Requesting a New Position for a Hourly Employee

Last revised: 9/27/2022

A PowerPoint version of these instructions with screenshots is available here.

  1. Go to and log-in using your NetID and password
  2. Check that you are on the departments tab
  3. Click on the “Select a Department” drop down menu and select the org. code/department you are adding a position for
  4. Determine how to request the position:
    • If the person is listed in the org, select “Add Job” on their current position. If you do not see the button for “Add Job” please submit a ticket to Library IT letting them know you need access to that org. code
    • If the person is not listed in the org, select “Hire New Employee…”
      • Enter the employee’s NetID or UIN. If they are brand new to the U of I and do not have a NetID or UIN, please enter their first and last name into this box and add their email in the General Record Notes so they can be contacted.
      • Answer yes or no to the next three questions. If you are unsure what the answer is, please contact the employee.
  5. Effective Date: You must enter the first day you would like the employee to begin working. This may be changed to a later date by HR during the hiring process to stay in compliance with government and campus rules.
  6. Enter the C-FOP account number. The org number will be filled in automatically, make sure it is correct. If you are unsure which C-FOP to use, please contact the Library Business Office at
  7. Replace the pay rate with the correct pay rate for the position. Contact the Library Human Resources Hourly Employment Coordinator (information at end of instructions) for current rates.
  8. Enter the expected number of hours the employee will be working each week. If their schedule has not been determined yet, please provide your best guess.
  9. The late shift differential box should be left blank. If a late shift differential is needed, request the regular pay rate/position then add a separate job for their late shift pay rate/position.
  10. Enter notes if there is anything you would like the Library Business Office or Library Human Resources to know.
  11. Enter notes for IT. This is where you let IT know what your employee will need permission/access to. Be as descriptive as possible.
  12. Library Human Resources will enter the position number. Please leave this blank.
  13. Upload a job description. Job descriptions must be uploaded for Graduate Hourly, Extra Help, and Academic Hourly positions. Library Human Resources will contact you if a needed job description is not uploaded.
  14. Select the employee type for the position.
  15. If the employee will be hired on federal work study (FWS) funds, please check this box.
  16. Click Ok to submit the request. If you do not receive a warning message, the request has been submitted.
    • If you receive a warning message, check that the information you entered is correct. If it is, click the box next to Override Warnings and make sure the job description is still uploaded (if you uploaded one). Click Ok again. Please contact the Library Human Resources Hourly Employment Coordinator (information below) if you are unsure about overriding a warning.

Important: New positions must not start until the supervisor identified in JOYCE has received an automated email from stating that the position has been approved. Once the supervisor has received this email, the employee is cleared to start working as soon as the effective date on the Library Hourly Employment Record in the email.

Please contact the Library Human Resources Hourly Employment Coordinator, Grace Flavin ( if you have any questions about JOYCE or hourly employment.