Last revised: 9/27/2022
A PowerPoint version of these instructions with screenshots is available here.
- Go to and log-in using your NetID and password
- Check that you are on the departments tab
- Click on the “Select a Department” drop-down menu and select the org. code/department you are ending a position for
- Find the employee in the list for the org. code/department
- Determine which way you need to end the position:
- If you are ending all positions in an org. code for an employee, select “End All Jobs” on one of their current positions.
- End all jobs will not impact positions listed for other org. codes, positions at the library not requested through JOYCE like Graduate Assistantships, or other positions the employee may have on campus. This will be the only way to end the position if the employee only has one position in the org. code. You will not be able to add a new position for the employee for that org. until the End All Jobs has been approved.
- If you are ending one position for an employee that has more than one position in the org. code, select “End” on the job you want to end.
- End will only end that position and will not impact any other positions the employee has. This should be selected if the employee has more than one position in the org. code and you do not want to end all of them.
- If you are ending all positions in an org. code for an employee, select “End All Jobs” on one of their current positions.
- Effective Date: You must enter the last day that the employee will work for you.
- General Record Notes: give a short explanation of why the job(s) need to be ended
- Notes for Library IT: let IT know what permission/access you need removed for this employee
- Select yes or no for Would You Rehire?
- Click Ok to submit the request
- You may receive a warning message if the effective date you entered has already passed. Please check that the date is correct, click the override warnings box at the top, and click Ok again.
Please contact Grace Flavin ( if you have any questions about JOYCE or hourly employment.