champaign Public Library material cannot be returned to U of I libraries.
Outside Bookdrops
Outside bookdrops can be found in the following locations:
- Funk ACES Library – Outside the south entrance (by the circle drive)
- Grainger Engineering Library – Southeast corner of the building (on the engineering quad, near the loading dock)
- Main Library – Southwest corner of the building, in the parking lot (upper level)
- Music Building – Outside the north entrance (opposite Krannert Center)
- U of I Library map and directory
Keep in mind the following when using a bookdrop:
- Advantages
- They’re available when the Library is closed.
- They’re convenient.
- Disadvantages
- Some items can’t be returned to a bookdrop (see Exceptions above).
- Items may not be discharged from your account as quickly. Most bookdrops are emptied daily when the library is open.
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