Patron Blocks - Borrowing

A block on your account prevents you from checking out new items and from renewing titles you already have checked out. Blocks can be caused by a variety of things, such as having too many overdue or lost items, outstanding library bills, or having an address in the library system that has “expired” (remained in the system beyond the date the library considers valid). If you are a student, outstanding library bills may also prevent your registration for classes, your graduation, or requests for transcripts. Please pay your library bills promptly.

You can see if your account is blocked by logging into your Library account. Once you’re logged in, click your name in the upper right corner, select “My Account” from the drop-down menu, and then check the “Blocks + messages” section. For more information and help with your account, please contact the library’s circulation department.

If you have a question about a bill, consult the Library Billing Office, located on the second floor of the Main Library (room 203). Their contact information is:

Phone: 217-333-8288
Fax: 217-244-4358

Common “Block” Messages

You may receive any of the following messages (or others, depending on your situation) when your account is blocked:

  • Your patron record expired, or your address in your record is invalid or expired.
    • If this message is under the name of your home library and you are still affiliated, contact your library to find out if there are steps you can take to activate your account.
    • If this message is under the name of a library other than your own home library (such as an I-Share library you have borrowed books from in the past), it is safe to ignore the message. Any future transaction with that library will automatically update this portion of your record.
  • Recalled items are needed by another user. In order to request more items you must return some of your overdue recalled items.
  • You have __ overdue items that are now assumed lost. The limit for your patron group is __.
    • Contact the particular library these items are from for more information on how to remove the block.